GMC Italian Review Details

rrm said:
more details rea please. did they complain about the game being short?

Ok, here I am again. I read the review and now I can give you some more infos. But no translation anyway (stai tranquillo gorman ;-)

Miscellaneous Quotes:

"The FPS genre never will be the same"

"HL2: the best FPS ever installed on my PC" (note from the reviewer)

Doom3 & HL2 graphical comparison:[/I]

They say that technically Doom3 is the winner 'cause HL2 lacks the fantastic light system of the "id" title and is less detailed. Anyway, they remark that the visual emotion to see HL2's beautiful and well-designed world is waaaaay better than sitting in front of Doom3!!!


Let's get into the more important part of all. They do complain very few things. The game is about 20 hours long but it's not felt as a negative point. Moreover, the gameplay seems to be very different from part to part and never boring. They definilety see as positive two aspects that other reviews looked as negative. The AI is mentioned as wonderful and the gameplay seems to be very open (other reviews said it was a bit too linear). Honestly, I think that the "open gameplay" is referred principally to the gravity gun which seems to be very addictive and let you find different ways to deal with the opponents without using bullets. Again on the AI: the friendly AI seems to be less effective that the enemy one. Your mates are going to block your way most of the times. However, the bad things are: some maps that seems a little confusing and the bad italian translation. Great game though!!!

Last but not least...the new footage is a Lab sequence that really doesn't show nothing new. It's in italian and I notice that lips are not in sync with the audio as I would expect from the new VALVe technology. Maybe it was a pre-final version!


Nice Summary.

rea said:
It's in italian and I notice that lips are not in sync with the audio as I would expect from the new VALVe technology. Maybe it was a pre-final version!
Perhaps a problem with the video?
've nothing against D3, and it's not like I've played HL2 but... it seems a bit easy to say the lighting in D3 is so uber-fantastic when all the levels are so bloody dark.
As an aside, I'm suprised some of the CS:S maps aren't darker, to make a real use for nv goggles for one thing.
Crash Happy said:
've nothing against D3, and it's not like I've played HL2 but... it seems a bit easy to say the lighting in D3 is so uber-fantastic when all the levels are so bloody dark.
As an aside, I'm suprised some of the CS:S maps aren't darker, to make a real use for nv goggles for one thing.

Indeed Doom3 had alot less work to do simulating mainly dark and small rooms. Anyway, Doom3 is probably a bit ahead of valve's kid tecnologically speaking.

Anyway, I feel the point about CS. Never ever used night googles in that game (since 1.5). Wonder why they are there! eheheh...

Finally, I want to give my personal opinion about the grphics in CS:S. I WAS NOT SO IMPRESSED!!!I played it with a ti4200 so no DX9 hardware support but it's doesn't look so innovative to me. Moreover it is in a beta phase IMHO 'couse it's full of bugs! I hope that HL2 (tuned for a single player experience) will look alot better and the screenshots continue to make me dream!


Platinum said:

Ok, let me explain this way! A friend of mine (veeeeeeery casual gamer) used to play UT2003 with me on LAN (on a radeon 7500, DX7). When I show him CS:S on the same hardware he said: "Well, UT2003 is nicer!!!". I tried to change his opinion. I said: "Look at those barrels flying, look at those glass breaking..." and so on but, at the end, I think he was right. CS:S has that "cubic" feeling of older games IMHO... polemics...I love it!

Peace and love

rea said:
Last but not least...the new footage is a Lab sequence that really doesn't show nothing new. It's in italian and I notice that lips are not in sync with the audio as I would expect from the new VALVe technology. Maybe it was a pre-final version!

so the voiceover is the in-game dialogue? :eek:

reading gorman's post made me think about reviewer's commentary
in the first HL2 preview in PCG (US), Lombardi states that the game is (was) made up of 12 chapters each 2 -4, hours and it took gabes dad 36 hours to complete. Also, considering there are over 400 mods in development and at least 15 look amazing, your getting a hell of a lot of replay value, not including see how many ways you can kill an unsuspecting combine with the manipulator, and then trying to break that record with the next guard. Plus, there will be expanisions and you know it.
i've watched the "new" video.. nothing new for us HL2 geek: it's the "you didn't changed one iota" part of the e3 footage.