help me understand please


Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
could someone explain to me please..

ok so the retail version of hl2 is packaged by viviendi

valve doesn't like that, so they offer better deals via steam to get more customers

so the retail guys are buying retail out of necessity. because either they are not allowed to use credit card, or see retail as more convenient due to 56k, and or want the discs(hard copy of game).

anyways...all versions of hl2 comes with css. but now valve wants to bundle dod:s with css for $40 retail. but why not just sell dod alone for $20...without css which they know full well that all hl2 owners have. and all hl2 owners do not need another css.

or am i wrong on this? is it that the css and dod:s retail do not require hl2?

i mean have you ever gotten that terrible feeling that you have to pay for something that is rightfully yours? you know like as a kid when some bully takes your lunch...he now tells you to buy it back and you do it because you're hungry?

i'm talking about bought it with's free for all. now you have them offer you a deal that says you need to buy it again but not for free in order to get dod:s
213 said:
but now valve wants to bundle dod:s with css for $40 retail.

Where did you see it being a $40?

Cuase ive been wondering how much its gunna be in stores and if its this much, for half of it that i already have im buying it over steam.. which i hate because i wont have the box that makes it seem so real :(

EDIT: ah i saw it on amazon, looks like steam it is... mutha ****as
you're lucky cause you can use credit card

my family won't allow me to use credit card...and wouldn't let me have a debit card

seems to me like they want me to buy everything by my own cash...good enough

except this conflicts with the entity known as "steam"

bad deal man...bad deal
213 said:
you're lucky cause you can use credit card

my family won't allow me to use credit card...and wouldn't let me have a debit card

seems to me like they want me to buy everything by my own cash...good enough

except this conflicts with the entity known as "steam"

bad deal man...bad deal

bad deal? lol, explain? how can this be a "bad deal"?
Deal with it.. everyone I know 16 & up has a debit card.. shouldn't be hard for you to find a friend that will let you use his, unless you're like 13.
i'm 18

in fact i bought hl2 myself as a myself cause my parents don't care about my birthday.

as for debit cards...i don't get one and my parents don't get me any. none of my friends have debit cards for the same reason i don't. their parents don't want them to have one. (we don't have that type of privilege).

so you's a bad deal because i can't get it on-line and i can't get it in retail as just dod:s for $20. i am forced to buy $40 dollar bundle package which includes dod:s, css, and hl2:dm. which i already have...and is supposed to be free for all folks who have hl2. so you see where this viviendi/valve feud is going? valve hates viviendi and by switching over to ea games has servered ties with no dod:s standalone package will ever be released. there's going to have to be a stupid multiplaer pack that you have to buy in order to get dod:s

but..the stuff in the multiplayer pack is available to hl2 owners for free already. so out of this whole situation...i, a retail buyer of hl2. is getting screwed the most. on-lin customers and folks who have yet to buy hl2 are in a much better position
Your 18. Stop being a momma's boy and go open a bank account. Get a debit card. If you really don't want to use one all the time just keep a couple of dollars in the account until you need it for steam or something else online. You will need a certain amount to open a account but then you can just withdraw all of it.
debit cards don't work

they only accept credit cards
Get a credit card then :) (you can always cancel it after your purchase)

Seriously dude - you're 18, and this is your decision, not your parents.
damn them for putting me in this predicament. why can't they just have a single 800mb cd containing dod:s files in a cheap 99 cent box and ship it to the stores?
go pay a friend 19.99 and use his/her's really not that difficult
Do what I do.

"hey dad, buy this for me online, I have the cash for you right here."
Debit cards do work so long as they have a mastercard/visa logo on them (which means they act like a credit card, but still withdraw from your checking account)

And dont be a wuss. Open up a checking account, get a debit card (I have a Peoples Bank card, which you can use as a mastercard). What are your parents gunna do? Not buy you stuff? oooo it seems that they already dont. Your old enough not to depend on mommy and daddy, and take some responsibility.
213 said:
debit cards don't work

they only accept credit cards

They do work if it says Visa or Mastercard on them (or any other major credit card company). The debit cards from my bank work just like a credit card as they are from visa. They can be used anywhere where a visa credit card is accepted.
seems a bit of a waste of a package to me seeing as prob everyone here owns hl2 and css already, its like a silver version of hl2 but not quite as good. Purchasing through steam is the most obvious way of getting it
213 said:
damn them for putting me in this predicament. why can't they just have a single 800mb cd containing dod:s files in a cheap 99 cent box and ship it to the stores?

Valve did not put you in this predicament, Valve are game developers they can sell products anyway they wish.

Christ man your 18 and you have not got a bank account... seriously I don't think anyone can help you. :rolling:
213 said:
as for debit cards...i don't get one and my parents don't get me any. none of my friends have debit cards for the same reason i don't. their parents don't want them to have one. (we don't have that type of privilege).

You got to be shitting me. If you're not lying about your age, then you really need to take a good look at your life and sort out your precedents. At 18, you should be shouldering pretty much all the responsibility of adulthood.
if i could....i would.

i have plenty in my bank account...but i'm saving it for college. i got a lot available to me in my other account, but i need to know how to get a debit card or whatever
213 said:
if i could....i would.

i have plenty in my bank account...but i'm saving it for college. i got a lot available to me in my other account, but i need to know how to get a debit card or whatever

Go to the bank and ask for one. They can give you all the info you need.
i'm i need parent signatures and all that?
You just answered that yourself. You're 18, of course you don't need parents signatures, you can get a credit card, get married, drink, drive (not at the same time), own a house, have a job.
You don't need parents sigs. :p
drink, drive (not at the same time)
rofl :D

You can even start your own political party! :D (Well, here in Belgium you can, you just need 2000 (or was it 4000?) signatures of people that support your cause, have a lot of funding and BAM you're in business :p)
I think it's time you take some responsability and stand up to your parents.
RipperRoo said:
You just answered that yourself. You're 18, of course you don't need parents signatures, you can get a credit card, get married, drink, drive (not at the same time), own a house, have a job.
You don't need parents sigs. :p

He can't drink he is in USA. you got to be 21 for that.
Ok... I hought I had all this but it turns out I dont.

I thought you could only buy DOD: Source over Steam.

Will it be available in shops, with a box etc? I thought that wasnt happening! :monkee:
The only reason I don't like purchasing over Steam is that I believe that credit cards are just a scam for Corporations to take your money and an easy way for petty theives to score themselves a lot of dough at once.