Half Life 2 Preview in PC Games Addict. Slightly crappy...

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay, I got the newest issue of PC Games Addict today, and, lo-and-behold, it had a Half Life 2 cover.

"Oh-ho!", I thought, "Maybe it's more gameplay info and screenshots!"


All it is is a rehashing of last year's info (Including the old Coastline and Strider vids on the disk, totalling 100 MB), and a promise of "Fresh Screens", "What it's like to play" and "The word from Gabe Newell" next month...

This basically confirms my suspicions that PC Games Addict is merely the Australian wing of the PC Gamer Empire. The titles of the magazines even look similar. Also, PC Games Addict abbreviates its own name to PCGA, and the interview in this article is between "PCG" and a couple of mod-makers. Ho hum.


1. They think we will still be able to play as Alyx in HL2. Which, I'm pretty sure, is a claim that's been debunked. They also, in a contradiction, claim that VALVe are only considering making Alyx a playable character for HL3.

2. They think the Strider is a drivable vehicle (Remember the controversy from a while back about that statement, when it turned out the magazine that made it had misinterpreted an eMail posted here? Wasn't that PC Gamer?)

3. They, like PC Gamer, incorrectly call the Vortigaunts "Vortigons".

4. They think that Alyx is the first woman to make it into the Half Life series. *Nyeerrrrrp!* Wrongo. What about the two lovelies from Decay, one of which was present as the holo-instructor from HL?

There is a lot of stuff on Havok and Half-Life 2, but it's still mostly waffling or rehashing of things we already know.

I'd suggest anyone considering buying this month's PCGA either:

A) Waits for next month's issue, which it seems will have identical info to PC Gamer.

B) Buys PC Gamer, if you can find the big HL2 issue, or

C) Buys PC Powerplay. Their current issue has a rather good HL2 preview.

Sorry if I seem to be ranting. Feel free to ask questions, or for clarification.
don't the black leather chick commando's in HL1 also count a female characters ?
you meet some of them in combat right before the slap you silly and you restart in the dump/squash? machine without weapons
Too right.

/me marks up another point for the HL2 fans and against PCGA/PCG...
Gaming Magazines are pointless if you have the internet.
Not really..

Takes a little while to find out what's in the mags..
Okay: Pretty damn crappy and a pointless waste of article space.

I have the PC Games Addict w/ HL2 preview from last year. I also have the PC Gamer from last year (w/ preview). The PCG:A cover is a blatant rip of the PCG, same colour scheme, exact same HL2 picture, and lo-and-****ing-behold the preview is very much the same also. Odd thing, this one was in store before PCG...
Yeah, I'm of the opinion, as I said, that PCGA is just the local version/spinoff of PCG.
Brian Damage said:
Yeah, I'm of the opinion, as I said, that PCGA is just the local version/spinoff of PCG.

Those seem to be appearing everywhere. Here we got a really, really crappy spinoff of the swedish edition of PCG, they did an april fools joke where they stated HL2 was cancelled for good, they make fun of PCG in most of their articles, steal parts of PCG's reviews etc..
From the sounds of it, it's the exact same thing as what was in PCG UK two issues ago - part one of their article which had nothing new, but said the article the next issue would. The description you give of it and the sections of it are exactly the same as the PCG UK version.