Halflife 2 Details!

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Post all the details you think will be in halflife2 or what you want. Also post your opinon on what you think about it. Ex: If hl2 will own doom3 or doom3 own hl2. Just go CrAzy!!! :eek: :eek:

:afro: :afro: :afro: <-Me got a frow
Well, if Valve provide a full SDK for HL2 in the way that Gas Powered Games did for Dungeon Siege, and Relic are doing for Homeworld 2, then it'll be owning everything FPS, I suspect. I don't think there's been any mention of such a thing for Doom 3.
Hasn't this been done before? Like many times over?

and why is this in the mod thread...

and this will pwn Doom 3 in gameplay, but i htink D3 has some awsome visuals, and HL2 better support mad bumpmapping to equal them.
doom3 vs hl2 battle has been ragin for a lil while and so far doom3 only wins in the catagory of shadows and lightning.

beside that we hope that hte clipping will be based on the models and not the skeletons and Ai will hopefully fofill valves promise.

and yes there have been many threads like this but like all communities topics are bound to be repeated in a number of ways.
Can somebody please explain how advanced Doom 3's lighting
and graphics are?(really, I'm not being sarcastic) Just briefly.
Three questions:

1. why is this in the editing forum
2. some people will prefer 1 game or the other, there will never be agreement
3. does anyone else think that Doom III will be just as bad as Unreal II
Originally posted by mrBadger
Three questions:

1. why is this in the editing forum
2. some people will prefer 1 game or the other, there will never be agreement
3. does anyone else think that Doom III will be just as bad as Unreal II

You know what, to be honest with ya, I've heard nothing but bad things about Unreal II. I haven't played it and probably just won't ever buy it. For a good while, I was very excited about doom III. Part of me still is, but after seeing what HL2 can do (combined with the fact that HL2 has large outdoor scene capability), I just don't care as much anymore. Doom is one of those games that helped ignite the FPS genre, but it was never really my flavor gameplay wise. Who knows, it may kick some serious hiney in the end...but for now, for what I can see, HL2 is really the only FPS that has my full attention.

Oh, and let's not forget that HL2 is mod-friendly and multiplayer. ;)
as far as i can see, Doom III will be elitist and therefor will fail. Its fanbase will be few, however HL2's will be huge, due to the fact that all pcs pretty much can run it to some extent!



(sorry, just outlining my plans for omnipotence, my bad)
Doom III also sacrifices wide open ares for moderately better shading that HL2 although. HL2 has physics behind it... anyway how many Doom fans are still alive now anyway? I mean is been a long time since the first one came out admitadly it probably seems that way to me because im 17 and was very young when it first came out. Anyway no more on this Doom III v HL 2 rant its pointless and it gets us nowhere, especially on a Halflife 2 forum . And i agree its a bit odd having this thread in editing.
to be honest with you.. I think D3 looks ugly.
it looks so.. artificial and bumpmapped.
that's one aspect I hate, bumpmapping. HL2 is going to blow D3 over cause HL2 has gameplay and.. a better engine. D3 looks so ugly. like a beginner's work with PS. layers over layers and the use of bumpmapping to an extent.

just my 2 cents.
Having played the Doom 3 alpha *cough* *cough* did I just say that...I found it quite "Cartoony", the textures wernt THAT detailed compared with HL2, for example the pistol you start with, the hand holding it was just one colour and it relied on lighting to make it more realistic, hl2 just rules
First thing...Doom3 has the capabilities, to beat HL2 away...and a bit more :)
I think you are just tooo excited about HL2 that you dont see how brilliant Doom3 3 is...you say it is "Moderately better swadows"...dammit the shadows in HL2 is almost no existent...

COnclusion...BOth games have forces and weaknesses...but i think Doom3 will provide the best ever Single Player game to date... (and if with good mod capabilities, it will spawn some wicked mods....)
And i think HL2 will make an average SIngel Player game.. dont think it will be much out of the ordnary..besides the stunning GFX and a hopefully compelling story...
BUT! HL2 owns the market with mulktiplayer, and thats a fact... and the mods will be amazing..no doubt :)

Oh and just to make it clear:
Doom3 has Dynamic lightning...This means that every light...a lightning pulb...anything can be moved, and the light and shadows react to it... should be quite amazing..everything reacts to everything so to speak :)

HL2 lightning..well there is one light_enviroment(for all non mappers, this is basicly the sun/moon).
and thats it... anything that is not in the map when compiled, will not react to that.. players will have the shadows comming from the irection, but the shadows will be somewhat awkward :)

just my thoughts... ;)
in which HL2 or Doom III?
cos if those features appeared in Doom III then it wud be betraying its roots, Doom is arcade gaming. And Doom III will be requiring a GeForce 2 to play!!! WHY!! Apperently Valve's Source Tech was capable of producing Unreal Warfare -grade graphics on much lower spec machines 3 years ago, and altho that may be an exaggeration, i can believe that. How many people do you kno who are willing to upgrade to a loud, large and noisy GeForce FX card to play Doom III at a pricy cost, wheras I am always hearing talk of gamers upgrading meagre machines to play HL2, because the memory of the origanal is still fresh in their minds. While Doom III's tech spec may be impressive, but i doubt its 'schlock horror' will be anywhere near as terrifying as the first time you fought the tentacle nasty or got flushed out by grunts

rant over
Valve said that hl1 storytelling just "scratched the surface".
In an interview, they talked about how they were dissappointed
with the lack of progress in recent games and how they were
planning to improve everything. I think hl2 will have the best
single player to date because..

1. intense gun fights. hl1 had some of the greatest gun fights
of its time because of good AI, good balance of weapon damage
and health, good guns, good mapping... etc
(don't want to contribute so much to the doom vs hl thing but
it looked to me like there are no gunfights in doom, just running
backwards and shooting)

2. amazing characters. characters with real personalities that will
really help to bring an emotional element into computer games
and tell a really dynamic story.

3. fun/interesting puzzles. With new physics and whatnot, I'd
reason that puzzles will be more than jumping and flipping
switches. they would probably fit more into the world.

4. atmosphere. city 17 will probably one of the coolest game
locations ever (i always liked the city in thief too). with the giant
combine thing and the most realistic graphics (i should say visuals
cause I guess graphics includes the technical stuff and not just
the looks of the game), hl2 should really feel like a brand new

5. real story telling. one of the most prominent thing i heard/read
valve talk about is the way they want to tell the story. people criticize hl1 for having a plain story but to me no other game has
better pacing and structure in their story. hl1 has some of the
most memorable experiences in any game (lured to a health station then knocked out). it also never became tedious to play
the single player because it was so well paced and plot twists so
well timed. Valve have already said that they intend to build on

i'm sure there's way more. some one could write a book on this
I think we all forgot about the greatest thing about HL2.

treating your armory. remember back in the first few days of the HL2 PR blitz? Gabe Newell said on one of the first interviews that we will have the ability to clean and treat our weapons!

that is something that amazes me.
Originally posted by righte0us
I think we all forgot about the greatest thing about HL2.

treating your armory. remember back in the first few days of the HL2 PR blitz? Gabe Newell said on one of the first interviews that we will have the ability to clean and treat our weapons!

that is something that amazes me.

That is so bull, source thx?

It was, as i can remember, a false rumour.