HELP ! Upgrading PC



OK i put my money together and i have enough to buy ATI RADEON 9700 PRO, i have 2 choices.

1) Spend money on buying XP2600 cpu, and buying 512 DDR PC2700 Crucial


2) Just buy plain Radeon9700pro for my current PC:
MSI KT3V (New Mobo)
384 PC2100 DDRRAM
GeForce4MX 460
Blaster Live 5.1

If i go with #2 i definately wont be able to buy Radeon9700 any time soon, or wont be able to at all. But if i buy Radeon9700 i might be able to buy some processor later on..
So Any suggestions ? BTW i am aiming to play HL2 with 30fps+ :eek:
If i go with #2 i definately wont be able to buy Radeon9700 any time soon, or wont be able to at all. But if i buy Radeon9700 i might be able to buy some processor later on..

I'm confused. You say you want to either buy a new cpu and ram, or just a 9700 for your current PC, however in the quote above you talk about not being able to afford it at all. Then the next line you talk about buying the 9700 AND a cpu. Typo?
No ... u dont get it..bang

I got a choice wheter to buy Video card or upgrade CPU and RAM..I listed my PC specs also
no i am able to afford only one thing #1 or #2 soi need an advice
I would go for the CPU and memory combo... by the time HL2 comes out ATI will have a newer ub3r card on the market and the 9800 will be a nice cheap option... :cheese:
Nah, whatever i got the money so i will just sit and wait until HL2 will be realeased
tell me exactly how much u have and i can get u a better deal
I got $370 US, or 550 CND..write in canadian if possible x1.5
Edit: sorry didnt think this post got through... check below
ok i gonna tell u in us because the dite im dealin with( is and im to lazy
now u can get :
amd 2600+
radeon 9700 128mg(not the pro)
amd 2500+
radeon 9500 pro 128mb
512 ram 2700
$320(could ugrade processor ram or vid card for $50 more)
#3: (what i would do,IF i was buying now)
amd 2800+
9700 Pro

If u have any question visit site they have many more things u can get, however i advise u if u buy form here check the dealers first(call go to web site or visit if possible) most if not all are legit though.
Edit: i would also advise not to spend until september :) and by that time there will be nice stuff for lower prices(hopefully)

CPU: XP 2500+ Barton Core - - $200


RAM : You can pay $80 for 512mb of pc2100, or $100+ for 512mb of pc2700. So you are either gonna have 884mb of pc2100, or 512mb of pc2700 for around $100. I would go with the 884 mb of pc2100 (cheaper, and IMO, better performance)

VidCard: Stay with the MX460, even though it is a neutered piece of shit, wait until hl2 comes out, and then see what you want. Prices on the 9700 should have fallen by then, no need to buy it now when:
a - you dont know if you even need it.
b - it is more expensive

So there, new CPU + RAM for ~$300 CAD
whoa whoa whoa, the only mobo for the AMD that is worth buyin out there is the a7n8x and above that is the a7n8x-dx which just means deluxe.
however he was not talkin about buy a new mobo..i dont think but if he is then its gonna cost more than 370(us) for the whole kit
a7n8x = $108(us)
a7n8x-dx = $126(us of course)
amd 2500+ = 122
amd 2600+ = 143
512 of 2700 = 47
512 of 3500 = 64
ati radeon 9700(not pro) = 214 while the pro = 275