[HL2.net] US Server


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
As if two weren't already enough (well, technically G-Dub is the only person with a functioning TF2 server), Cyberpitz and I have decided to start up a US TF2 Server. It's a private, 20 player server. Perfect for getting all the .netters into a private server and duking it out, among other things. Anyways....


HL2.net TF2 server
- IP:
- Password: hl2net
- Runs all maps on rotation.

A list of our current competitive members

[HL2.net] CyberPitz
[HL2.net] Shamrock
[HL2.net] Pesh
[HL2.net] Qonfused
[HL2.net] Staticprimer
[HL2.net] Atomicspark

If you want to play competitively with us, just say so in this thread. Happy fragging.
No 24/7 2fort please. :)
Glad to see a HL2.net server I actually have reasonable latency to. I'll join next time I see someone in it. :)

edit - add Gravelpit though, plzk.
We'll still working on things, but there will be Pesh and I as admins for now. We will be able to change the map, and may be putting on adminmod for votemap features
I'm willing to donate if it means we get a 24-player cap and better ping.
The ping is static and won't find any better for the current price (although we can move locations once we figure out where our hard core players live). If you can contribute $5 a month, we can upgrade it to a 24 player server (remaining private).
I could do that, no problem.

Just out of curiosity, how much more would it cost to get a server with a lower ping as well?
Well, how much does owning and maintaining your own T2/T3 dedicated server cost?
Nice, still no one playing but nice. :p And 24/7 2fort sucks... variety is good! Just leave out Hydro since it's bung.
What kind of time commitment is the competitive team? I'd love to be a reserve player or something but I dunno if I can really commit to making a lot of matches.
Well, how much does owning and maintaining your own T2/T3 dedicated server cost?
I have no idea. I'm asking because I can donate more than $5/month.

[edit] Also what Ennui said.
What kind of time commitment is the competitive team? I'd love to be a reserve player or something but I dunno if I can really commit to making a lot of matches.

I'd say showing up for practices every now and then, and attending matches, is about all there is to it. We're just looking for 12-16 players that we can count on to make practice, and 6-8 of those to attend matches. League rules and times are still really sketchy so we can't really say for sure what times and days matches will be.

In the meantime, those wanting to be a part of the competitive clan have priority on the clan server- but we'll have plenty of room for any casual gamers to come in and help us practice. We only ask for your cooperation while these things are going on.

That's not to say it's just going to be the server to practice on. We'll be holding large 10v10 or 12v12 fun matches where anyone from HL2net can join up and play against each other.
What sort of ping do ya thing I'd get from down here? Playable?
Go Team America! How "competitive" are we talking? Clan matches? Judging by time commitment, I'd love to be either reserve or practice bait.
Everyone is welcome to come practice with us and play competitively. We'll choose our best 6-8 to play in matches. I'm gonna try and put something together for tonight or saturday/sunday.
Could we possibly buy a server? Or maybe make one from an old computer? I don't know how much that would cost but I think in the long run, it's worth it. *Yeah let's do some math here. It's $287.40 for an entire year. How many days will we be using this server or rather days/hours?
where exactly in the states is it located