HL2.net Boards that, IMO, should be merged/closed


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Boards that should be merged:
Clans, Scheduled Games and Events
Reason: bascially inactive - 6 threads, 11 replies total

Servers and Administration
Reason: basically inactive - 3 threads

Singleplayer Games
Half-Life 2: Episode One
Reason: rather inactive - 11 threads

Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Reason: rather inactive - still has threads with the last post in 2008 on the first page

Multiplayer Games
Day of Defeat: Source
Reason: basically inactive - 2 threads

Counter-Strike: Source
Reason: basically inactive - 5 threads

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Reason: rather inactive - 7 threads

Garry's Mod
Reason: inactive - no threads except the stickies.

Valve Software
Reason: rather inactive - still has threads with the last post in 2008 on the first page

Off-Topic Forums
The Lounge
Reason: I'm actually joking with this one.

The Lounge - Forum RPG: Hotel Corinthian - Colonia
Reason: basically inactive - 11 posts from 2009

Fan Fiction and Reading (Books, Mags & Comics)
Reason: really only has one active thread

Source Editing & Development
General Editing
Reason: not enough replies per thread

Reason: not enough replies per thread, not many threads

Models & Skins
Reason: bascially inactive, only 2 non-sticky threads

Custom Mapping
Reason: not enough replies per thread

Community Projects
Community Project and Community Project (Contributors Only)
Reason: Hasn't had posts since mid 2008, most posts from 2007.

What the forums could look like afterwards:
If my forums ever look like that I will kill myself.

Default tan ftw.
don't like it. sing/mult player games section is too big to be tidy.

its pretty good as it is
I'd also get get rid of music. There's only the one active thread and it's basically used as collective Twitter feed by a few people to boost their post counts something silly, because they'll 'post' pretty much every couple of hours . It's not like any of the music is even reviewed, or discussed. It's an indulgence party.
At the very least you should change the names of the two non-episodes HL forums to "Half-Life" and "Half-Life 2". Then I would probably combine them.
don't like it. sing/mult player games section is too big to be tidy.
It is only one board bigger that the Off-Topic forums are right now. Although I do see what you mean, I mostly merged them to give the "Help and Support Desk" a home.

Don't forget about the BF2 section.
I thought about listing it, in fact all of the Gaming subforums are pretty inactive ATM. I kept them in because hopefully they will be active once their sequels arrive.

I'd also get get rid of music.
Even though I didn't list it, in the mock-up I merged Music into "Films, TV, Music and Literature".
I'd also get get rid of music. There's only the one active thread and it's basically used as collective Twitter feed by a few people to boost their post counts something silly, because they'll 'post' pretty much every couple of hours . It's not like any of the music is even reviewed, or discussed. It's an indulgence party.

Still can't let that go can you?
There's only the one active thread and it's basically used as collective Twitter feed by a few people to boost their post counts something silly.

Yet it's the only thread where I'll actively try to read over everything that's been posted since I last saw it.
They should just merge all the boards (when this forum is about to close)
I agree with the death of "Colonia" I'm not going to get it off the ground any time soon - Smoke and I have had too much fun creating the Universe and Lore and won't be ready for much yet.
Still can't let that go can you?

It serves no good purpose, and no one ever checks out what people listen to. If people did then by now I'd of thought they'd have cottoned onto the very fact that none of the bands I post up actually exist and mentioned it. The entire thread is the sound of one hand clapping in the name of post counts. :dozey:

Yet it's the only thread where I'll actively try to read over everything that's been posted since I last saw it.

Clearly not enough it seems....