Half Life 2 DEMO "coming soon"?

sorry bud old news :( its all speculation (even fileplanet's) until release, only valve know what valve are doing lol
anywhoo I wouldnt download the demo, unless it was like uplink, and wasnt something from the original game. (dont wanna spoil it for myself)
and I honestly dont think (hope) valve would do the fileplanet exclusive shit... if you take note, only piddly little games, or new crap games have been FP exclusive.. I doubt Valve would do that to its fans (I mean look how they support the mod community, it shows they care)

-fileplanet- "It seems unlikely that Valve will release a demo before the game ships on September 30, 2003."
Planetside Was a pretty good exclusive game which you could download even if u were not subscriber....like at the end
Originally posted by Fileplanet
It seems unlikely that Valve will release a demo before the game ships on September 30, 2003.
No point in releasing it after Sept. 30, since we'll already be playing the full retail by then. :bounce: (hopefully)

What I think should be released is a Source Engine benchmark utility.
jager, yeah that would be awesome
Im praying they release the tech demo level, even if its after the game is released, or bundled with the game would be better :)
I just want it
Im pretty sure Gabe Newell said that there would'nt be any demo whatsoever.
i'm not liking this no demo business. especially when the stores around here don't let you return games after you've opened them. i've had bad experiences with games like that. it makes me less eager to get half-life 2.
I think he said that they didn't have any demo planned...but that they might do one, but in any case it would first be aviable after the game ships.
Anyhoo look at the date on that page - 2004, which is like 3 months after the game is meant to be released!
Not surprising there was never a playable demo for the original Half-life either. A game like this doesn't need one. The E3 video previews are more then enough for most people. If for some reason you remain skeptical I suggest you wait for the reviews to come out.
I agree with chili pepper, a demo is meant for people to test a product before they buy it, the fact is HL2 has already got so many people that will be buying it anyway that it won't really matter. Any skeptics will simply end up getting HL2 from hearing by word of mouth, and by the reviews that it will recieve.

Bottom line: HL2 doesn't need a demo, so why would you spend the extra work to make one.
I think I remember Valve saying something to the effect of: "we could spend time making a demo or spend time makeing the game better." It's odvious which choice they are going to make if they look at it that way.

isn't it kind of lame of Gspy to have HL2 under their "upcoming demos"-page...if they're not even sure if there will be a demo at all?
Like the original Half-Life, Valve currently has no plans for a pre-release demo (Half-Life: Day One wasn't an official demo).
lol, why did Fileplanet put that right on their upcoming demo page for HL2???? What a bunch of morons... :D
A tech demo would be pretty cool but a normal demo might be a bit of a spoiler
omg... this is the biggest bullshit... wtf is fileplanet trying to pull?? the only reason for them to post this info a an upcoming demo is if valve told them something we dont know. if not, they are simply trying to get more hits on there shit site. what a bunch of greedy morons... :flame:
what usually works best is to use fileplanet to get the name of the file, and then go straight to filemirrors.com and download it from there :D
heh, good idea spark, forgot about that place... well guys... im still confused about the meaning of fileplanet to put hl2 in upcoming demos, then stating no info on an anouncement or even a HINT of a demo coming... i mean my god, they dont even know that the games release date is sep. 30th. 2004? have they not seen sep. 30th in every damn magazine interview??
Originally posted by BDC22
if not, they are simply trying to get more hits on there shit site. what a bunch of greedy morons... :flame:
...as opposed to any other webpage? Guys, it's time to admit it...webpages *gasp* don't exist for your well-being! They're there to make a business, just like anything else that operates in this universe. What FP is doing is no different than what all the news stations/programs do during sweeps month. They toss out anything that might bring more people in. The news stations release wild rumours, while FP has a small section for a possible HL2 demo. So what? It's not like they're harming you in any way.

vert, i never said they were harming me... im just saying that they ALREADY get thousands and thousands of hits per day, and with there HUGE hl2 gameplay vids from e3, they increased enough for them to "make it" so to speak. they are simply getting greedy since they had so much success with the vids, hoping people will buy into there "upcoming hl2 demo" shit, coming with ABSOLUTLY no info or news as to a demo release, and they based there asumption off of old info from before e3. sorry, im not taking my anger out on you, i just have this ongoing rage for fileplanet. :)
Eh, I guess they figure that they have a good thing going with HL2, so why not milk the cash cow?

EDIT: I never meant to make it seem like I condone what they do, I'm just saying it's the sad truth of the business.
i agree, but i dont think misleading people is the right thing to do... THOUSANDS of people... i just dont agree with what there doing.
As was said, there's no reason for them to release a demo. The Uplink demo was a move to try and get new people to try the game, as well as to reward the fanbase. They might do something similar for HL2, but it would be silly to release it early or even soon after the game. All the "must try before I buy people" will just have to go wanting: though a lot of those people tend to "must warez before I .... aw I played through the whole game and it Suxors! I'm not buying this POS!!!" (then on to the next game).

Anyway, I'm sure they'll get such great reviews that it will sell things for them just fine.
A few people, like to get demos before they buy the game, because with a demo, you will know if it will run on your comp etc, but this is HL2, everyone should get the game first...lol
I'm sure that if they release a demo AT ALL, they would release it after they release the game, cause the demo will spoil the game for people, and then theyll get less money :dork:
damn, vertigo.
websites ARE here to serve me. and you. you just say that
because you're a webmaster yourself!
don't **** with the masses...

and that suffering isn't that ugly anymore

ok, here comes fire and sulphor:

Half-Life 2 Demo Info

Release date? 2004
How sure are we? Not At All
Multiplayer: Unknown
Developer: Valve Software
Publisher: Vivendi Universal Publishing

how sure? not sure at all. see? SEE? they say they're not sure whether a demo is released or not.


It seems unlikely that Valve will release a demo before the game ships on September 30, 2003.

Jesus christ, learn to read, morons, they know perfectly well when the game ships.

Like the original Half-Life, Valve currently has no plans for a pre-release demo (Half-Life: Day One wasn't an official demo).

lol, why did Fileplanet put that right on their upcoming demo page for HL2???? What a bunch of morons...

They say its probably going to be released only after the game ships, and judging by original half life experience, only several months later, hence the 2004 release date...

Conclusion: If you are a moron, and cannot read one lousy page of text properly, DO NOT FLAME ANYONE.

then why do they put that page up anyway, dr. smart?
it's like...

***HALF-LIFE 2 DEMOOOO!!!! read everything:***

err, there's probably gonna be no demo (and if yes you won't
play it anyway because you already own the game twice)

Mod, guess what i can read: UPCOMING DEMOS: HL2

regardless of what the text says, they still simply put HL2 in there upcoming demos page, and if you look at the other demos in that section, you will notice they have been released already, suggesting that a demo will be coming shortly.

hmmm... i guess i can read after all.
Half-Life: Uplink (or Day One) was an unofficial demo not made by Valve.

There is no HL2 demo coming out.

But I have the game on pre-order so whats the point?
i heard that a hl2 demo had been leaked .... mind you, not heard a thing since so it was probably a blind rumour.

I have the game on preorder too, but i think i'll probably play the demo before i get the full game - mainly coz i can't wait to see wot it looks like !
Originally posted by greenberetta
then why do they put that page up anyway, dr. smart?
Hmmm...they got the original poster to go to the page, read it, trigger ads, tell some one else, they came, they read...

Hey wait a minute...they figured out how to get people to come to their site and read articles with advertisements on it! They must be Frigging geniuses!