Grid problems.


May 14, 2004
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I have a problem with my grid setup it think it has to do with the grid anyway.
Right in the first pic you can see that my x size is 912.

Now I want it to be 913. But as u can see in the next pic, every square i move on the grid it jumps by 4 units.

These are my settings i have in the options menu.

Does any know how I can get it so it will only change by 1 unit again, it did before and now it doesnt :S
I also have the map>units>none. this is how it was before then i changed it to feet+inches and back again but it seems to have mucked up something.
OMG I AM SUCH A COCK......sorry u can delete this thread...all i had to do was press '['.. i even knew that myself....its well sayin i need like 36hrs more sleep. I have been learning this mapping stuff for about 3 days straight with only about 4hrs sleep each day :S
Try pressing "[" until you don't see anymore changes. It should go down to 1.

EDIT - You figured it out :p