Hit Effects and Vehicles!

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The E3 movie was amazing and I'm so much looking forward to seeing HL2 in action on the PC, just got one concern tho..

The hit effects (that green blob thang), are these effect final? I sure hope not, it just feels dated, like something from the Duke Nukem days. The engine, physics, AI are all amazing, it would be a real shame to allow something so small to disapoint the fans.

The vehicle side of things looks fantastic, out of curiously, what's control over a vehicle going to be like? Akin to Halo's buggy perhaps?

p.s. Wouldn't it be great for the Duke Nukem to be redone (again) using the Source engine!! The Unreal Tournament and Quake III engines are very dated now, even the latest modified Unreal engine looks dated compared to Source!
Duke Nukem Forever is coming out.........whenever..... but it looks visually as good as HL2 does. I know I saw a screenshot somewhere.... I'll just have to find it again...
The green blob when an enemy gets hit was just a place holder for the e³ show. It most likely has been fixed now. The control in the vehicle is not yet known.
I'm guessing that vehicles work like this: the mouse does NOT control the car. Instead, you accelerate with the walk/run button and break with the back button. The strafe keys then steer the vehicle's wheel left or right.

This leaves the mouse free to control the players view (which is apparently indepedant of the vehicle's motion) and direct guns mounted on the vehicle (like the guass in the video).

That's my guess mostly because that's what I'd like, so take it with a huge grain of salt. :)

I don't think we've seen DNF screenshots for two years, so I very much doubt we've seen anything that looks as good as HL2 looks: the hardware didn't even exist yet to do that.
Based on the e³ videos, the driving in HL2 seems to be like BF 1942 type of experience. So, if one plays bf 1942 , I would assume it would be like that.
yeh i think it will be
i like the fact you can be driving and looking around with your mouse makes it that more intresting and more belivable
The last DNF shots were using the Unreal1 engine I think... They look like crap by today's standards :P
Originally posted by Apos
I'm guessing that vehicles work like this: the mouse does NOT control the car. Instead, you accelerate with the walk/run button and break with the back button. The strafe keys then steer the vehicle's wheel left or right.

This leaves the mouse free to control the players view (which is apparently indepedant of the vehicle's motion) and direct guns mounted on the vehicle (like the guass in the video).
That's my guess too.

Did anyone else think the bullet hit sound effects on that dune buggy scene got very repetative and annoying after a short while?
Remember it is scalable to a very much slower system/graphics card. It may even look hardly better then the original half-life at some points if you had all the graphics options disabled, he could have just had the sprite style effects turned to the minimum and thus it would show it in accordance with that, it could also be as the other person said a placeholder.
Usually when Gordon hits a monster with his crowbar, there would be a green blob sprite appearing to signify he had hit the monster.

EDIT: It's a place holder.
That green blob deserves a special 'discussed to death award' as does the crowbar animation and 'will my pc run HL2?'

As for vehicle controls (this threads saving grace) I had imagined a sytem identical to the one Apos described. Did anyone play Sin? They had vehicles that were controled with the mouse, it waqs the most anoying and difficult system ever! Well, Valve seem to be good at playtesting, maybe they came up with an even better contorl method. Anyway how ere vehicles controlled in Halo?
Doesn't the Xbox controller have two joysticks?
Originally posted by Apos
I'm guessing that vehicles work like this: the mouse does NOT control the car. Instead, you accelerate with the walk/run button and break with the back button. The strafe keys then steer the vehicle's wheel left or right.

This leaves the mouse free to control the players view (which is apparently indepedant of the vehicle's motion) and direct guns mounted on the vehicle (like the guass in the video).
Yeah, that was also my assumption from the dune-buggy scene. The pov moves around independently of the vehicle direction, so the controls are actually pretty consistent with walking-Gordon. I hope I'll get used to the controls-- walking and chewing gum isn't my strong suit.

I hope they add a cross-hair to the vehicle weapon, too. I don't think I'd ever be able to hit anything with the mounted gauss gun otherwise.
Originally posted by Apos
Doesn't the Xbox controller have two joysticks?

Yes it does, but i htink he was refering to how Halo PC will control vehicles, which i cannot answer.
yeah the xbox controller has 2 joysticks (which seems to be the stadard these days)

i've never been able to use console controllers that's why i stick to PC games
I dont think duke nukem is coming out because of these reasons:
-The developers ran out of money and supplies
-The engine got outdated and they dont have money to upgrade it
the wasd moving the vehicle and the mouse looking would make the most since, thats close to how it works in consoles. Most console FPS games today use one joystick to drive and one to look.
oh, and i dont think you ever see a crosshair in the E3 videos. they must have had them turned off
No there are definately some vids with them. The tunnel vid for one.
oh, BTW, it wasn't f****** green, it was yellow blood. The aliens had yellow blood god damn it!!! ;)
ko yellow blood,

oh and i din't see the crosshairs (looking forward to more detailed vids soon)
ok, yellow then! Blame my monitor - the tube's on it's way out!! All more good reason to buy a 17" TFT for HL2! I've got 48" plasma screen at work for monitoring the network, I'm hoping they won't notice it when it's gone! ;-) Just gotta find a wall strong enough to mount it!! ;-)

Anyway, as far as the Duke Nukem issue, the original screenshots from 2001 looked amazing AT THE TIME. No real physics though, relatively low rez textures compared to today's standards. I hope it is released, but not using the Unreal engine, it's had it's day and has been used to death!
Originally posted by xXSMGXx
I dont think duke nukem is coming out because of these reasons:
-The developers ran out of money and supplies
-The engine got outdated and they dont have money to upgrade it
*shrug* I dunno. If it wouldn't come out, I'm pretty sure the developers would've announced that they couldn't finish it, because if they don't, they'd be out of business (and so it'd be pointless to continue the charade). The problem is, they'll have to make one hell of a game to impress the audience at all. In five years, just videos of HL2 has revolutionized the gaming scene. DNF is going to have to do something damn unique to impress anybody.

The yellow blob effect must just be temporarily linked to crowbar hits, because when the zombies get cut in half by those spinning blades they erupt in clouds of red blood (someone told me this in another thread - thanks whoever it was. Valve will no doubt replace this. Has anyone actually emailed gabe about this?? Sorry to persist with this yellow blob conversation.