Help Offered - Modeler


Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score

I was a little inspired by Sprafa's writing post and thought I'd try out the same thing, only what I am good at, modeling.

I haven't really found a mod I'd want to be dedicated to(I have a touch of the a.d.d, lol) so I'd thought I'd offer to do some models for any team wanting a little help.

I'm interesting do doing all sorts of things, characters, doodads, buildings, vehicles, etc...

All I need is some concept art(or a picture of what you want), a slight description, and polycount your aiming for.

I'm still learning like everyone else but my qualifications can be found on my site below. So feel free to post a request here or e-mail me; [email protected]

Very nice work! I don't think you'll be interested in my mod though ;)
Well, like I said, I am not looking to join one, just do a model or two for any modification that needs help.

I'm up for anything, just as long as I don't have a personal disagreement with it(ex: something outrageously obscene or the like)
Wow - your site is fantastic! You are clearly extremely talented in 3d modeling and design.

I need two important models for a game I'm making. See the Dark engine link in my sig below. The first model I need is a creature/monster, similar to the HL1 alien slave that I've got in as a placeholder.

More importantly, I need a soldier character. I drew a rough sketch of the top half of one, that sketch is attached. A mid-poly model of that guy would be awesome, (say 2000-3000 polys) you don't need to do the textures if you don't want to either. I can manage those. Rigging is optional too. I can rig the bloke in max if you don't want to do that.

I'll definately credit you in the game as well. Please note that this is a standalone game, not based on the HL or HL2 engine, so you get all the additional bragging rights of being a 'game modeler' not just a 'mod modeler'! :D

If you are really interested, perhaps you could build a level (or all of 'em!) for the game itself. Your environment models in your site are clear indicators you know what you're doing! The engine can handle extremely complex levels with multiple heights and curved surfaces and large polycounts. Post or email me if you're interested : (FictiousWill [at symbol]

I would like mesh data in .3ds or .max format if possible, though I can import most generic formats.
I've started a query and always looking for more requests...

Though Will's project isn't necessarily HL2, I'll still give it a shot; basically as a guinea pig :)

I do have a question though, what sort of style are you going for Will? Since the concept art looks like it could go either way on more of an anime look or even realistic. Basically the only area where this would make a difference for me, would be the head, the defining characteristic I see on the face is a slightly large nose; so you want that to get across as well, or are you looking for a fairly regular face?
My meagre art skills don't do the style justice, I apologise. I'm looking for a rugged, functional, mercenary style character. The face can be rather regular and generic, although modeling the face in its entirety would be nice so as to have a goggles on/off state.

As for the style of the model as a whole, the soldier/mercenary style is supposed to look casual yet functional. The game is centered around mercenaries (perhaps ex-military) who raid ancient ruins inhabited by intelligent predatory nocternal creatures. As such, this guy is more concerned that his infrared goggles are working than if his jacket's seams are straight. Feel free to take liscense with the character too, keeping in mind his profession.
Hmm....I'm pretty sure the Dark Engine was already done. Thief/Thief2/System Shock2 all used it.
Jaenos said:
I was a little inspired by Sprafa's writing post and thought I'd try out the same thing, only what I am good at, modeling.

WOOOOOOO!! Someone!
I was hoping someone made something like this but not someone with this quality!

This is great! Maybe ti turns into an endless loop...someone gets inspired by you, someone gets inspired by him....

Well I was wondering when someone would actually post to offer help in the Help wanted &offered forum

I'm goanna save this line as an ego booster...
Jaenos, nice work m8.

I am at school so can't email ya. But anyway, I dunno if we would want someone for about 3 models or so, we would profer to have a dedicated member. But here is some of the concept art:

also this is the latest model, made by my self:

Contact me on irc or email I am always in the #halflife2 irc room and my email is [email protected]

gl finding something u like :D
Sent you an e-mail. Hope to hear from you! I'm the co-leader of a multiplayer mod. We're pretty laid back so if you cared to do anything for us it would be cool. We could also allow you a pretty open design so you can be as creative as you like and choose to do whatever you like. Just e-mail me back if interested. Thanks.
I don't know if you've heard of us before, but despite the 6 modelers we have we are still straining under the workload. If nothing else I think our concept art should interest you, and I am especially interested in your animation skills.

Let me know, [email protected]
hey Jaenos nice work.

Don't you post on cgtalk, or was it I seem to recognize some of it.
Hey, thanks for the great response, a lot of work ahead and hope I can do it pretty quickly as any project is eager to just get a model out of the blue.

I just have one future preference, is that all requests be made through e-mail now (I'll still be checking this thread though) for organizational purposes. I should have thought this out more at the beginning, but here's some of my standard questions when getting a request:

1. What do you want modeled? (Ie: send me a concept art, I don't care if you drawing skills are not great, my aren't either)
2. What style do you want this in? (Again, sometimes the art is in anime or just disproportioned from realism out of necessity rather then want, just be sure to specify "I want the anatomy to look just like that" or "this is supposed to be realistic/stylized"
3. What polycount are you shooting for?
4. Artistic freedom? (I never make any specifics in my concept art which then I run into trouble when I model. However having total control of the model I can do whatever I want by making that circle thing I drew a water bottle. So I ask if I get the option to do this on your request, if not I'll ask some specifics if I don't recognize anything.

Those are just some basic questions I ask, then if it's by e-mail I can always ask follow up questions and get more of an idea of what you want. Also, just by the work load starting to happen, I am thinking I will max the query at 10 requests then I won't be taking anymore. Once I am done the original 10 and feel like I can do more, we'll start round 2 up.

edit/note: I am just offering a model here, it would be great if I could offer more, but if I were to rig/texture/animate every model for people; I'd never get done :)

Icitatus: Used to post on cgtalk almost a year ago; but I do continue to post on cgchat.
Hey Jaenos, I e-mailed you again with specifics. Just wanted to let you know that if you were interested in doing a model for us but didn't like the idea I sent you then just let me know. We of course have other things which need modeling as well. Thanks.

Captive in Arms
hey, your work is crazy good :rolling:. at the moment, im trying to find out if we need anything modeled at Hell Blaze, but in the mean time, i saw that head model on your site, what a beauty. im trying to get into the whole character model scene, and if i could, may i take a look at your model, as a reference for shapes/bone sturucture ?

thanks :thumbs: