Gordon Freeman main character in Aftermath?

Jintor said:
Skipping from the first page to this page looks more like you've changed threads, honestly.

I'm still against Gordon being the hero of aftermath... I really hope Valve dosn't pwn itself.

It's Gordon and you know it ;)

Don't worry, they will think of something as to it making sense.
If I may jump in on what Pai-Mei said, I think the reason for the stalker not attacking the soldier explains itself.
Firstly, the armaments of either side.
Soldier: Gun
Stalker: Lack of appendages

Now the brainwash factor, if the combine can pull out organs and run a fellow off saline solution, they can screw with his mind to the point of making him not attack soldiers with what force he could muster. Maybe, weld on them or something.

What the? Did you even read my post?

I'm not complaining that the Stalker isn't attacking the soldier (we've seen Stalkers and soldiers together before), I'm complaining that the soldier isn't attacking the player whose perspective this screenshot is from.

And the Vatican hasn't confirmed that the new Pope is Catholic, either. But that's no reason to doubt that he is.

How is that any argument for your point at all? Basically you are saying that we are playing as Gordon Freeman "because its just so bloody obvious."

Well you know what? In ALL of the expansion packs released for the original Half-Life, none of them had us playing as Gordon Freeman!! If anything, the trend would indicate that we will not play as Gordon Freeman.

That "random poster" has been confirmed as working for PC Gamer UK. And the PC Gamer UK article has numerous references to Gordon Freeman.

How has he been confirmed as working for PC Gamer? And quote some of that PC Gamer UK article rather than just point and say "I'm sure its in there somewhere."

Now look. The fact of the matter is, I wholeheartedly believe that HL:AM will have Gordon Freeman as the main character. I just do. But my point is that you have not shown me proof for it, so stop citing it as such. You may beleive it because of rumors and because the HL:AM screenshots show Gordon's HUD (could just mean they havent updated the HUD yet), but you don't have proof.
Pai-Mei said:
How is that any argument for your point at all? Basically you are saying that we are playing as Gordon Freeman "because its just so bloody obvious."

Well you know what? In ALL of the expansion packs released for the original Half-Life, none of them had us playing as Gordon Freeman!! If anything, the trend would indicate that we will not play as Gordon Freeman.

What I'm saying is that it's pointless to go "Oh, I'm not going to believe it's Gordon until Valve say so" because they're proabably never going to say it before the next preview of the game. Valve haven't said a lot of things, that doesn't mean it's false. Everytime anything happens about 20 people go "I'm not going to believe it until Valve say so.",

Pai-Mei said:
How has he been confirmed as working for PC Gamer? And quote some of that PC Gamer UK article rather than just point and say "I'm sure its in there somewhere."

Well, The Funker has also mentioned some other things, and the staff members haven't once deleted his posts or say that he's lying. And he e-mailed an high res version of a PC Gamer UK cover to Chris_D recently, I believe.

Despite the fact that I didn't just say "I'm sure it's all in there somewhere". and I s, here are two quotes from PC Gamer:

"With the Citadel erupting, even the Metrocops are going to need to reach safety. Could this be a chance for Gordon to co-operate with the soldiers..."

"As the Citadel erupts, Gordon and Alyx will need to find some..."

Pai-Mei said:
Now look. The fact of the matter is, I wholeheartedly believe that HL:AM will have Gordon Freeman as the main character. I just do. But my point is that you have not shown me proof for it, so stop citing it as such. You may beleive it because of rumors and because the HL:AM screenshots show Gordon's HUD (could just mean they havent updated the HUD yet), but you don't have proof.

Obviously I don't have absolute proof, because it's difficult to prove given the information we have. Likewise there is no proof. But the evidence for playing Gordon far outweighs the evidence for not being Gordon (which is basically, that a Combine soldier isn't firing at the player in one screenshot)
Well, I'll just fall back on my fail-safe plan and claim Valve is lying to us.

Either that or they'll make some sort of coherent thingy time-space contininininium that means Gordon can come back.

I think Valve will definitely figure out SOMETHING to make the story *make sense*. Maybe it'll be some sort of rescue mission ? I dunno...I'm not good at making guesses...

I'm thinking about the ending of HL2...Gordon(me) blast the Dark Reactor one last time with the energy ball...the whole "hole in the sky" thingy dissappears...Alyx said something to congratulate Gordon...then the reactor suddenly goes critical...shaking the platform that Gordon is standing on...Alyx told Gordon to escape...or something like that...and then the reactor exploded...slowly...very slowly....and then everything froze...and Gordon can see the explosion's gas thingy...and then...his pal(not) 's voice appears..."Time...is it that time again...?" something like that....and he walks out from the explosion !! (Freaky...don't you think ?) Talks a lot of crap...and then becoming something blur and then expands and stuff....(blah blah blah)...

ok....from all that....I can see that Gordon is saved...from the explosion...and Alyx is in no way safe....so what can happen ? Is After Math going to continue from there ? Possibly not...since every expansion starts off some where else....where it makes no sense at all at first...but as you play, you know what happend and stuff....But...maybe After Math is different ? Maybe it continues Gordon's adventure from HL2...maybe Gordon argues with G-Man...to save Alyx...or...judging by the name....AFTER MATH....maybe it continues after all that crap....maybe years later ? and Alyx could be dead by then(duh)....or maye not....it's a wild guess....but here goes....G-Man's time stopping device somehow malfunctioned...maybe becaused of all that energy that's still in the air...the result of opening a portal to another dimension....and Alyx somehow got zapped by the energy and the time around her moved and she escaped in time ?

it's all a mystery...

and I have no idea why I just wrote all that crap....knock me in the head if you all got dizzy from reading all that crap.....
RoughKnight, perhaps it will be like that, but without the Gman sequence, to create a "smooth" start IMO.