Gabe Interview: system requirements go up


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
In this latest interview, Gabe Newell says that the minimum requirements are:
"An 800 MHz P-III and a DX6 level hardware accelerator (e.g. TNT)."

That's a little bit of an increase, but not a biggie. You can read the whole interview here.
I think they should just bump it up to 1.2 proc to be safe...
I know what its like to run on minmum req, sucks.
What does this mean for the Xbox version? Seeing as it uses a 700mhz processor :eek:
That means ditch the Xbox version and get it for PC. I'm not hating on the Xbox, but IMO HL2 will be better on PC.
Thanks Apos!

That's really interesting, especially the bit where Gabe says that all the characters will have the same level of detail and facial animations and stuff as the G-Man! :) :)
Originally posted by Jager
That means ditch the Xbox version and get it for PC. I'm not hating on the Xbox, but IMO HL2 will be better on PC.

My thoughts exactly, this is a PC game through and through. Putting it on an Xbox would be like putting hot Fish and chips on a freezing cold plate.
While I agree that the Xbox can't compete with the possibilities of a PC, you have to remember that consoles aren't bogged down by needing general purpose programming and kludgy operating systems. They can handle a lot more, with less, because they're specialized. While an Xbox couldn't give you what a P4/Radeon combo could, it could almost certainly match a 1Ghz comp with a GeForce, and maybe even run even smoother.

Also, when they say that the game will be playable at the min requirement, I'm apt to believe them to some extent, be so much of the engine seems to be optional: you can scale away all the intensive stuff. It wont LOOK very good at all, but it should still play fine.
Too many people bash the min system requirements. Im on the min specs now, but when i get a job ill be high end :p although ill still use this comp to play games.
Yeah the Xbox hardware is all dedicated to gaming, no anti-virus or other similar background programs are running which bit by bit eat your resources. Also, I think i read somewhere that the Xbox doesnt have to communicate instructions through drivers, therefore increasing the speed at which it can carry things out.

And the gfx card in the Xbox is between the NV20 and NV25 chips, which is about GeForce 3 quality. The GeForce 3 series of cards where the first to be released by Nvidia to incoporate shaders. Half Life 2 is rendered using shaders so the details wont be lost too much on the Xbox, resolution however will be.
Originally posted by Bilko
What does this mean for the Xbox version? Seeing as it uses a 700mhz processor

I personally think Bill Gates should be Dissembowled with a plastic fork...

Sadly however the X-box will be able to easily meet the technological requirements of HL2. Like everyone is saying consoles are more efficient and are built for gaming. As proof I offer Doom III, its being released for the X-box and from screenshots ive seen from the X-box version it does not appear to have watered-down graphics.
Yup read the interview thismorning it was a good read :) nice one:cheese: