GMod 9 problems


Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys, just downloaded and installed GMod9. I'm having a few problems though. Steam won't list GMod in the "My Games" list. I tried closing down Steam and re-installing gmod but it still won't work. Just for the record, I do own HL2 Deathmatch and have played it recently. Any help is greatly appreciated. In return, garryporn.

I'm joking of course :D
When you installed it, it said something about 'if Gmod doesnt show in your games list, restart steam', right? Did you try that already?

edit: oh - and about that garryporn thing. dont try that on this site ;)
Yeah I restarted Steam and re-installed gmod. Is it possible to get gmod that doesn't run on Steam? cos I feel that would be a lot less complicated.
no you can only play it on steam as is the case with all other Source games and Source mods.
did you install it to the default location?
yeah it's in the right folder (sourcemods). I've managed to get it to run but now I have another problem, whenever I click "start singleplayer game" I choose a HL2: DM map and I just get a blank screen with my HUD. I can bring up the spawn and weapon menus etc but the maps won't load. I deleted the counterstrike and HL2 folders so only the deathmatch folder was left (the only game I have fully, I have the HL2 Demo which lets me access some HL2 models like the strider, apc, etc). I don't see why the Deathmatch maps shouldn't work, considering I actually own the full HL2 Deathmatch game and have used these maps in-game.

I am really tempted to just torrent gmod 10 now because those ******s at gmod forums aren't helping at all "LULZ GET GMOD 10, IT'S ONLY $10" Yeah, well I don't have $10 cos I don't live in America. Stupid ****s.
there is a way to play gmod without steam, but that is considered a pirated version. and you (even me) could get banned for even just decussing it. thats why i am not helping you...

please dont ban me :(
you should probably get HL2 seeing as it is required. or get GMod 10.
I am really tempted to just torrent gmod 10 now because those ******s at gmod forums aren't helping at all "LULZ GET GMOD 10, IT'S ONLY $10" Yeah, well I don't have $10 cos I don't live in America. Stupid ****s.

...what does that have to do with anything?

Also; There will be no more discussion of pirated versions of gmod from now on.
If you have a credit card, it should auto-convert it to US currency.

Also, most of this thread fails.

Gmod9 requires CS:S. (Compliments of AtomicSpark)
Gmod 10 doesn't.
well. i can delete my post above (dont know why - the edit button isnt there) - so i just want to let anyone know, i tried to erase it...