HL2 Teaser on ATI site

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yep it has been posted man.....but still was good to see again thanks :)

Wtf do they wan't people to register for?

something good?!
Neat. Coming soon....waaaah. I want an oompa loompa NOW.

The only reason I signed up without hesitation was because it had ATI (my card) and HL2 on it. Now, someone explain what the **** that just did for us?
i guess they are taking about that bundle!!!!! w000000000000000000ty w00000t!!!
Meh, I signed up anyway, FREE COPIES OF HALF-LIFE 2!!!

/me wishes.
I'm guessing they are close to announcing the bundle.

Which would fit in with that Inquirer article.
Here's my theory: You gave them your email (identification), graphics card (specs), and name (uhh... name.). Why, why, why, do they need these pieces of information? Well... tie that in with "be one of the first to experience", and I believe we may have a limited edition link to a demo file in our inbox in the very near future. Here's to hoping. :D