Half-Life 2 Expansion Confirmed

ghostrider4450 said:
I wouldnt have taken away as much of HL2 without first playing HL1. You really should play HL1.

It shouldnt matter who you play as, I think it will be just as awsome and will have its own feel to it.

what happened to this shephard guy at the end of opposing force,did he die?he wasnt in hl2
jimbo118 said:
what happened to this shephard guy at the end of opposing force,did he die?he wasnt in hl2

G-man took him away. He didn't die. The reason that he wasn't in HL2 is beacause he's Gearbox's creation, not Valve's. But I still hope that he will return in an expansion.
Sorry guys, dont hit me for not beeing able to stay ernest, but how about an expansion where snarks are reintroduced- and you are palying one. Would be some kind of rats-game all the way through. kill your giant enemys with your 10000 friends.
No good? Not really?
ok, never mind
vegeta897 said:
The "sniper" aspect is probably something like you can look down its sights, or something else that the magazine construed to make it sound retarded. :p
My guess is that the HL2 Expansion's "Gimmick" will be weapons modification, upgrading your weapons as such. Why? Because Alyx is a mechanic and it seems a logical way to go. The "AlyxGun" of HL2 fame is clearly a modified pistol that she probably made herself, and I expect the expansion will capitalise on that.
Shens said:
I believe the only part the Alyx expansion would make sense would be right after the destruction of the Citadel where she is teleported *without seeing the G-man* out of the area of the explosion.....or something like that.
I totally disagree, this would be convuluted and just plain crap. The consquences will be left for HL3 if ever discussed at all. Instead, it seems logical (to me at least) that any Alyx expansion would take place before the events of HL2. We know that Alyx "spends a lot of time outside" and she could get into all kinds of adventures before Gordon gets there. This also prevents the problem of meeting Gordon, which a lot of people seem to be against (me too). It's not as if the characters of HL2 have so much development that there isn't a chance for them to star at another moment in time, but classic "as the main game happens" expansions should be left to entirely new characters.
Filefront "VALVE Debunks expansion rumours" said:
Russian computer game site; Computer Games has a quote from Valve stating that there are no current plans for a Half Life 2 expansion.

"Despite the rumors, Valve has not announced any plans for an HL2 expansion".
Whoever was responsible for that news post needs to sacked. Valve saying that "we haven't announced" anything is way, way different to "we're not doing anything". I think people just really need to accept that this expansion is coming. At least 3, maybe more sources (1. The Swedish Mag that misinterpreted and took it as HL3, 2. The "Final Hours of Half-Life 2" article and 3. PC Gamer) have all quoted Valve employees saying they would "like to" or are at least "wanting to" do an Alyx/Dog expansion. Now why people think this is such a lame idea is beyond me - the player character counts for sh*t in an FPS, especially one where you don't have a physical presence beyond you gun-arm. Or are some of you scared that NPCs are going to refer to you with Female pronouns?

kupoartist said:
Whoever was responsible for that news post needs to sacked. Valve saying that "we haven't announced" anything is way, way different to "we're not doing anything".

However, it DOES mean that the magazine that has the so-called confirmation is NOT TRUE (Whether through malice or mistake), ergo everything they say needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Jeremy Dunn
playing as Shephard during the 7 hours war would own any alyx expansion
Btw the fighting only started in HL2 when Nova Prospekt blew so whats Alyx going to do then
We want an action packed shooter but alyx never really has time to see the fight plus she's captured by Breen
She cant fight the 7 hour war unless she was a preteen killing machine and nothing happened in between
C'mon Valve this is a cop out, give us something we will love
playing as Shephard during the 7 hours war would own any alyx expansion

Any 7 hours war mod would kick so much ass, even if you didn't play as Shepherd. It'd be even cooler if it wasn't the G-Man using you... like maybe the military developed a teleporter to get you out of G-Space or something... or maybe the portals that the Combine came through openned up a rift in the G-dimension that you are stuck in.

You start off in the Osprey helicopter that you are left in at the end of Op4, and all is calm. Suddenly, you hear the familiar sound of a teleport phenomena. Outside the Osprey you see several teleports going off, and suddenly, one surrounds you. It is nighttime, and you find yourself teleported onto a rooftop... on the streets below several Striders push back a retreating army. They round a corner to face round tanks ready to fire. The tanks launch their payload, and all of the Striders do their patented "recoil" after being hit. One of them goes down. You hear men shouting to reload the tanks as they fruitlessly shoot bullets at the striders.The other two striders or so use their distortion cannons and disintegrate the troops, sending the tanks flying backwards. You make your way down into the building and find a few Vortigaunts who somehow know who you are...
Remember in the singleplayer when the administrator was like, "Even some of my own men have begun to question my authority"

That right there told me that an opposing force type thing was forshadowed. Anyone agree?
Remember in the singleplayer when the administrator was like, "Even some of my own men have begun to question my authority"

When does he say that? I don't remember it.
A combination of a pistol, smg and sniper rifle. LOL. Let's add an RPG, a chainsaw and a harpoon shooter to it and we'll be ready for action.
Blue Shift 2-takes place during the 7 Hour War

Opposing Force 2-takes place in City 17 where you are signed up for Civil Protection
IMO an expansion in the seven hour war would suck. Becasue you kow your gonna lose and you know it will be short.
no the 7 hours war would be excellent, just because the war officialy ebded after 7 hours doesn't mean everyone stopped resisting, plus you can add in the portal storms and the migration of everyone to cities. could be 20 hours
The portal storms threw Xen lifeforms to Earth, people migrated to the cities to be protected by the military. The Combine then attacked after preparing, with everyone handily in several small areas the victory would have been easy for them. 7 hours could be accurate as Combine forces would only have to target the cities, and could employ devastating weapons to wipe out entire populations (Breen says "finest remaining urban centres" - suggesting some were totally destroyed).

I think a 7 hour war expansion would be cool, massive firefights between the Earth's military and the Combine forces... Earth unable to use nuclear weapons due to all the fighting occuring in the cities. Crazy, exhilirating and fun.
Sars said:
either way, playing as alyx is a REALLY shit idea and a cop out if you ask me. we already know alyx and playing as her completely destroys the "YOU ARE" mentallity. it just isnt half life

my 2c
At first I was going to argue against this as I thought you were taking it as HL3, but then I understood.

In the other expansions for HL1, we didn't already know the characters. You're right Sars. We only saw Calhoun but for 2 seconds and we never saw Adrian. Knowing Alyx already you expect her voice and everything. Kinda weird. Barney in the future is kind of ruined too.

I'd still play them though.
I think an Alyx expansion could be really cool. Who's to say that you won't be able to have Alyx's agility, or her ability to hack into computers? And, while the HL series has never had a speaking main character, we've seen it done on Source in Bloodlines. I doubt the possibility of it, but there's a first for everything.

Even if she doesn't speak, it can still be immersive. And think of all the scenarios that could involve Alyx. Who's to say that you might not be playing her during the seven-hour war? At the very least you'll be playing as her during the parts she was separated from Gordon, and we don't know where she was during those times. Exploring more of City 17 with the agile Alyx sounds like a good idea to me.

And will you people PLEASE get off the whole "Adrian Shephard" thing? Jesus Christ why does everyone have a boner for this guy? "Oh there should be Shephard," "Bring back Shephard"; ffs, he's dead. He died.

Random Shephard Fanboy 1: "No he's not! You have no proof!"
Don't need any proof; he died. His Osprey crashed, or he was disposed of because he was dead useless, or he starved. Perhaps something ate him. Subject: Shephard. Status: Terminated. Subject failed to be a productive member of this series.

Random Shephard Fanboy 2: "BuT ShEpHaRd R0x! He Iz LiEk tEh BeSt ChAraCtuR!!!111!@eleventy-one!"
No, shut up. He had less personality than the goddamned Doom Marine. He went in, killed some aliens, whoop-de-shit. You know what his reward was for killing that giant space slug? A one-way ride on an osprey to Deathsville. Shut up, he sucks. He's not Boba Fett, he's not some minor character you can make all cool. Shut up, shut up, shut up; he died.

Random Shephard Fanboy 3: "Shephard will eventually return and he will be the G-man's puppet in the seven hour war or maybe he will join Civil Protection or maybe he will be the base for the Combine soldiers or maybe he will be the One and can fly and do kung fu or maybe he will get something more powerful than the gravity gun like a time gun or maybe he will summon bears that shoot lasers from their eyes."
Shut up, he's dead. You should go die too. Gearbox's character will never return. Ever. He died. He's useless. The Combine don't want him, G-man doesn't want him, his employers don't want him, the Advisor doesn't want him. Nobody wants him. Even if they did, he will be unavailable to them as he is DECEASED.

Stop crying about Shephard. He was never an interesting character, but OpFor was a great game. A great game with a character who only existed to serve a one-shot purpose. He has no further use in this universe, and has thusly been disposed or forgotten about by everyone but rabid fans who are, for some inexplicable reason, obsessed with Adrian Shephard.

Also, Alyx Gun sounds ballsy, haters. Reminds me of that gun in GiTS; it was a pistol, but the guy plugs in a clip and it converts into a machine gun. When that thing's firing full-bore, oh man...awesome. I bet you'd like the idea if it appeared in a different game, or the hands of some random NPC in the expansion. Or no, wait. You would all love it...if it were called the Adrian Gun.
vegeta897 said:
The "sniper" aspect is probably something like you can look down its sights, or something else that the magazine construed to make it sound retarded. :p
Actually, if you look at Alyx's gun's animations in Model Viewer, the gun literally folds out, becoming either a MP7-style SMG, or a rifle.
^^ to clarify shepeard isn't necesarily dead or alive. When the game ended it was in such a state that shepeard could, or couldnt be seen ever again.

With the rampant amounts of shepardism i see there is a fair chance that he may re-appear at some point.

^Animations on alyxgun are quite cool.
The G-man Specifically says he was "preserving" shephard, so that "[he] could do no further harm, and no harm could come to [him]". So, yeah. Sorry dude, but Shephard's still alive.

And honestly, Shephard had just as much personality as Gordon. Except Shephard was a marine, and Gordon was a scientist. Marines kick ass, Scientists do not.

I fully agree about the alyxgun, though.
Shoot, I guess I really need to play Opposing Force. I have it, but I must play HL2. Someone mentioned that they probably wouldn't call it the Alyx gun, but actually they already have, because that's the name you use when typing the console command that will give you one. Also, what are these Biozeminades I keep hearing about? Are they actually real, and has anyone truly found the way to see them or whatever?
Biozemandies were realy cool, enough to make you froget about the hydra and everything.
AJ Rimmer said:
No we don't!

yes we do!!! :bounce: :p
Adrian Shepherd is almost as popular as Gordon...and its an under-statement to say pple want to see Adrian return.
UndeadScottsman said:
However, it DOES mean that the magazine that has the so-called confirmation is NOT TRUE (Whether through malice or mistake), ergo everything they say needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
No, it DOESN'T. The magazines never had "confirmation", they simply had quotes from Valve employees that this was going to happen. Such quotes are not "official", but that doesn't make them any less true.

"Despite the rumors, Valve has not announced any plans for an HL2 expansion".

To "announce plans" for the expansion, they'd need to specifically put out a press release or similar (Steam Update?) A few sentences in a games mag is not an announcement. It's still true though.
Darkside55 said:
And will you people PLEASE get off the whole "Adrian Shephard" thing? Jesus Christ why does everyone have a boner for this guy? "Oh there should be Shephard," "Bring back Shephard"; ffs, he's dead. He died.

Random Shephard Fanboy 1: "No he's not! You have no proof!"
Don't need any proof; he died. His Osprey crashed, or he was disposed of because he was dead useless, or he starved. Perhaps something ate him. Subject: Shephard. Status: Terminated. Subject failed to be a productive member of this series.

Random Shephard Fanboy 2: "BuT ShEpHaRd R0x! He Iz LiEk tEh BeSt ChAraCtuR!!!111!@eleventy-one!"
No, shut up. He had less personality than the goddamned Doom Marine. He went in, killed some aliens, whoop-de-shit. You know what his reward was for killing that giant space slug? A one-way ride on an osprey to Deathsville. Shut up, he sucks. He's not Boba Fett, he's not some minor character you can make all cool. Shut up, shut up, shut up; he died.

Random Shephard Fanboy 3: "Shephard will eventually return and he will be the G-man's puppet in the seven hour war or maybe he will join Civil Protection or maybe he will be the base for the Combine soldiers or maybe he will be the One and can fly and do kung fu or maybe he will get something more powerful than the gravity gun like a time gun or maybe he will summon bears that shoot lasers from their eyes."
Shut up, he's dead. You should go die too. Gearbox's character will never return. Ever. He died. He's useless. The Combine don't want him, G-man doesn't want him, his employers don't want him, the Advisor doesn't want him. Nobody wants him. Even if they did, he will be unavailable to them as he is DECEASED.

Stop crying about Shephard. He was never an interesting character, but OpFor was a great game. A great game with a character who only existed to serve a one-shot purpose. He has no further use in this universe, and has thusly been disposed or forgotten about by everyone but rabid fans who are, for some inexplicable reason, obsessed with Adrian Shephard.

Also, Alyx Gun sounds ballsy, haters. Reminds me of that gun in GiTS; it was a pistol, but the guy plugs in a clip and it converts into a machine gun. When that thing's firing full-bore, oh man...awesome. I bet you'd like the idea if it appeared in a different game, or the hands of some random NPC in the expansion. Or no, wait. You would all love it...if it were called the Adrian Gun.

HARSH!!! But true. OpFor was fine while it lasted, but some of the plot ideas they introduced to HL were so utterly retarded that I would like to see them buried under 30 feet of concrete for all eternity. (Uber-Extra-Special h4X Forces brought in to kill the standard secret special forces? right... :| so who's going to kill them?) As such, I add my poo to the mound already stacked on Adrian Shepard's corpse.

And honestly, Shephard had just as much personality as Gordon. Except Shephard was a marine, and Gordon was a scientist. Marines kick ass, Scientists do not.


It still wouldn't be my first choice (or even second or third) to play as Alyx in an expansion. HL protagonists are meant to be blank personalities that the player can transpose their own character onto. That's why Gordon doesn't speak, because if he did, and he sounded like the type of arsehole you were born to despise, then it no longer feels like you're holding the crowbar. Alyx is fine as a character, but it terms of coolness Gordon scribbles all over her face. Give us someone new to makebelieve as, Valve!

At the same time, introducing yet another charcter to the already crowded HL universe has its drawbacks, too. To be honest, I wouldn't give a damn if Valve just scrapped the idea of expansions and concentrated on giving us HL3 quicker. The HL2 story is as complete as it's going to be without GMan coming along and explaining everything. Just don't fiddle with the story any more, because there's the potential to ruin it and then be forced to say in future "oh yeah, for the benefits of the story...that expansion we made never happened, forget about it." Keep Gearbox away, too, in case they bring in some wikked elite Hyper-Combine who kill off the normal Combine, and you have to play as Shepard's ghost trying to scare them off by making their cupboard rattle and switching off the light in their room unexpectedly.
vegeta897 said:
Umm.. The only expansions Valve has ever done have featured you playing as other characters besides Gordon Freeman...

What do you mean "not Half-Life"?

Playing as Gordon in an expansion wouldn't be Half-Life!!

your a moron :thumbs:
and by the way..whoever we play as, god forbid its alyx, if we interact with gordon ill lose all respect. i dont mind seeing his back running into a portal but anything more than that is just :devil:
Well, cool... that's certainly a news!!! I just hope they add more than that to make it much cooler.
Heh, at least two of you misunderstood me. Did you even read my post? I'm saying he's dead for two reasons: one, we will never see him again no matter how many rampant fanboys scream about him like preteen girls at a boyband concert. Fanboyism isn't enough of a draw to bring people back, or change things. Two, he's dead because I say so to shut people like that up. Really, if we're never going to see him again just presume he died. G-man preserved him, sure, but let's not pretend anything about the G-man here. If you're no longer of any use to him he WILL dispose of you. He has made that abundantly clear on several occassions, especially in Shephard's case.

Back on topic of Alyx, there was an SP mod for original HL that allowed you to interact with Gordon while playing Shephard, and vice versa. They shared the same voice actor (he had a Russian accent). I actually liked it. The name escapes me, unfortunately, but it probably can be found at that Espace Mod site (just google it). Don't see why it wouldn't work here.
But, none of us have to worry about that because it will never happen. Valve wouldn't do something like that in a million years; honestly, I'm not sure why people get upset even suggesting that such things have a possibility. It won't happen. Ever. You can relax now.

You know personally, if we were going to go for a nameless, faceless entity to play as in an expansion, I'd love to play as a vortigaunt. Start off right after the liberation of Xen, witness the portal storms, get sucked through to Earth. Survive for awhile, met up with The Eli Vance, who will be the vortigaunts' first collaborator, and play some small part in the 7 hours war. Skip ahead, do some resistance stuff. End before ever seeing The Freeman.

Comedy G-man option: score points by appearing in random places where important NPCs can see you.

Comedy Breen option: file some paperwork, talk to a giant space slug. Make long-winded speeches. Repeat this pattern of play for 20+ hours.
Darkside55 said:
If you're no longer of any use to him he WILL dispose of you. He has made that abundantly clear on several occassions, especially in Shephard's case.

When would this be?

Biozemandies IIRC were in the scrapped tunnels section and the wasteland.
FireCrack said:
When would this be?

Biozemandies IIRC were in the scrapped tunnels section and the wasteland.

When he locks you out from taking off with your squad, most notably. When he rearms the nuke with you still inside the base. Go back and play it; he toys with you. Also keep in mind that the G-man was willing to sacrifice Gordon, who had far, far more potential in his pinky than Shephard has in his whole body. Do you really think that if Gordon couldn't do his job, the G-man would've stepped in and saved him? Be serious. What more, then, would G-man care about a man he preserved simply because he (Shephard) reminded him of himself?
Much of that is Gearbox's failing, though. Even with Gordon, the G-man didn't take overt steps to guide him on his way or help him out. He didn't do anything at all. In OpFor it's as if the G-man does what he wants to Shephard, purely on a whim. One moment he saves you, the next he makes you keep fighting. Gearbox made it seem like the G-man had his hand in the proverbial cookie jar at all times, with Shephard.

He's dead; please, he won't be returning. Even if he was not dead, have you read some of the things people come up with about Shephard's possible role in HL's continuity (especially with regard to the Combine)? It's ludicrous. Seriously, I made the reference to Boba Fett earlier because that's what people are making him out to be; I've even heard people say, before the game was released, that maybe Shephard would be the base for the Combine soldier, who are clones of him. Honestly, wtf?
I played OpFor but i didnt finish it and btw u O4 lovers...a wrench is a poor substitute for a crowbar. MUAHAHAHAHA
^^ good post but still not proof he's dead..

Theough i wholeheartedly agree the comunity has gon nuts with this, if there happend to be a shepard expansion i'd like to see him simply bumbling about c17 like gordon did.
**** Expansion


Mother****ing crap!!!!!!!


Valve can suck by big black cock