Hardest Part of HL2



On hard mode I think the challenge was just about right for the 1st time through. I think the hardest part for me was killing those 2 gunships just outside Nova Prospekt. Damn ants did nothing but pull the fire to me. I had to have died 10 times before getting through there...
1.Strider battles
2.Nova Prospekt beach scene

The hardest battle I had was in Water Hazard when you get the .357. I must have died 100 times with that helicopter.
Setting up turrets in Nova Prospect.

Restarted 10+ times.
Zenrazor said:
On hard mode I think the challenge was just about right for the 1st time through. I think the hardest part for me was killing those 2 gunships just outside Nova Prospekt. Damn ants did nothing but pull the fire to me. I had to have died 10 times before getting through there...

this was the most difficult battle for me aswell.
I found most of the game quite easy, especially the turret bits...i established a base in the second one :p And the first place them atop the stairs, mow down any combine scum.

Hardest part would however be....trying to figure out thr puzzle in sandtraps to open the second goddam gate before the lighthouse...TOOK ME AGES!
Zenrazor said:
On hard mode I think the challenge was just about right for the 1st time through. I think the hardest part for me was killing those 2 gunships just outside Nova Prospekt. Damn ants did nothing but pull the fire to me. I had to have died 10 times before getting through there...
everyone always talks about the turret sections being hard. I died twice on the second part and once on the third. (I was playing on hard, and i pretty much suck at the game) The hardest part for me was when you had to defend alex while she was breaking a generator or something. Also, the room in water ahzard with a bunch of combine shooting at you from above, and a bunch of man hacks following you around was tough for me. Actually, there was at least 20 places through out the game where i had died 10+ times. (luckly i have a 2-5 second load time) But, the place i restarted the most times was the room full of lazers, i kept trying to run for it, or hide from the trrets. I probly died 20 times here before realizing i had to avoid them. (I was playing on hard, and i pretty much suck at the game)
I thought it was a tie between the gunships and the second turret part. Although once I got a good plan I 0wn3d the combine on the second turret part.

In the room without the health stations (I don't know why, it seemed easier there) I set a turret facing out of each doorway and set a barrel on its side in front of each of them. I put the third one off in a corner for some extra 0wn4g3.
I thought the 2nd turrets section was also the most difficult the first time through. However, on my more recent replayings of it, I adopted a new tactic. I brought all the turrets with me, and then I went back and picked up all the crates, file cabinents and other assorted office supplies and made a huge barricade at all four entrances. Then I set up the turrets so they would take out the combine on the upper levels and just let them rip. I then dragged all 5 turrets, all the boxes/file cabinents/etc and brought them all into the third room. I must have had 20 + boxes with me, and 10+ file cabinents and tables and such. I built a mountain of a barricade in that big door the combine first burst through, and a smaller, but equally impressive one at the one they start coming through last. That combined with the 8 turrets I had made for one hell of a battle.
Turrets by far. They just kept coming. I did setup the turrets, but obviously not in the correct places. I ended up sitting in the turret boxes, waiting for Combine Soldiers to run past and I would blast them. It was very hard, I'd admit. I had to reload or switch weapons and fire very quickly. One of my mates managed to find a exploit in the game, he managed to get above the ground and onto a ledge, using barrels and just fired down on them.
1. The Strider Battles...
2. Ravenholm
3. Nova Prospekt
Antlions. The way the head-butted you back onto the sand was scary. The turrets scene wasn't too bad for me. I set up two turrets looking down either end of one of the halls, then put the third perpindicular to those facing the middle hall, with myself covering the other horizontal hall.
The first time I played the game, setting up the turrets was the most difficult part. Second time I played it, I just turned the turrets 180 degrees and put them back in their boxes, I hardly had to fire a shot.

So now I say the fight with the two gunships right before entering Nova Prospekt is the hardest part.
the turrets, finally got it by rotating the turrets 180 and putting it in thier holders then i went in the fourth one and waited lol
the hardest part of the game (for me) was parts where i got like ... 10fps :rolleyes:
turrets definitely. after i finished and played the whole game through again, i skipped past that part by loading up the next section :D:D:D

they KEEP COMING!! and you never have a chance to reload without getting shot at. lol that little room works quite well though...but then the turrents fell over and i just wanted to cry coz i knew i was SO close!!!
Just put barrels and boxes in front of the turrets and put the turrets (blocking entrances) back-to-back. You can peek out and pop fellas the turrets can't hit every now and then.
i had brought one turret with me so i put one in each corner of the little room, they could shoot down the hallways in both directions so it killed all the combine fairly quickly. Th onlything i had to worry about was grenades and manhacks so i sat there with my gravity gun catching grenades and chucking them out the door.
The turrets section is easy. Just carry a fourth one along from a previous area. Set up the rest and use the fourth with your grav gun. when the combine knock one down just drop the one you are holding and pick up the fallen one. Works everytime.
Phat Cat said:
The turrets section is easy. Just carry a fourth one along from a previous area. Set up the rest and use the fourth with your grav gun. when the combine knock one down just drop the one you are holding and pick up the fallen one. Works everytime.

Or alternatively just turn all the turrets through 180 degrees and put them back in their holders, and put yourself in the empty slot. Thats how i did it and i never had to shoot a single combine :D
Good idea, I will try it next time. Or of course you can just turn the game down to easy. :LOL:
hardest part for me... not to spoil anything I'll just say Dark Energy, can't stop the guy from reaching the top...
The hardest part for me was the infiltration of Nova Prospekt! The damn antlions kept getting in my way! I practically couldn't move. I kept having to bugbait them to the nearby roof. I was such an easy target for the two gunships. :(
1. Every time you have to battle a strider
2. The cave with headcrabs on "we don't go to ravenholm"- i think i tried to pass it 10 times.
1. Gunships outside Nova Prospekt (Any difficulty)
2. Setting up turret (Any difficulty)
3. Protecting Alyx (Any difficulty exept easy)
4. Ending (Only on hard mode)
i found a new hardest part...the third turret battle without the turrets. After the second turret battle, i followed alex into the next area. I then realized I forgot to bring a turret with me so i went back to get one but they started shooting at me. I figured they reset when you reloaded the map so i went on. Then at the third part, those turrets also shot at me. I always play on hard and refuse to turn down the difficulty which made this the hardest battle in the game. Took me about 20 reloads, and i was quicksaving every couple seconds. It was quite fun.
Whoa, so she didn't reprogram the turrets?

Hmm... the hardest part for me so far is... the 2nd turret battle in Nova Prospekt. I think I reloaded for about 5 times until I finally passed the area.