Gunships: they just keep getting more annoying. <spoilers>



well, im on Highway 17, playing through the game again, and i found a truck with a missle box in it. so i decided to take out the gunship which attacks you a few seconds earlyer. BIG MISTAKE. the cursed thing died and fell in my way. so now i gotta spend 30 minutes gravity gunning it out of the way. but i did, however, get some cool pics of it dead on the floor.

Its gun part of it is really cool. its really fun to hit it with the grav-gun.

and my favorate image of all, simply because its dead, and on its back.

oh, and a bird i found who wasnt phased by any of it:

gotta love image shack....
Your graphics are a bit... hmmm, poor.

But nice screenies! ;)
Heh, yeh. When I play that map I always shoot the killing shot (rocket) so it'll crash on the road... Looks neat!
i lowered the settings to minimum so i can play it faster. it works :p
I don't like my settings low. I love to have the beautiful graphics that HL2 has.
so do i, but im trying to play through the game in under 5 hours (insane, i know) and so far i have been playing for about an hour or so, and i cant afford to have any lag from graphic re-freshing i rarely get. its fun. first time i played it through with full on settings.
When that happened to me I got totally creeped out. Didn't want to get anywhere near it, let alone shoot the grav gun at it!
heheh. its worth playing around with it, i have backed the save up so i can go back later and see how many movable parts it has.
Combine Hybrid said:
Gunships are cool. Those damn choppers are what I hate.

Yea but you gotta love how the chopper pilots eject before the chopper blows up. :LOL: