Gamespot Reviewer fired over Kane and Lynch review

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
Kotaku said:
We've heard an unsettling rumor today from an anonymous tipster that longtime game reviewer Jeff Gerstmann from Gamespot has been let go. That wouldn't necessarily be newsworthy, but the conditions under which he was allegedly dismissed were. According to the source, Gerstmann was fired "on the spot" due to advertiser pressure for his review of Eidos' Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. A visit to Gamespot shows that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game has taken over the site very prominently, with backgrounds and multiple banner ads all pitching Kane & Lynch. Allegedly, publisher Eidos "took issue with the review and threatened to pull its ad campaign."

Jeff's review was certainly less than glowing. He assigned the game a 6.0, otherwise known as "Fair" on the Gamespot scale. The game is currently enjoying a Metacritic score in the 65 to 69 range, which the site describes as "mixed or average reviews." According to our tipster, it wasn't necessarily the score that was reason for Gerstmann's rumored axing, but the "tone" of the review.

Gabe over at Penny Arcade confirmed it as true, and they have their Friday comic up early:


what the shi-
Well this doesn't really help GameSpot's credibility.

Not that it had any.
And Gamespot goes in the "blocked addresses" filter.
Yeah, now Gamespot is not trustworthy. Letting those who advertise with the site influence what they put out as content. I mean, if the review was not up to Gamespot's standards then it would not have been put up at all or at least pulled prior to Eidos crying about it.
We need to show them a backlash. This is not acceptable.
Never go to Gamespot, usually just check gametrailers for the video reviews and make my own assumptions based on that (just from the footage, not the final score)
Awhile ago there was an article covering payola among tech sites. Sucks that it happens though.
This is ****ing ridiculous. Jeff Gerstmann was the only good reviewer on Gamespot. His reviews were often spot on to what I felt the games deserved. I am never visiting that site ever again. I hope he find a good company to work for, one that won't shit their best employees for doing their job.
That's ridiculous. I hope Gamespot regrets it... if I were a patron of their site I wouldn't be now.
My brother pays for it. We might cancel. Not because of this one incident, but that it speaks volumes that gamespot is no longer a reviewer site that can be trusted to give unbiased reviews.
That was a pretty poor review ... but regardless Gamespot's actions were completely indefensible and entirely unethical. Not that I ever went there much in the first place, but I won't ever go there again.
I hated Gamespot before, and this just adds to the already pile of steaming hate against them.

'Grats guys. You just took over my #1 slot for hate right next to Sony's Marketing Department.
This is somewhat of a good thing. We now know that GameSpot is: Retarded.
So, uhh, a Gamespot reviewer was let go for giving a game a low score?


This is somewhat of a good thing. We now know that GameSpot is: Retarded.

No it's not. One guy lost his job because of this shit. Gamespot was never credible anyway.

I really hope Gamespot goes down because of this, or it's going to be a shame.
You should remove that link cause there's some pretty nasty stuff being spammed on their forums.

Yeah... I saw a picture of that 2girls1cup thing... I was hoping I could get through my entire life without ever seeing it.
We all knew Gamespot is retarded. Just listen to their Halo reviews and how they contradict themselves.
Eh well I never really visited. Hopefully he'll get a new job.
PA should hire him.


/EDIT It's odd that the first thing I wondered was "Does Gabe actually get a picture of the reviewer for reference material before he draws the comic"?
jeff was the only good thing left at GS imho, i loved watching his video reviews, ugh fail hard, i'm actually really annoyed about this :x
Eidos said:
We are currently making a change to the forums. They will be up shortly. Please check back later.

I lol'd.
I occasionally watch Gamespot video reviews, and Geff Gerstman was one of only two reviewers I liked. Without him, I don't really see any point in visiting the site again :arms:
**** gamespot. Violently. Jeff was the best one there, and wherever he ends up will surely take over my time in place of gamespot.
Check my blog (see sig) for my views on this
Any bias on any review discredits all reviews. Gamespot must die.
People actually trusted reviews to begin with?!?! I know I never did. The only reviews I ever trust are my own and to a much lesser degree, people from sites like this. It's still sickening to see, but not in any way, shape or form surprising to me.