Half Life 2 - 2 Years Old As Of Today

Sierra Oscar

Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
The game came out Nov 16th 2004, and it still looks great

Happy BD half Life 2!
yeah it ain't done bad - now if only Insurgency would release, Minerva would get finished and Dystopia made decent maps..../rant
2 years ago I threw a hissy fit over my graphics card.

In the honour of HL2, I'm off to play through it again.
Hehe well remembered, I completely forgot. HBD!
It's been a great 2 years.
Happy Birthday.

Too bad it reminds us that it has been two years and there has been no decent mods released in that time.
Happy birthday, so to speak. Still unmatched in many areas, and this also marks two years with hardly any decent SP mods. Surprising that SP maps didn't get made.
HA, i just played HL1 and Episode 1 over again, i didnt know it was two years since it came out. Happy birthday HL :D
Shit, this means my laptop's components are more than two years out of date! :(
Doesn't seem like 2 years on =( ... i still remember how i felt on the day of release :p
My penis is still sore after the hours leading up to the game's release.
HAPPY B-DAY HL2 it dosent seem like its been that long to me anyway???
I began another playthrough. The game is still amazing. By the way I am playing on a ati x1900xt with full antialiasing and full anisotropic and color correction on... the graphics are still the best out there.
I remember 2 years ago....today was the day I actually got the game (I got it the day AFTER it came out, because of a shipping screwup). I remember waiting for the steam BS to go through...3 hours it took, I started the game up, almost wetting my pants lol and then the screen was all blurry. I was like "WTF" but then it went to the menu and I was like WOW OMG I CANT BELIEVE IM ACTUALLY PLAYING IT!!! Then I started playing and played for 3 days straight. Then I played through again on hard. I think I've actually beaten HL2 like 3 times now, time to go through again!
I remember when I got the game for Christmas. (I think it was the same year the game was released. I'm not sure though) I was trying soooo hard to not to play it more then 3 hours a day because I liked the game so much. It was one of the games I just COULDN'T stop playing. I tried to make the game last for a really long time. I manage to do it to!

I played it for about 5 hours in the first sitting, then got scared in Ravenholm because it was like 3 AM and I'm a little bitch, and was done with the game three days later.
I got up early before school to play an hour. And then the memory could not be read :(
I can't wait to play this on my core 2 duo it'll be like a whole new game! :E
If only you could bottle up that feeling when you played it the first time. Everything was new, unexpected, and it looked so different compared to other games. Now it seems too familiar and it's quite hard to get kicks out of it because it's so easy to play through.
I cant wait for ep2. They better make it difficult to play. The car should guarantee that, though...
It was sucha great day - i had finished work and had about an hour or twot o spare before it was unlocked on steam. I had 2 bags of doritos, coke, and a whole lot of excitement up my sleeve.

Played it for hours and hours, went to bed very late, dreamt about it, played it the next day etc... finished it in 2 or 3 days
hehehe <3
All hail Hl2 and it's many awesome mods - Minerva: Metastasis, Mistake of Pythagoras, The Hidden, Strider mod are my personal faves..

And who can forget the stuff gun from Smod? That was sechs.
About today is the time were i beat the game and cursed myself for playing it to fast.

Happy birth day
Wow...fond memories. :-\
I remember playing it straight for almost 24 hours with just a little sleep thrown in. *sigh*

I beat the game wednesday night and went to church for wednesday night bible study, and I still felt like I was in the game everywhere I went. I even carried stuff so that it was in the right hand corner of my vision.

Fond memories that never go away.
Wow how drugged up were you Miccy? :cheese: :D

Anyways, I remember booting the game up the morning of its release, and by the time Steam had done its work, it was time to go to College. Which sucked. 2 days later the game was finished. Much joy was had playing it, much shock was had at the ending.

I also started HL2 again on Hard on the 16th. And I've finished it again this minute. Still awesome.
I remember the canals of DEATH. Mainly because I had seen the beginning and stuff in... intro movies? Something like that. But the canals were the first new thing to me, and... woah they were cool.