Gabe: Time To Talk About MULTIPLAYER ?


Sir Dingo

Just watched that interview of Gabe at E3 back in May, from those wacky forgein dudes ODB.

Anyway in it they asked about CS2 and multiplayer in general, and he said they were not discussing MP at this time, but will reveal details as they get closer to release ?

Ok, that was almost 4 months ago, and the game is supposed to be only weeks away, how much closer to we need to be to tell us about MP ? the gold day, will they finally open up on MP ?

Ok, that was almost 4 months ago, and the game is supposed to be only weeks away, how much closer to we need to be to tell us about MP ? the gold day, will they finally open up on MP ?

they tell us about MP when they want to. They're the one making the game.
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
Just watched that interview of Gabe at E3 back in May, from those wacky forgein dudes ODB.

Anyway in it they asked about CS2 and multiplayer in general, and he said they were not discussing MP at this time, but will reveal more information about closer to release ?

Ok, that was almost 4 months ago, and the game is supposed to be only weeks away, how much closer to we need to be to tell us about MP ? the gold day, will they finally open up on MP ?


I've just watch an interview which was made before E3. In it Gabe says that they'll release more details of multiplayer after they ship.

They won't say anything for a few weeks.
i bet they just changed their minds and want to keep it totally secret
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
Just watched that interview of Gabe at E3 back in May, from those wacky forgein dudes ODB.

Anyway in it they asked about CS2 and multiplayer in general, and he said they were not discussing MP at this time, but will reveal details as they get closer to release ?

Ok, that was almost 4 months ago, and the game is supposed to be only weeks away, how much closer to we need to be to tell us about MP ? the gold day, will they finally open up on MP ?


Why should it matter anymore? Just wait and experience it for yourself...that's probably what they want anyway.
Re: Re: Gabe: Time To Talk About MULTIPLAYER ?

Originally posted by Feath
I've just watch an interview which was made before E3. In it Gabe says that they'll release more details of multiplayer after they ship.

They won't say anything for a few weeks.

why reveal after they ship ? when it ships, we'll have the game and be playing online ?
Re: Re: Gabe: Time To Talk About MULTIPLAYER ?

Originally posted by spitcodfry
Why should it matter anymore? Just wait and experience it for yourself...that's probably what they want anyway.

Oh it matters, but not to us, because we don't want to read up on it, do we?
why reveal after they ship ? when it ships, we'll have the game and be playing online ?
That's for people who want to read up on it first.
Originally posted by FatCombine
That's for people who want to read up on it first.

Agreed. Valve doesn't need to release any info on it; they know its good.
I think they are keeping it under wraps cuz its gonna be so cool they didn't want fanboys' heads to explode with excitement.

After they release it there will be total chaos anyways so they don't mind so much.
Don't worry. Just start thinking of ways to call everyone a h4x when you finally do get to play it.
why reveal after they ship ? when it ships, we'll have the game and be playing online ?

not exactly. "When it ships" could refer to the gold date, or a day after, or a week after. But obviously it will be before the game is on shelves
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Agreed. Valve doesn't need to release any info on it; they know its good.

they dont have to revela in great detail, but I would like something along the lines of it being just plain Deathmatch, or team based with vehicles like BF1942 or Halo-PC ?
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
they dont have to revela in great detail, but I would like something along the lines of it being just plain Deathmatch, or team based with vehicles like BF1942 or Halo-PC ?

Here's my two cents: Valve is eventually going to release CS 2, DOD 2, and TF2 via Steam for subscribers and retail for non-subscribers. This isn't to say that they haven't got an ace up their sleeve for Half-Life 2's multiplayer, though. If I had to guess, they've probably cooked up something quite original and innovative in nature, and don't want to spoil it in the least.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Here's my two cents: Valve is eventually going to release CS 2, DOD 2, and TF2 via Steam for subscribers and retail for non-subscribers. This isn't to say that they haven't got an ace up their sleeve for Half-Life 2's multiplayer, though. If I had to guess, they've probably cooked up something quite original and innovative in nature, and don't want to spoil it in the least.

that sounds like a great answer, thanks
all i need is those new vids off steam and ill be content:bonce:


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Originally posted by genocide604
all i need is those new vids off steam and ill be content:bonce:

lmfao...thats the best damn animated gif I've seen in my life!
Impatient child. Trust me, it's for your own good. You'll most likely be pleasently surprised when booting up HL2 mulitplayer for the first time. Good things come to those who wait.
I haven't posted in a while (not since that BH thread), but if MP turns out more like CS than a DM type game, then it's 3pts straight in the bin.

The only reason he isn't revealing anything about MP is because that's where the market is. It keeps things interesting when it is secret, meaning more talked about, meaning more advertising for less expense. Also, the critics will be kept quiet until the game is released (yes there will be moaners, because not everyone will be happy.. can't be done).

So what I want in a MP is speed and action (just like all FPS MP games should be), I have a feeling it won't be because of the introduction of vehicles and no LJ.

Edit: But we'll see what happens :)
At this point I don't really care so much about MP, I just want the game to go then I can have teh silver box to rock my sox!

In any case, I need to open up some ports so I can actually PLAY on-line with peoples (but I don't know how).... But there's always LAN (meaning another copy of HL 2).
I don't know how the mp could differ so much from other games that they want to keep secrets about it. Because they have already shown off the new physics, and modelling/animation, and new texture resolution and quality. So I mean what else is there in a mp game that they could hide, I mean it's not like new game modes come up to often, and the mods will be the mods overhauled on the source engine. Don't get fooled into thinking that I'm pissed at them for doing this, I just don't know what they have to keep a secret? I hope it's something that will knock me off my feet, just cause it's so annoying how they keep going no comment! Hahaha oh well, I'd still play hl2 regular mp, with all the knowledge I have now because already, it would look like it would kick major ass.
I predict regular gametypes, ctf, dm, obejective, and vehicular combat plus one new gametype.

Also, if they've thought of something innovative, the later they show it, the longer it takes the copycats...
Some people don't care about HL2 single-player, they're only interested in MP. These people are not going to pre-order unless they know what HL2 MP is about. Preorders play a HUGE factor in how many games retailers stock for the release. They typically multiply the number of pre-orders times 10 and that's how many they stock. With a AAA title like HL2, 5% more preorders can translate into literally hundreds of thousands of dollars more revenue in the first week.

Not announcing MP before release would be pretty rediculous.
I agree with Ralphus in that if there is a new and innovative multiplayer, then the longer they keep it under wraps the better. There are tons of companies that would love to take ideas and use them for their own games.
The later Valve releases Multiplayer information, the more innovative and surprising it will be. Assuming it's going to be innovative and surprising. ;)
I think it will. The physics alone make it worth it for me.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Some people don't care about HL2 single-player, they're only interested in MP. These people are not going to pre-order unless they know what HL2 MP is about. Preorders play a HUGE factor in how many games retailers stock for the release. They typically multiply the number of pre-orders times 10 and that's how many they stock. With a AAA title like HL2, 5% more preorders can translate into literally hundreds of thousands of dollars more revenue in the first week.

Not announcing MP before release would be pretty rediculous.

I agree, I come from the camp, of, when HL2 is done installing on my system, I am going straight to multiplayer first, and check that out. Then go back and give singleplayer a try :)
I have some buddies, that wont even touch singleplayer games, they like to interact with real people in shooters, not scripted bots
Regardless of whether you think it's a good idea or not. Valve have said that they are keeping the multiplayer details secret.
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
I have some buddies, that wont even touch singleplayer games, they like to interact with real people in shooters, not scripted bots

Have you even seen the E3 video? Gabe made it clear these are certainly not scripted AI opponents we're dealing with. They make decisions based on radiocity calculations of the local environment. Might want your friends to take notice of this before they hop of the MP-exclusive train for Half-Life 2.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Have you even seen the E3 video? Gabe made it clear these are certainly not scripted AI opponents we're dealing with. They make decisions based on radiocity calculations of the local environment. Might want your friends to take notice of this before they hop of the MP-exclusive train for Half-Life 2.


Sorry you've just said something really silly. You've said that the AI make decisions based on the amount of light in the area.

They actually use the radiosity calculations is for blinking. Because the radiositcy calculations of the local area refer to the amount of light.

What you meant to refer to was "Contexual AI". This is when the AI make choices based on their environment. They do things based on what the player does, like follow the player if he goes through a door and suchlike.
Originally posted by Feath

Sorry you've just said something really silly. You've said that the AI make decisions based on the amount of light in the area.

They actually use the radiosity calculations is for blinking. Because the radiositcy calculations of the local area refer to the amount of light.

What you meant to refer to was "Contexual AI". This is when the AI make choices based on their environment. They do things based on what the player does, like follow the player if he goes through a door and suchlike.

Oops lol...thx for clearing that up for me.
Originally posted by Sir Dingo
I have some buddies, that wont even touch singleplayer games, they like to interact with real people in shooters, not scripted bots

Well they'd better wake up. Single Player is going to be a great part of HL2 and passing it up would be just plain (no offense) stupid. Valve put a ton of work into it. The AI in HL2 should be great. Multiplayer is all well and good, (I like it better) but sometimes it's fun to play against some good AI that won't try to exploit aspects of the game or act like a jackass. The thing about humans is that they usually either: a) Obsess over winning and score and not on having fun, b) Are way too good and just frustrate you, or c) Desperately desire attention. AI exists for the sole purpose to entertain you, nothing more. Both ways of play are too good to miss.
Guys, if you want Gabe to spill the beans on multi-player, all you have to do is take his wife hostage and ask questions one by one.:dozey:
I hope the keep the MP info underwraps and let us find out ourselves after starting up the game. That would be so exciting.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Guys, if you want Gabe to spill the beans on multi-player, all you have to do is take his wife hostage and ask questions one by one.:dozey:

I dunno...I'd question Gabe's committment to his marriage versus his committment to Half-Life 2.
Guys, if you want Gabe to spill the beans on multi-player, all you have to do is take his wife hostage and ask questions one by one

please dont give the psychos here any ideas.
Originally posted by bizzy420
please dont give the psychos here any ideas.

Well...I do have an Eastside phone book handy. Let's see...Newell, Newell...
The only internet stalkers that go outside are the ones stalking celebrities to kill them. That'll happen after something pissed them off about HL2(the game can't be perfect) and anyway, most gamers still aren't willing to go outside. Too bright
I know I wouldn't go out
I actually think I found his number, lol...only Gabe Newell I could find in the greater Seattle area...doesn't mention anyone else though, and he's married. Maybe its not him. Well, one way to find out. Its only midnight right goes nothin!