Half-Life 2 Done Quick


Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
The HL2DQ-team is done with the speedrun through Half-Life 2!

I'm one of the members so feel free to ask any questions about this movie!

You can also post your comments and questions here:

Here are the Torrent downloads:
Medium Quality Video (800MB)
High Quality Video (1.52GB)
Insane Quality Video (3.57GB) (here are all torrent-links aswell)

Normal Download:
Medium Quality Video (800MB) (note: max 20kb/s)
Gamearena (need a non gmail/hotmail account to register and download)

This video contains lots of cool tricks and high speed so I hope you'll like it! :LOL:
Your Medium Quality and High Quality torrent links are broken...

But they're on the Insane Quality page anyway... downloading now..
hynsey said:
Your Medium Quality and High Quality torrent links are broken...

But they're on the Insane Quality page anyway... downloading now..
Are you sure? Have you fixed so that you torrent-program opens torrent files? I just tested them both and they worked fine.

But as you said; if there's any problem, the files can be find on the Insane Quality page.

Hope you'll like it! :)
20kbps and a 45 minute wait?!
you have got to be joking
yeah, i tried. the links on the insane quality page are different as far as i can tell
They are hosted at different places but the .torrent files are the same, so both function identically.
How quick was it?

john3571000 said:
20kbps and a 45 minute wait?!
you have got to be joking

You wouldn't be saying that 5 years ago. :D
umm is this the same person that beat hl2 quick before?
Mutley said:
How quick was it?
It's about 1:36:50, but the entire video is about 1:42 (that's 1 hour 42 minutes)

umm is this the same person that beat hl2 quick before?
No, this run is made by the HL2DQ-team and is not only played by one player. The number of players that made it to the final video should be 14, but the guy who did the first HL2 run is not included.

Also if you get a slow download through any of the "normal download" places, you should try bittorent:

The Medium-quality and High-quality should have quite fast download speeds through torrent.
Is this speed-run faster than others that have been compiled? Or is THIS the compiled/final one.
Javert said:
Is this speed-run faster than others that have been compiled? Or is THIS the compiled/final one.
This video has only been available for download on our forums for about 5 days, so this is the fastest HL2 speed-run available right now!

Our run will not be improved by us, so this video is final.
I remember watching one by the HL2DQ site before, it was impressive, not sure how much you've improved on the last time though. Have you still cleared ravenholm by picking up the crate piece and walking on it so you fly over most things? Or actually done it properly (and quick)?
Hectic Glenn said:
I remember watching one by the HL2DQ site before, it was impressive, not sure how much you've improved on the last time though. Have you still cleared ravenholm by picking up the crate piece and walking on it so you fly over most things? Or actually done it properly (and quick)?
Properly?...we did it the fastest way possible, we used the physics of the game against the game itself! We can pick up any object, and if we jump while standing on top of it we rise upwards - that is a part of the game-engine we have to exploit!

or like you said it:
"cleared ravenholm by picking up the crate piece and walking on it so you fly over most things"

Just watch the video, Ravenholm is one of the most intense chapters of the run!
I understand its an exploit in the game therefore useable, i just think due to the fun and nature of the task, it would be better to watch that chapter done at speed in a more interesting way. I'm sure alot of work has still gone into it, but at the end of the day people watch to see the amazing shortcuts and manouves you guys do, floating about isn't so interesting. The 'quickest' time you do it in isn't really our interest, its the skill and nature of how you do it. I'm sure its still an awesome time trial, and i'll watch it tomorrow, but exploits being used to high high degrees can take away alot of the skill/fun factor.
You simply need to watch this run. It is on the level of being unbelievable. It is just simply astounding. Awesome job, guys.
Hectic Glenn said:
I understand its an exploit in the game therefore useable, i just think due to the fun and nature of the task, it would be better to watch that chapter done at speed in a more interesting way. I'm sure alot of work has still gone into it, but at the end of the day people watch to see the amazing shortcuts and manouves you guys do, floating about isn't so interesting. The 'quickest' time you do it in isn't really our interest, its the skill and nature of how you do it. I'm sure its still an awesome time trial, and i'll watch it tomorrow, but exploits being used to high high degrees can take away alot of the skill/fun factor.
I agree actually. "Flying" is a method that some people might consider "controversial" or even boring - but I think it's sad if people would think that it's "easy" or cheating because the flying-tricks (descend, turbo-up etc.) are very difficult to do and do not deserve to looked down upon. Still flying isn't that much of a big exploit really, but everyone has their opinion about what is right or wrong...

At least you seem to be quite objective and thoughtful about things like exploits; not "OMG! CHEATZORZ!", I thank you for that :LOL:

But I hope you'll enjoy the run (and Ravenholm) still :)

xombine said:
You simply need to watch this run. It is on the level of being unbelievable. It is just simply astounding. Awesome job, guys.
Thanks, and enjoy the rest! :)
Holy Mother of lord, Gordon needs to just skip all his hax and get himself a hoverboard.

Props guys.
john3571000 said:
20kbps and a 45 minute wait?!
you have got to be joking

You should be happy! With dial-up this is taking 17h 57m 11s at 2.5kb/s.. I wish I had your net.
Watched it on Google Video and wow. VERY impressive, especially during the part where the strider attacked in the Citadel. I also like the nods and shakes; it makes it kinda funny.
Hilarious run! :LOL:

I would actually go so far to say that this is one of the best speed runs I've ever seen of a game. Some parts are so crazy that you'll get a headache from watching it.

My favourite part is the whole "Highway 17" chapter because you run faster than the car.

I also laughed so hard when you guys jumped on the elevator with Dr. Breen and when you destroyed the generator because of all the chatter from Alyx and Breen. :LOL:

Awesome work.
Dog-- said:
You should be happy! With dial-up this is taking 17h 57m 11s at 2.5kb/s.. I wish I had your net.

people are still on dial-up?????
Now that was just amazing. Fantastic. Outstanding. Just great. If you just see one speedrun of HL2, make sure it's this one.
Right now I'm downloading the Insane Quality version. Don't really want the video.google blurryness. :D
Heh, you should read the text files that come with the movie :p

I'll copy/paste:


Team Discoverer: DemonStrate
Description: Using HL2's physics against itself to repeatedly jump off objects and simulate flight.


When you hold an object underneath yourself, you end up standing on it. After about a second of this the game automatically makes you let go of the item. However, if you stand on an object while still holding it, and then immediately jump, you will jump off the object and the object will follow you to your new height. If you repeatedly do this, you will continue to gain height. With most objects holding in the forward button helps, as it maintains your place on the object, whereas otherwise it starts to come out from under you. Flat objects with a good amount of room for standing are easiest to fly with.
I like how you were able to speed up npc's movement by hitting them on the head with an object. I think that's the only technique I saw that I can try.

One thing confuses me though. How did you get the weapons back in the citadel? I watched that part in the confiscation field over and over and I can't tell what happened.
Yeah that weapon pick-up in the citadel was cool, and it must be quite special or something since the guy who did that didn't do anything else in the whole speedrun IIRC :)
Loke said:
I also laughed so hard when you guys jumped on the elevator with Dr. Breen and when you destroyed the generator because of all the chatter from Alyx and Breen. :LOL:
Yeah, that bit was funny. Seemed kind of apt that GMan was talking about "Time... Dr Freeman" when time was screwed up by the speed of the run :)

I also like the fact that the player doesn't get a weapon until quite some way into the third chapter. An interesting run. I think the "teleporting" trick looks absolutely hilarious at times. Gordon just whacking his friends on the head to make them move quicker ^^

okidoki said:
One thing confuses me though. How did you get the weapons back in the citadel? I watched that part in the confiscation field over and over and I can't tell what happened.
questions guide txt said:
Q.) How did you manage to keep your weapons?

A.) Since you are supposed to be in the center of the room at this point if you were dumped off by the container, the programmers didn't count on someone being right at the boundary where guns can be taken back into inventory. If you stand close enough to the forcefield as your guns are floating in the air, you're able to take all of them back again. Usually the device still manages to suck them out of your hands and make them useless, but sometimes, most likely a direct result of firing your weapon at the right time, the device fails to take them from you and you get all your weapons back.
Oh one thing I forgot to slip in that explanation; you "take them back" by pressing "use" on them as they are floating. Once again that only works when you are close enough to the forcefield, which really just means part of you is out of the special trigger that takes your weapons.
I think every question that's been asked is answered in the text files. I intentionally made it that way because I knew I would have little control over where this was posted or who made the initial post.

In any case, here's a passage from both the Comments and Questions Guide text files.

For this run, we used a simple macro which presses the button assigned to "jump" repeatedly, for as long as it is held in. This was done to increase focus on less tedious and more complicated tricks in the run, as well as to prevent people from doing silly things like making an in-game script with hundreds of "+jump" commands and binding jump to the mousewheel as well as 12 buttons on a joystick to stomp on. In case you're wondering, yes, the above method has actually been used before the macro was voted as an option.
From an additional text file I plan to include on the DVD version (with bonus content!) of the video, which is currently being made:

There are several methods of emulating a jump script, including any macro program that utilizes a loop function. We used a desktop macro program called Autohotkey for the script.

1.) Download Autohotkey at http://autohotkey.com/download/AutoHotkeyInstall.exe
2.) Install the program wherever is most convienent.
3.) In the folder where Autohotkey is installed, make a text document called Autohotkey.ini
4.) Open the file, and write the following code into it:


if state = U


5.) Save and exit the file.
6.) Run Autohotkey.exe.

You can press the Pause button on your keyboard to turn on and off the script. Use spacebar to jump.

*Note: If you do not jump with the spacebar, you can check the KeyList in the Autohotkey.chm help file to find what the variable name of the button you use is. Then replace every instance you find "SPACE" in the code above with that name.

It actually might very well be possible to make an identical script in HL2 script, I just never learned the language. All it is is the employment of a loop function, which is pretty standard in most scripting languages. There is a "Test_Loop" function in HL2 but I never figured it out.
Max]I[muS-X said:
From an additional text file I plan to include on the DVD version (with bonus content!) of the video, which is currently being made:

It actually might very well be possible to make an identical script in HL2 script, I just never learned the language. All it is is the employment of a loop function, which is pretty standard in most scripting languages. There is a "Test_Loop" function in HL2 but I never figured it out.
Works like a charm, thank you. :)