Footage of HL2 with CS: CZ


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Looking at the blurb for CS CZ it says on the advert...
Includes 20mins of exlusive Half Life 2 footage.

Is it new? Doubt it.

Also its been delayed until Feb 2004 !!! :dozey:
heheh, yeah!

And I have no idea what the new footage is. Its probably not even new. Allthough it could be the unreleased bink vids or sumthin?
That's the old boxart. That's Ritual's work, they haven't shown the Turtle Rock Studios box yet..

So, basically, it's unknown if CZ will have HL2 footage anymore. And, wouldn't it be cool if it did have the E3 video, but it was in it's full glory (Bink)? I'd love to see the techdemo, buggy and strider maps in Bink format.

It'd almost make sense if that's what it was, as they could post those videos to STEAM shortly after.. I guess it wouldn't be exclusive then, but, ya never know
CZ has nothing new visual wise now. Of course it looks dated.

It's just bot-match gameplay where you earn points to "buy" smarter bots.. the only graphical changes are the reskinned basic maps, simple player shadows, and "detail textures"..

Whatever's left of Ritual's work was left in the "Deleted Scenes" extra in the game.. shame really
CS:CZ is such a great idea, heres why!

1. Its old dated engine will make gfx who*es not play it.
2. This time next year CS fans will be playing CS2
3. Its got hardly anything new
4. the SP will be a botmatch...

Wait a sec... x.x
It says 20 minutes of exclusive video, reusing the already released video wouldn't make it exclusive so my guess is that its new stuff.
If it's cheap on Steam, I'll get it.
Me too I can buy somehting without my wife finding the receipt in my pocket or the box in my trunk yeah!
Originally posted by Stryyder
Me too I can buy somehting without my wife finding the receipt in my pocket or the box in my trunk yeah!

Hehe, you sounded just like my uncle there. :D
He lives by the same philosophy...
Confused... >___<

But what else is new, huh?

Seems like I'm always gettin' confused these days... I must be getting too old for this kind of stuff. (*cough*16!*cough*)
Right CS:CZ's main focus is the new CS bot which has been in creation by Turtle Rock Studios all along. Ritual Software were employed to create a single player experience for CS and they did so by creating lots of linear story driven levels, new weapons, new models, new textures and new and updated multiplayer maps.

Valve can't have been happy with it, afterall the game was reviewed after Ritual had finished and it scored very mediocrely. Due to that I guess that Valve then asked TRS to re-do the single player part of the game with a Quake 3 Arena style botmatch. However, all the new player models and weapon models (?), and the Ritual single player episode have now been removed from the main game but is still acessable through the Deleted Scenes part of the game. The updated maps and textures are still there however for MP. No new weapons however.

So basically we've got a botmatch, a single player episode (which includes the new player models and weapon models, maybe the new weapons?), a new CS MP bot, an auto buy system for your fav. CS config. eg. MP5, Desert Eagle, Kevlar, 2 flashes and a frag; and an updated VGUI with an in game training thingy.

Not a massive change, but probably much more desirable than just Ritual's contributions alone.
Well I would rather have fun playing a game than playing an average linear based shooter. From what I've heard its worth buying just for the bots alone (now I can play against "humans" assured by the fact they are definately not cheating).

I also wouldn't really relate it to Quake 3. For one you have objectives and don't just mindlessly go about killing people. Secondly, Counter-Strike has a lot more tension because you don't just respawn when you die. Thirdly Quake 3 is shit (my opinion) and I could probably name about 20 MODs that are more fun to play.
Chris_D, you're also forgetting a few added graphical features

Simple player shadows, from what I hear (circular blobs under player models, althoug I could be wrong.. but I'm sure I read this somewhere), a sort-of bumpmapping effect (which they call detail textures) and more brush details such as backgrounds and awnings.

DeathMark, Chris_D was spot on comparing the bot-match to Q3. Although yes, there are extra incentives for say, using a FiveSeven in a mission as opposed to all the guns, it's basically the same. Q3, you earn extra player models/etc for completing single player (difficulties included), CZ you'll earn new bots for completing levels in different ways.

Sounds nearly-alike to me
Yep, I'd say so.

And you're quite right, I did forget them. I'd say it's going to be worth buying, but I'm going to get Broken Sword 3 first of all.
damn, i thought i would be coming out sooner than Feb. I have seen it all over the Bit Torrent sites.
It's coming out either this month or in early December.. it's already gone gold
They said it'd be out November 18th

And apprently the version on Bittorrent is the version with the "deleted scenes" only. Apparently it was stolen along with HL2.
The Ritual version was stolen, and it wasn't even Ritual's final version (according to Ritual staff at the ritualistic forums), they said that the final version was beautifully polished, and fixed the problems that gave it bad scores with reviews.

Sadly, as Castle, I believe put it, "Our final work will never see the light of day." =(
It's a huge shame for them. But at least they've now had experience working with a HL engine. They could licence the Source engine from Valve and make their own game.
do you think therre's still a market for an old engine like that? or did you mean the hl2 engine?
The only reason that I'd get it would be for the footage, but that's not a very good reason.
I never got into CS, and my PC sucks for internet play.

Luckily, whatever new HL2 footage comes out will be availiable on the 'net within minutes. :)
Originally posted by etzel90
damn, i thought i would be coming out sooner than Feb.

Don't stay in the closet. Believe in yourself! :p

...Sorry, I couldn't resist. :cheese:
Originally posted by Chris_D
It's a huge shame for them. But at least they've now had experience working with a HL engine. They could licence the Source engine from Valve and make their own game.

I've talked to some Ritual guys and they don't seem too happy the CZ fiasco. Sure, they're being polite about it, but I doubt they'd be up to paying Valve royalties to license their engine anytime soon.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
I've talked to some Ritual guys and they don't seem too happy the CZ fiasco. Sure, they're being polite about it, but I doubt they'd be up to paying Valve royalties to license their engine anytime soon.

Well, atleast they got paid. I have to say, the version that DID get stolen is very high quality, as much fun as HL single player, and all the scripted ragdoll deaths make it seem like the HL engine is more advanced than it is..

Oh well, I wish Ritual would have a leak.. by accident.. :)