HL2 RTS Please

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
I just got done with the Act of War demo, can tell it's going to be a great game. It got me thinking though..

I'd really, really enjoy a Half Life 2 RTS. Obviously between the Resistance and Overwatch forces.

I bet it wouldn't be too difficult. I say this meaning.. not like making a TOTALLY new game. I know it'd be a very tough and long project but it could be a mod for an existing RTS engine/game rather than something completely new and stuff.

Could have different modes / times of play too, such as the 7 hours war maybe. Various skirmishes taking place in the time between the 7 hour war and Gordon's arrival, and the actual uprising itself. Maybe even Gordon (although it could mess up the storyline if he is used) or Barney, etc, could be used as a 'hero' unit.

I'm just a dreamer.. but that'd be so much fun.
Would be fun.. dont know what engine you would use though.
hm. i just imagined a horde of combines attacking eli's lab. and dropping striders. nice idea
gameplay wise...well...they better be damn unique. not just another generals clone or warcraft clone or whatever.
It would be cool to order your troops and vehicles in rts-perspective, and then change to fps to participate in the action. The unit cap will prolly be pretty low, unless you have a hefty rig. Still, I'd play it. Seems pretty cool to me.

And angry lawyer, updates will be very much appreciated.