Halflife2.net interview Marc Laidlaw


May 6, 2005
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Our very own Samon has just completed an interview with the ever brilliant Marc Laidlaw! Find it here.[br]Thanks to Samon and Marc for this great interview![br]WARNING - Spoilers are contained within this interview
Any chance of not showing the Spoilerific question on the front page, and just having a sample of the interview there?

People are going to be shocked to find out that Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are playing two sides of the same character.
Got nowhere else for it until Munners comes back :O
Fantastic interview. But should be spoiler tagged. Or at least people given a warning.
There is a spoiler warning


lil help Samon!
Yeah I think it was pretty cruel what they did to Lamar.... :p
Marc Lindlaw said:
You mean...you don't mean...you didn't shut the door and trap her in the rocket, did you?
Its best part of interview
The last question's answer was worded strangely. I couldn't really understand it.
So it is 10 years, not 20 between HL1 and HL2.

Hl2.net: Still within the HL2 story arc, how have the Episodes allowed you to develop elements of the plot you weren't able to before?

ML: They forced our hand...instead of jumping forward another 10 years and letting players fill in the gaps for themselves, we've gotten the chance to develop some of the elements deliberately.

The last question's answer was worded strangely. I couldn't really understand it.

I think he means that the door isn't shut when you last see Lamarr so theoretically she could have jumped out before launch.
Great interview! Wish a question was asked about when we MIGHT see/hear the 1st info on Episode 3
Good interview! Always nice to have the words straight from the horse's mouth, as they say.
It's good to see Valve show some recognition for hl2.net. I wish it were longer. There wasn't really a shortage of questions, he just didn't elaborate much. He knows how to leave us wanting more.

Great interview! Wish a question was asked about when we MIGHT see/hear the 1st info on Episode 3

Meh. He's not the one to ask. He might be mildly annoyed by such a question, and we want him to come back now don't we?
Nice work Samon, I think out of all the people I would want to interview at Valve, Marc tops the list.

Big spoiler warning!

Had a quick look and saw the 2nd question.
Haven't had time to get that far in Ep2 so far!

Very nice interview!
[telepathic]Psssst, Valve... make Source 2. I demand you.[/telepathic]

Interesting interview.

Hl2.net: Episode 3 has been said to conclude the arc established in Half-life 1 - is there a redemptive theme involved? Eli was close to elaborating on doing right where they did wrong at Black Mesa; will Gordon finally have the chance to clean up the mess he made?

ML: We conceived the Episodes as a complete three-part cycle stemming from HL2, which is why these are the Half-Life 2 Episodes. The idea was to do something self-contained within the larger series, not to use them to wrap up the series. I don't see how the conflict we've been slowly revealing could possibly be resolved any time soon. Humanity is just starting to glimpse the larger context.

It sounds clearly like they have plans to expand the half-life universe, the episodes 1-3, which might be titled the fight to regain Earth, is only a part of a larger story.
Salmon did well.
I am starting to be afraid that the half life series turns into something like ---> "Star wars" where the whole star wars films is destroyed by the idiotic voice from dart vadar " I am your father"......... ;)

Please Valve don't destroy this franchise with some sentimental junk, pleasssse.
So if you don't close Lamarr in the rocket...who does? Oh shit. Magnusson is a murderer!

As for "sentimental junk", if they can pull it off with the emotion they did in EP2, I'm all for more "junk".
The plot and setting of the story is excellent. It's too bad that the voice acting and dialog is sub-par at times.
He's talking about the gap between HL2 and a HL3 they may have been forced into making as a full-blown sequel.

But he said "Another 10 years" which suggests that it there was a previous ten year gap i.e. between 1 and 2.