HALO director named! Anyone heard of Neill Blomkamp?!

Why do they have to make this movie based on the game? It would be a much more interesting movie if it was based on the "Ring World" SF books which is where Halo's story was inspired fro in the first place.
Meh, there's hundreds of amazing Sci-Fi (Or other genres) books that would make simply awesome movies. :(
You naysaying goat-suckers can continue to fling your poo.

I'll remain cautiously optimistic.

i agree with this pothead

Tempbot was pretty nice, though i have to say he nicks an annoying amount of various very popular electronic tracks.. but he used autechre, that makes him good in my book!
he has a very particular style. I think it'll work pretty good.

edit: I seriously love the tetra vaal video, i saw it before i knew about the director and thought it was cool as heck