Gabe Newell talked to me!!! Easter egg hint!!!!!!!

papa jake

Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
-----Original Message-----
From: jacob rumsey [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 11:58 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Your starting to hurt my feelings...

Just kidding. I've tried emailing you a couple times, but you've probably been a little too busy to respond.
I will keep trying.
I have 3 questions...

1. Can I have all settings maxed with a 9500 pro, P4 2.0 Ghz, and 512 megs of ram (honestly)?

2. Can you pull some strings, and make sure the Wal-Mart in Sedalia Missouri gets copies of HL2 on the release date? Sedalia is a small town, and Wal-Mart is the only place to get video games. I usually have to wait about 2-3 weeks past a release date before our Wal-Mart gets some in stock.

3. Do you sometimes feel like a celebrity? You're very much looked up to at all the forums I visit.

Please send replies to [email protected]

Thank you for your time,


----- Original Message -----
From: Gabe Newell
To: 'jacob rumsey'
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:32 AM
Subject: RE: Your starting to hurt my feelings...

1) Resolution? Target framerate?

2) Wal-Mart? I will have to talk to the Pope and see if he will intercede.

3) I'm not sure how celebrities feel. I asked my wife how if feels to live with a celebrity, and she threw a pillow at me and said "you've got to be ****ing kidding me.". So not that different than I've always felt.

-----Original Message-----
From: jacob rumsey [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 1:42 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Re: Your starting to hurt my feelings...

Dude!! You made my day!!!

1) Resolution: 1024 x 768, target framerate: at least maintaining 40 fps.

2) I'm confused... are you talking about THE the pope? If so, you can pull some wicked strings!

3) Well, after HL2 you will be a celebrity in my book.

4) (a new one) are the hacked videos the easter eggs?

5) Can you give me any kind of juicy information about the game you haven't said yet so all my friends will think I'm bad to the bone?

Keep up the good work. The game's looking sweet!

1) Yep.

2) To got to get to Wal-Mart you have to have some pull.

3) Just wait til we slip.

4) Nope.

5) Look really really close at the eye glints of the characters.

I would have put this in the sticky thread, but he said something about the eye glints of the characters. What are glints???

I'M A HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is the eye glints made of HL logo, or something like that ?
I haven't looked yet, i can suppose that we can gordon himself in the eyereflection?
I don't know, but I'm sure it's the easter egg.
What exactly are eye glints anyway?
Wow, so actually we weren't being nit-picky or over-analytical enough... Weird.
He's joking. There's nothing to see but a white dot. He just wants to make you stare a the characters eyes for hours on end.
eye glints are only a white dot in the eye :x

sometime there are 2 glints / eye (look at the first movie)

I made some screenshots; but there is anything in the eyes :/
Originally posted by El_Chi
Wow, so actually we weren't being nit-picky or over-analytical enough... Weird.
Or else Gabe's just messing with us to get revenge for all our silly emails. :)
I've looked as closely as I can at the G-man's eyes, but all I can see are white squares of shinyness, no easter eggs. It's hard to zoom in on the eyes directly, but I think I zoomed in far enough to see anything if it were really in the video file at any viewable resolution. No dice, atleast on the G-man vid.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
He's joking.

Gabe is here... somewhere in the forums.. I can feel his presence..
He's just watching us.. :x

answer us, gabe... i know you're reading me !!
The only other vid with a character's eyes close enough to see Glint is Alyx, and no dice (or easter eggs) there either.

Maybe they're unpainted easter eggs- hence white spots glinting in the eyes. :)
There's an odd reflection in the Eyes of Kleiner with his glasses on, I cant really get a close enough glimpse to tell anything though.
hmmm my radvideo program doesn't like to respond... maybe it's not in these videos we have.... omg this will take forever :P
or maybe it will be in a video we dont have at the moment
we need some decent equipment...dont just look at the eyes like u are used to u might wonna zoom in...
well at least all this easter egg speculation is keeping kids off the streets and away from drugs this summer.

Since all they do is stare at movies and post on forums all the time.

I have an idea, maybe he's not talking about eye glints directly. Maybe lenses, you see the lense that shows doctor kleiners hands? What is he typing? anyone took notice of that? maybe that is the easter egg what he is typing on it.
everybody has noticed that! they said it the easter isn't discovered yet..
hmmmm...........hmmmm.......ummmm.......hmmmmmm.......(ponders some more).......errr.......GABE IS ****ING WITH US!
i still dont see why people think that the eyes have anything to do with the easter egg when gabes comment about eyes was answering a completely different question than the one about the easter egg. the guy asked if one thing was the easter egg and game said no. then he asked if he could have any "juicy info about the game" so "his friends could think hes bad ass" and THEN gabe said look at the eyes.
Only thing I noticed in the eyes for the G-man Video (Everyone Watch it with the bink player in advanced mode at 5 frames a second with no skipping of frames enabled, wholly crap he sounds creepy.. Kind of like a bullsquid then you hear like high pitched screaming sounds..) was that at certain points their is two reflections, whereas the one dot is in the same place on both eyes the second dot is in a different space.
edit- watched second video at 5 frames, absolutely nothing caught my interest
edit- Nothing noticable in the 3rd video either, o wellz


  • eyes.jpg
    9 KB · Views: 412
He probably did it so he could laugh at the 3000 forum posts and people rioting over what the easter egg is. If so, he succeeded.
lol i can see him now laughing is ass off at us suckers. lol!!!!
Hmmm here is something I was thinking about.
At school we had this teacher who used to be a radio amateur (That's a direct translation from my mother-tongue, Norwegian. Don't know what the name is in English)
and he used to go on about morse code and stuff like that.

So Maybe the Half-Life 2 team developers are using morse code through the characters eye....
There's a thought, who knows.... ;)

if you look at the "glints" there is two in a row in each eye, makes it look like a clock hand so if you put them both together the time would be 1:00 or something maybe idk just guessing

this can't be right, but worth a shot
Has anyone noticed that the g-man looks to the bottom left corner briefly...? :eek: :eek: :eek:
has anyone noticed we are probably over analizing this whole thing?
I haven't taken any notes of the movie yet, though I like to watch you sit here and discuss if the things you found is an easter egg or not. :p
Originally posted by 0zz0
has anyone noticed we are probably over analizing this whole thing?

Indeed. I bet this "easter egg" is something incredibly obvious that everyone will kick themself for when they realize what it was.
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
lol suckers :P even if there is anything its a waste of time
well most of us have plenty of time to wait :)
we love doing this in the meantime just to kill time, we got like 72 days or something left
Originally posted by papa jake
4) (a new one) are the hacked videos the easter eggs?

4) Nope.

Thank you folks, thanks and good night

(I don't see a single hint about the easteregg(s) in that mail...