HL2 Preload today?

HL2 Preload Today?

  • Yes, it is going to happen...

    Votes: 67 31.6%
  • Maybe, if the big guy wishes it to be...

    Votes: 56 26.4%
  • Nope, another delay...

    Votes: 53 25.0%
  • Lost interest...

    Votes: 36 17.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering what everyone thought the chances of the HL2 preload occuring today... oh and any mods, could you delete the other topic by me, forgot to include the poll... thanks.
Yeah, its 1206 here in california and i dont know how the preload works, is it only for the ATI guys, because its not coming up in steam, mabye valve is East coast? or... something
I heard that it was goign to be for everyone... but correct me if I am wrong.
valve is definately on the west coast. its probably going to be in the evening PST, if it does go down, like other recent preloads.
CONE-ZONE!! Best UserName ever ^_^
(Sorry about being entirely off topic...)
Surel if HL2 is getting ready for Pre-load today then it is finished so why havent they announced the game as gold
SiR_Winsteh said:
Surel if HL2 is getting ready for Pre-load today then it is finished so why havent they announced the game as gold

negative on the o niner

only files that won't be changed from now till release are being preloaded such as sound files and textures
6-7 PM PST(-8 GMT) would be my guess so get some sleep ;)

ps.:you have to restart steam for it to find the download.
who cares? its not like youre gonna be playing the preload later tommorow or anythime soon for that matter so why do you care so much?

"mommy mommy when are you gonna buy me new shoelaces for my future shoes i might get sometime later??"
i live in australia.. its hot here and we have kangarooes and today in school while people were doing their boring speeches, i was looking at a Cockatoo out the window.. it was dancing around and attacking a Crow.

on other matters, its 5:20pm here, will i get to D/L it?
jOOblaR said:
i live in australia.. its hot here and we have kangarooes and today in school while people were doing their boring speeches, i was looking at a Cockatoo out the window.. it was dancing around and attacking a Crow.

on other matters, its 5:20pm here, will i get to D/L it?

yes you will :)
acme420 said:
who cares? its not like youre gonna be playing the preload later tommorow or anythime soon for that matter so why do you care so much?

"mommy mommy when are you gonna buy me new shoelaces for my future shoes i might get sometime later??"

Wow, why even come here with that attitude, seriously, some people on this forum are major dicks, for those following this game for some time now, a preload signifies a major milestone in the final release of the game. So basically **** OFF!

And the only reason why I flame you is due to the fact that you always post negative comments or put others down, so I ask my question again, why are you here?
It doesnt signify any milestones :-/ Its really entirely unimportant.. it signifies that Valve have finished making a couple textures... >_> I would hope so by now...

Jooblar is the kewlest/scariest person ever... You're neat ^_^

Acme420's sig - norml.org pwns.
acme420 said:
who cares? its not like youre gonna be playing the preload later tommorow or anythime soon for that matter so why do you care so much?

"mommy mommy when are you gonna buy me new shoelaces for my future shoes i might get sometime later??"

Thats a simple question to answer many users still have 56k(sadly) so the sooner they can download it the better really. Sure they still have to download the rest but at lest they wont still be downloading the preload when its released.
Ikerous said:
It doesnt signify any milestones :-/ Its really entirely unimportant.. it signifies that Valve have finished making a couple textures...

Wow, a couple of textures, there are like tens of thousand of textures for hl2... and I know that as a fact... :D
It seems very very legit, i mean when valve canceled the friday upload they had a perfectly good reason for it (forgot :p ). And before when they delayed something there wasnt a reason. It just was "canceled".
acme420 said:
who cares? its not like youre gonna be playing the preload later tommorow or anythime soon for that matter so why do you care so much?

"mommy mommy when are you gonna buy me new shoelaces for my future shoes i might get sometime later??"
There's better ways of expressing yourself than like that.
I hope it starts preloading today.. for all we know they could just keep adding stuff every day for like 3 weeks then mysteriously say: 'OMG GOLD!'

I doubt it. But it could happen.
If hl2 preloads today theres a good chance ill be playing it by tomorrow ;)
I voted for "maybe." Either the preload will start today or Valve will announce that it is delayed for some CS:S related reason and perhaps release a CS:S beta update. Either way, we will hear from Valve today.
acme420 said:
who cares? its not like youre gonna be playing the preload later tommorow or anythime soon for that matter so why do you care so much?

"mommy mommy when are you gonna buy me new shoelaces for my future shoes i might get sometime later??"

were you abused as a child :monkee: you obviously have deep issues if you need help call my shrink on 0800-800-STFU
they prolly can't afford another delay...they delayed it from last week to this monday and people are now eagerly awaiting the preload...so another lie won't do valve any good... even if most people aren't even looking forward to the preload..only the real "core" gamers `?
no.. really.. is it preloading today? its 8:18pm right now here.. no sign of anything on steam
valve will go by their time which is Pacific standard time. its 3:20am here in PST, and if this preload is like the previous ones for CS:S, itll be in about 15 hours.
time for a new video card... goodbye FX5700

so we wont be able to play it? its just textures, sounds, etc.
umm...hopefully they'll preload it. I mean, that'd be cool if they did. I'm not really expecting anything though :sleep: That'd be awesome if they announced GOLD status.... :)
It has already started for some people, even before the preload delay
crownest said:
It has already started for some people, even before the preload delay

Not the HL2 preload....CS:S has been released for beta, though. Where'd you hear this??
Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I haven't payed attention to HL2 since the preload was delayed, but still voted yes. (Keep hoping).....
Sashswash said:
That'd be awesome if they announced GOLD status.... :)
That would be a shocker(and delightful, don't get me wrong) but would guess that the preload would start as soon as they had a core of unchanging files and appropriate server capactiy, which would probably happen before it is ready in its final form to be pressed into millions of hard copies......
It's 16.16 here in Sweden. That means it must be 10.16 on the westcoast. Hurry up, Valve!
The_Monkey said:
It's 16.16 here in Sweden. That means it must be 10.16 on the westcoast. Hurry up, Valve!

Dont expect anything till 6 PST (at least)
Feels like a perfect day for HL2 pre-load, so maybe if the big guy wishes it to be
Ikerous said:
It doesnt signify any milestones :-/ Its really entirely unimportant.. it signifies that Valve have finished making a couple textures... >_> I would hope so by now...

Jooblar is the kewlest/scariest person ever... You're neat ^_^

Acme420's sig - norml.org pwns.

why didn't they preload it a year ago then?
They aren't going to suddenly release it without even an announcement on the Steam webby. They had a preload warning for CSS, and this is even bigger, but still there is no announcements. I very much doubt it's going to happen today.