Fortress Forever to be over shadowed


Jan 17, 2004
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hehe, I just noticed that TF2 and Fortress forever are released on the same day!

I guess those guys that dont pre order the orange box get to try FF
It has been announced that FF is trying to release a day or two before sept 17th now.
oh ok sry... where did they announce that? I already checked their website
I'll play Fortress Forever before I play TF2.
I don't think the point is whether FF will be overshadowed by TF2.

The FF team has worked hard on creating a class based mod to play for free using the source engine instead of sitting around talking about what's wrong with games they are actually being a creative force. I say more power to them.

TF2 looks like it will be more of my cup of tea but I will definitaly be giving both a try. Who knows I may like FF better? But that is beside the point, the point is we should be supportive of our gaming community. The FF team looks like they have been doing a good job it would be nice for anyone interested in class-based games to give it a whirl.
I agree with alehm. Rather than a standard, tired rehash of a previous fortress game which is interesting for all of five minutes, Fortress Forever is at least its own game, as far as a fortress mod can be. The developers seem to have a fair bit of the old noodle about them and surely knew they'd be competing with TF2 at some point, yet they kept at it and didn't just copy TFC.

The question is whether FF servers will allow players to play how they like or at least set aside some public servers. The remaining TFC servers are either loaded with bots or based on clan rules where the players are incredibly hostile, even to players like me who know the rules but simply aren't very good. If that's the prevailing attitude on FF servers, I doubt I'll play it for very long and head off for a spamfest royale on TF2's dustbowl. (Coincidentally I'd now only play on Jolt's TFC Dustbowl Extreme server)
They will have their own player base. 1200 players already, really thats amazing for a mod.
yeh played it, omg a lot of effort went into that mod, and it deserves lots of peoples time
Why is it so that every darned thing has to be released just when I'm visiting home and don't have a computer or xbox!? Curse you FF and CoD4 beta!
Well for me it's the other way round. If I get TF2 for free I'll play it, but I'm not paying for that.
They will have their own player base. 1200 players already, really thats amazing for a mod.

I think it only has a lot of players because everyone's using it as temporary substitute for TF2.

But I just downloaded and installed it... I'll give it a whirl after my afternoon classes.

But just a question, people are saying that it's more of a HL2 version of the original Team Fortress for Quake... I've never played that version, so how does it compare to HL1's TFC?
k well I tried FF, and I have to say its pretty much the same as tfc only with better gfx...

But its fun as hell! still looking forward to monday tho, least i can play ff while I wait.
Yeah, been playing it a bit the last couple days and it isn't all that great. Kinda was expecting more, but I guess it's good for anyone who prefers Classic over TF2 for whatever reason.