Gaming Language



Every day i am seeing more and more interesting sayings:


and more, now that i know most of them post the most weird that you saw :cheers:
gdmfiagtkyasd ...I understand some of it... ;) copied from a gaming forum
r0x0r j00 box0rz
n44p (noob)

Originally posted by sharp
r0x0r j00 box0rz
n44p (noob)


its r0x0r j00r b0x0rz and how in the name of he|| can you make n00b outa n44p thats nhhp in my dictionary :eek: :dozey: :cheese:
It's r0x0r j00 b0z0rz... it doesnt matter if you make it j00 or j00r
... alot of people is gonna use that...

and yes, here are some people using n44p as n00b

nub nub nub :)
Oh no....I think hell just froze over because unless my eyes decieve me, this is a thread about leet.
I know you guys will probably flame me as a n44p or whatever but please translate all this zombie-talk for me, please?
Nublar. Space Nub. Nublet. Variations on "nub", which is a variation on n00b.
Funny thing is, the catcall "56 K'er!" is becoming an insult on certain college campuses. Penguins are great.

"Does anyone here speak 1337?"

*bows to Piro, king of webcomics*

*quickly makes obeisance to Tycho and Gabe, lest I incur their wrath*
HËHË î |îkË tHî§ mö®Ë tHåñ |ËËt, åñÐ §ömËtîm˧ ît Çåñ ßË ®Ëå||¥ Hå®Ð tö ÐËÇöÐË ! ît ®ö× ! HåHåHå !
noooooo stop the annoying 1337 speaking :flame:

leet speek.... is there a faster way to say "I'm twelve!!!1!!!1"?

hey dafreakman. it aint hard.

two kinds. 1337 speak, and the gg lol kk ttyl stuff.

you should know most of them if you ever play cs or other multiplayer games like that. (gg = good game, pwn = variation of own, hs = head shot, plz = please, ty = thank you, kk = OK, rgr = roger, everybody knows what lol is, brb = be right back, g2g -or- gtg = got to go, rofl = rolling on [the] floor laughing, lmao = laughing my ass off, etc etc.)

'1337' aka 'l33t' aka 'leet' speak is derived form 'elite' and is originall a hacker convention ousing number for letters, but has progressed somewhat since then.

some examples: 4 instead of A, 0 (zero) instead of O, 7 istead of T, 3 instead of E, 1 instead of L, and also combinations of letters instead of one regular character, i.e. I > ][ , B > |3 , K > ]{ or |<. and so on.

it does take some practice to really understand it when written all at once.

][f ][ r3411y \/\/4|\|73d +00 | c0|_|1d ]\/[4|<3 ][+ 4|_m(o)s+ |mP0sS][|3|_3 +o0 R34|7.

but im not leet. it's really an art to do it well. I mean, it's art that few appreciate, and has no real purpose, but art nonetheless.

...but I have to ask, what is gdmfiagtkyasd??
Thanks Phisionary! I actually meant the leet speak I already know the LMAO stuff.
Not that i have a problem with it, but whats with the whole LMAO and stuff like that. For instance someone finds something really funny they might go "LOOOOOOL!!!1!" What does this mean? "Laugh Out Outlandishly Over Orange Oragutans Over Our Loud"? Then theres the ones which take half an hour to write like "ROFLWMSSABSAOTFILSMTMHIATE"

Rollin on floor laughing with my spleen splitting a blood spilling all over the floor Im laughing so much my head is about to explode

Fortunately peopel here dont seem to do that but it gets a bit stupid sometimes.
yeah i know. sometimes I'm playing CS and i'll type "lolololol!" cause it's really funny, but I'll be thinking 'What in the hell is that supposed to mean?!?'

well... I don't know. it just is. :p

Originally posted by mrBadger
noooooo stop the annoying 1337 speaking :flame:

leet speek.... is there a faster way to say "I'm twelve!!!1!!!1"?

I R tW3Lv3-z0R!!!!!11!!!!111 OMFG ROFLMAOOOOO!@!!!!111
j00 d00d!!!111!! 1 l34r|\|3d 1337 5p34|< 0|\|Ly 7o |_|N|)3r574|\|d t3h 1|)i07z 7|-|4t |_|z3 17 \/\/17|-|0|_|t 57|2a1|\|1|\|9 |\/|1N|), 7|-|uz |\|0T 74|<1|\|9 |\/|3 4\/\/4Y p|-|r0|\/| mY 1337 p\/\/n49e!!!111one1!!

Translation: Look, I learned L33T speak only to understand the idiots that use it without straining my mind, thus not taking me away from my games as long.

(I don't know L33T fully. Please don't kill me for using it, I beg of you.)