Hide and Seek mod


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
This is news worthy IMO:

In this video some friends and I play on a modded server that has a game mode similar to Hide and Seek. One team spawns as scout "props" while the other team spawns as pyros. The blue team spawns as scenery like boxes, chairs, cows.... The red team spawn as the pyros. The blue team has 30 seconds to hide somewhere around the map and make themself look as natural as possible.

There are several servers you can play this on, I'll list as many as I can:

IP server #1:
IP server #2:
IP server #3:
I've played that mod many times before. It's usually pretty funny, but it can get a tad old.
Looks like some great fun, I'll give it a try when I can.
Just played a few rounds and it is immensely fun. The servers are getting hammered though and go down often.
It's a blast, actually. Only down side is that when, as a pyro, you fire you take a bit of health off yourself
Makes sense, just to prevent people from spamming the whole map with flames and forcing you to be more selective, but it was a bit of a suprise when I first played these servers lol
Yes I play this and its fun.
Australian IP:

It does have a couple of major bugs to be aware of:
  • When you enter a game join spectator, wait until the current round ends (eveyone dies, MVPs show up) and then quickly join a team and pick a class. If you don't do this you'll be stuck in spectate mode.
  • When you become a prop your camera will often be stuck on your dead body, to fix this record and then stop a demo. Since it happens so often its worth binding this to a key (in console: bind <key> "record fix; stop")

Oh and to change your prop type "!unstuck" into chat :p