Hello everyone.



Hello, I am new here and saw this as the best place to put this topic, please correct me if I am mistaken. I was on another forums but they were full of ***holes who hated me for no reason and the admins yelled at me when I tried defending myself. I have Half-Life 2 and Garry's mod is fun as heck! I hope to have a good time here with you all.

There is a newb forum for this purpose, actually.

Hello, I am new here and saw this as the best place to put this topic, please correct me if I am mistaken. I was on another forums but they were full of ***holes who hated me for no reason and the admins yelled at me when I tried defending myself. I have Half-Life 2 and Garry's mod is fun as heck! I hope to have a good time here with you all.

Did you even look?
*points shotgun*

get de fock outta my forooms!
You can stay if I get buttsechs!!

Just joking!!!

But seriously, me, you, buttsechs.

Did you even look?
Solaris, don't make fun of blind or possibly mentally disabled people.

Yeah that's not getting old.
At least not as old as a 80 year old vagina.

So can this thread get moved to "Newbie Central", where newbies can introduce themselves and then we can post random crap.

Anyway now to make this go offtopic.
1 == .999......
God does not exist.
Chuck Norris answers to no one.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would?
I went poopy in ur cereal.
And for the finale to drag Stern in here!
America > Rest of the World > Canada (Please note, in no way am I going to argue this or even agree with it, endorse it, and please don't kill me).
I was on HL2.net but they were full of maniacs who buttsechs'd me for no reason and the admins gagged and bound me when I tried defending myself. I hope to have a "good" time here with you all.

A few quick adjustments and you fit right in.
Vegeta, double stuff buttsechs on him tonight?
lol, you guys :LOL:

You set yourself up for a hard time buddy. At these forums to need to be blatantly insulting with every post, and include homo erotic sexual innuendos with every sentence. Only then will you be accepted and able to talk normally once in awhile.
Do you also enjoy yelling at people even though it's a question!

Or both!?
Can we all just be friends and have some hot necrophiliac buttsechs?
Can we all just assume everyone says yes to Cole's question.
If you've survived long enough to read this post, you've made it.


For the record: Don't introduce yourself as a newbie. Abit late for that though. Best advice is to never come back to this thread, just keep posting elsewhere.
And this is why you don't post something inside the "general off-topic" section of a forum

How was "TheFreeman" not already taken at these boards!!!??!?