HL2 & Portal Models: help finding these?


Jan 9, 2011
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Hope I'm posting this in the right place.

I'm trying to find the files for the barnacle, head crab, and DOG from HL2 and the cores and GlaDOS from Portal; I've searched by names I could think of but couldn't find them. (I thought I found the file for head crabs and DOG but they would not open. )
I've looked in in all the GCF files in Steam\steamapps directory to no avail.
(I'm using MDLDecompiler and GCFScape in case thats needed to know.)

Does anyone know the file names for these or possibly be able to pull them for me? (Or better yet, know if the model files are available somewhere?)
Any inform is welcome!

~ The Atomic Soul
With the ones that didn't open, did you extract their respective .vvd, .vtx and .phy files with them?
I checked and all three file extensions were included. (I selected every file that includes the models name.)

MDLDecompiler 4.1 and 0.5 says "Unable to load model".

With the ones that didn't open, did you extract their respective .vvd, .vtx and .phy files with them?
What version are the .mdl files (check the 5th byte in a hex editor)?
Any suggestion on an app? I've not used a hex editor before and haven't researched them to know which one is safe.
The files should be current: I had previously removed all games from my PC and just reinstalled/ re-downloaded Portal, HL2, HL2 Ep1, and the Source Engine before attempting this.
(Perhaps older ones work better?)
I use ApEdit Lite, but any hex editor should be fine. The 5th byte should be 0x2C
When i open the Barnacle MDL file, its coming up with rows and columns.
I searched for "0x" and nothing came up.

Should this be whats listed in the first row, fifth and sixth set or fifth column?
Change the 5th pair of characters (from the left) of the top row (the character after IDST).

So when you open it you'll see something like this (the 30 may be 2D, 2E or 2F):
49 44 53 54 30 00 00 00 which is IDST0... in hexadecimal.
You need to change that to:
49 44 53 54 2C 00 00 00 which is IDST,... in hexadecimal.
Change the 5th pair of characters (from the left) of the top row (the character after IDST).

That did it!
mdldecompiler shut down after telling it to do the work BUT it seems to have already completed the port!

Thanks very much! :D