Gabe Newell Interview on Podcast 17 Released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Yesterday William from Podcast 17 and myself were lucky to spend about 90 minutes with Gabe Newell and Kutta Srinivasan (a Valve programmer) to answer some of the 400 questions submitted by the community.[br]Some of the discussion focusses around Steam for Linux, Steam on mobile devices, Portal 2 ARG & DLC, Dota 2 and a heroic attempt at breaking the Half-life silence![br]You can listen or download the interview now on the Podcast 17 website which also includes a full transcript with emails. Mirror | Moddb Mirror
Should put the transcript up as a separate download. There's no sense having people download 45 megabytes for some text.
Oh, the zip doesn't even contain the transcript. TREACHERY IS AFOOT.

[edit] I have figured it out.

[edit2] Yeah that was a good interview. Excited to see what they have planned over the next couple years.
nice stuff oh also not sure if this is true or not but i might of won a prize or something the email said

You are the grand prize winner!


I'm sorta jealous, you've won a bunch of really awesome Valve swag. Your questions was randomly picked amongst 400!!!!

Can you please send me your mailing address so that I can forward it off to Valve.

Congrats again and be sure to check out the interview:

mail was from someone called William McMahon
Well wow, what are the chances of that John! Of all the questions submitted 1 was randomly drawn out to win a whole load of Valve merchandise, including some signed items from Valve employees. Congratulations, it seems you won! William is the person you hear talking in the interview (the main host) who isn't me or Gabe, so congratulations and make sure you send William your address, you can expect a package from Valve soon.
looks like we won't be getting the source code for goldsource anytime soon.
Was that your question by the way? Maybe it will have planted a seed, who knows.
Nope, I didn't send any questions. I was planning to ask something, but I didn't want to bore Gabe with Half-Life questions. :p
good interview i knew i should of went with this forum name and not drsjohnny oh well lol :)
Really good interview! I'm amazed that Gabe is learning to become a machinist though. I can manually machine however I don't know how to program in CNC and if your a machinist, a normal company needs you to know how to program with CNC. After getting laid off and learning how to program a robotic welding arm, I want to take courses to learn it though. The welding industry has been a failure so far for me even though people say I'm a superb welder. Excellent video below machining an aluminum engine block and at certain parts it's like the machine has sex with it:
awesome.. a whole interview without once mentioning Left4Dead.. :D kinda tired of hearing about it..