Half life 2 - wow...



Hi all,

First a confession - until a couple of months ago I knew nothing about the half life saga. I had heard of it, but knew nothing of what it was about. However, a while ago I came some articles on the Half life backstory, and was hooked! I generally find backstory is a large part of my enjoyment of games, especially in fantasy / sci fi games, and half life had it all - monolithic alien empires, a decaying, distopian, eastern european city, filled with propaganda broadcasts and secret police, and a nerdy scientist with a crowbar out to save mankind... my kind of game!

Excuse the enthusiuasm, but half life looks like an awesome game series - im half way through 1 at the moment, and will be moving on to 2 in due course.

Anyway, hi again!

:cheers: I envy you :cheese:
Reminds me of my first HL encounter !
Wait til you see HL2 : wow wow wow
Nice - the halcyon days of gaming... if you can, avoid learning as much as you can about HL2! When I first got into the series, I had zero idea what the game was about. None at all - the mug shot of Gordon, Shepard, and Barney on the covers looked at the time like: some unhappy guy, a generic soldier, and a rent-a-cop. Who want's to play that? Well, after reading how the game won a zillion awards, I picked up the gold edition and figured I'd give it a try, beginning the journey you're on now.

I think you should also play Opposing Force. Even if it's not canon, it's a damn fun game if you like HL1, it'll give you some insight into the game anyway, and you'll have a frame of reference for the inevitable anti-Adrian comments you'll come across. Also play Blue Shift for similar reasons. Play both of these before you get to HL2 if you can. Have fun!
Welcome to the forums, Yardmaster. You've stumbled upon not only one of the best games ever created, but in terms of backstory and universe, one of the most in-depth. One of the great things is that the Half-Life series doesn't hand information to you; it's very limited on exposition. Most of the "wow" story bits you find out only after examining the games' events and putting together the pieces of the puzzle the game leaves for you.

Since you're still on Half-Life, my advice would be to steer clear of the Half-Life forums right now. Definately do not wander into Singleplayer Mythology, above them all, because you'll severely spoiler yourself. There's time enough after you finish the games to have your mind blown. :LOL:

I think you should also play Opposing Force. Even if it's not canon...also play Blue Shift for similar reasons.
It's selective canon. Certain things they continue from the expansions, other things they let fall by the wayside. Laidlaw himself specifically wrote some parts of OpFor, and Adrian will eventually make a comeback or have a mention in the future. Blue Shift is also possibly canon, but it isn't Barney Calhoun.
Welcome to Halflife2.net. It's safer here.

How have you guys not done that yet?
What does canon mean? And Welcome!
From Wikipedia:
In the context of a fictional universe, the canon comprises those novels, stories, films, et cetera, that are considered to be genuine or officially sanctioned, and those events, characters, settings, et cetera, that are considered to have existence within the fictional universe. In order for a setting to appear cohesive, especially in fictions that contain multiple parts, both creators and audiences sometimes find it useful to define what has and has not "actually happened" in that universe. Items that are considered canon usually come from the original source or author of the fictional universe, while non-canon material comes from adaptations, spin-offs or unofficial items, often in different media. Fan fiction is usually an example of non-canonical fiction.
With you about Steven, I'm inclined to agree.

Welcome Yardmaster - get to see you've discovered the Half-life universe, I'm most impressed you decided to take it from the top and play Half-life 1 first. Most new gamers jump straight into Half-life 2 for the new edge quick fix of fun. You will get much more out the game following the series along. Good luck and enjoy.
Thanks for the welcome guys - not many forums I've arrived on and got twelve welcoming posts!

I'm afraid I've already spoilered myself to some degree - whoops! However, I'll be making sure to stay out of mythology for now.

Now to get back to half life, where I'm currently trying to get through 'on a rail' - great game, not so great chapter!
I don't think anyone likes "On A Rail," except for the chapter name itself. ;)
AcepilotF14(is back, for a limited time ONLEY)

Hi! Welcum 2 hl2.net we lik 2 stude gramar adn i gotted a A.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that any soap you may accidently drop, must be picked up...
Yes pick up the soap... it's perfectly ok. *shifty eyes*
Maybe you want soap to jump out of a cake?

Eh? Eh?


Do you want to wash Wang? Or do you want to watch Wang wash Wang?