HL2 movie FTP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Satanman
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Great job!
By the way, anyone has Gamespot video interview with guys from Valve? If you guys do, can you upload it, I can't find it anyway.
lol, satanamn you will regret that.. i had a ftp up and over 4000 ppl dl movies from me in 1,5 days :|

TERRIBLE.. I have the interview, but i won't upload it ^^
btw i will put it up in the topic ..

Oh yes you will, if you not, HL2 will be delayed! MWHAHAH!
its ok, thats all this computer is for is ftp. I am also throwing other content on there such as softimage|xsi exp , et.
I tried to FTP to it but it says access is denied. And your internet connection will quickly be overrun if people know you have content that is wanted.

BTW I already ran the XSI and it is for learning only. Save is disabled. Valve is working with SoftImage to release a less expensive pack of tools specifically for HL2 mapping/modding.

NOTE: There are only four movies with original content.

The 600Mb from Gamespy. (best quality)
Movie #4 from Gamespot (sewer/hydra scene)
A commercial from E3 (different views of scenes in the movies)
The Gamespot interview (no in game video at all)

Everything else is a different camcorder recording of the first two.
Originally posted by RoyalEF
I tried to FTP to it but it says access is denied. And your internet connection will quickly be overrun if people know you have content that is wanted.

BTW I already ran the XSI and it is for learning only. Save is disabled. Valve is working with SoftImage to release a less expensive pack of tools specifically for HL2 mapping/modding.

NOTE: There are only four movies with original content.

The 600Mb from Gamespy. (best quality)
Movie #4 from Gamespot (sewer/hydra scene)
A commercial from E3 (different views of scenes in the movies)
The Gamespot interview (no in game video at all)

Everything else is a different camcorder recording of the first two.

kewl to hear someone knows anything about this :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Yep, too bad he didn't do it himself, I seen that thing on isonews forums three day ago. No demo, I don't know why he needs that screenshots anyway.
those screens were uploaded by ValVe RaY, the only content I have on there is the screenshots folder, quicktime movies, and softimage. I can't spend all day monitoring content or I would have no time for anything else. I have already deleted a hell of alot of porn and renamed everything back to what it was supposed to be.
Well, here it is, not 6 hours after I set this up, that I an taking it down. Due to various assholes deleteing and renaming everything, I dont really feel like helping this HL2 community. So far all I have seen is little children flame other people, so **** you all.
Satanman I think you're expectations were set way too high. Apparently you've never dealt with the general public. On a website like this you're generally dealing with the public minus several years of maturity and anonymous to boot. The reason people like anonymity on the web is it allows them to act like assholes and do things they would never do in front of other people, especially people who know them.

On the technical side you never permit public access to your server. Anyone doing random scans (which occur 24/7 across the net) could find you and say--let's have fun with this one.

You should have constructing an incoming folder to handle public uploads. A better way to control content is to only allow users who contact you with content to upload. You setups a few dummy accoounts, and when they've uploaded, change the password. You approve content and move it from incoming.
You are probably right Royal. The sad thing is, I ran a warez ftp for 3 years and never had as many problems as I did in 6 hours this morning. Normally people are gratful for things like this, but I didnt take into account the fact its a gaming site, and children. Oh well, lol
Originally posted by Satanman
Well, here it is, not 6 hours after I set this up, that I an taking it down. Due to various assholes deleteing and renaming everything, I dont really feel like helping this HL2 community. So far all I have seen is little children flame other people, so **** you all.

dont wanna be a complete bitch but yer the nonce for:
1) having not secured yer ftp or did a bad job at it...
2) didnt set to the proper user flags to the folders and the files...

no offence but thats just stupid :dork: