Halflife2.net Updates from Valve's Presentation at E3

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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We are nearing the time till Valve's presentation begins (2pm PST, 10pm GMT) and our colleague Smash is on location at the Los Angeles Conference Centre, reporting back his findings. You can follow him through twitter right here - http://twitpic.com/6h3rt[br]
[br]Update 1: So far since arriving, smash has wandered into the 360 demo booth and found a playable Left 4 Dead 2 demo. Picture here.[br]Update 2: L4D2 playtest in valves room. not an expansion. pc and 360 nov 17. screen shots later at hl2.net. no ep3 at e3.[br]Disappointing news, no episode 3 at E3. So Episode 3 really is an ambitious project, there is still nothing to show for it!? I am surprised.
* Insert angry about L4D2 comment here *

Please tell me they show EP3 or Portal 2 at least!

EDIT: EP3!!!!!!!!!!!! Oops... can I have my head back now plz?
This is the ad that was on his twitter just now:


There is no such thing as coincidence
See attached.

Inside knowledge or wishful thinking?

Or have I missed something and it definitely is Ep3 that's being seen? :eek:

Can't wait.


  • ep3.JPG
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Oh god ten minutes. Of coures I'll be stuck in my damn car from 2:00 - 2:45 driving home. I'm going to miss the epic announcement as it happens :(
Is Smash going to film it?
I heard that he's going to streak through if they don't announce EP3.
Yay, forums are back up! All hail to Munro.

Btw this reminds me of Spitcodfry's trip to Valve in 2003. Exciting!
The conference was supposed to start 45 minutes ago. Why aren't there any more updates?
L4D2 playtest in valves room. not an expansion. pc and 360 nov 17. screen shots later at hl2.net. no ep3 at e3
No episode 3, unfortunately guys. This is disappointing news indeed :(
The update is:-

There are no updates :|

Why even hold a press conference given L4D2 was announced the day before? They might as well just have had a L4D2 booth and not bothered raising peoples expectations of something more by having a sit down.

I think Lombardi revealed a possibly release date on GameSpot's interview (few minutes ago). He said: (on L4D 2's release date) it's 17th November, which is close to 11th anniversary of Half-Life.

I smell a new package coming.
Wait! What?

Okay, so no Episode 3. Surely they must have something else!
How.. anticlimactic..

Not even a word on Portal 2. :/
This has got to be one of Valve's biggest cock ups. First they announce L4D2 which didn't impress many fans and they let it take the limelight for yet another year. If Valve can make 2 L4D games then they should have something to show on EP3. Looking at the other forums it seems like not a single person is interested in the L4D news they just want something no matter how small on EP3.
I was foolish enough to listen to my heart that there would be EP3 news, very very disappointed.
I am certainly interested in L4D news, I'm just more interested in Episode Three news.
I like how everyone ignored my previous post. Lombardi spilled the beans.
I am absolutely let down. Why invite hl2.net? There was NOTHING to announce. Microsoft stole the thunder with L4D2, which was mediocre at best, and then Valve held a press conference for... WHAT?!?!

We Half-Life fans have been waiting for 2 years for SOMETHING... and with the exception of a single piece of vague concept art, we have gotten NOTHING. Absolutely nothing.

I'm let down. Pissed off. Frustrated. And I don't even want to think about Half-Life.
I dunno if I would call that spilling the beans... its a longshot...