HL3- back to the basics?


Aug 4, 2004
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Who here would like HL3 to start in a claustrobic setting like black mesa? I would. I dont mean a carbon coppy, just something that creates a simillar effect, us the same formula that made the beggining of hl1.
It would be cool for part of the game to be set in the ruins of Black Mesa.
Agreed about the ruins of BM, I wouldn't like it to be all claustrophobic again though, I really like the outdoor maps in HL2, indoor ends up a bit boring these days.
I wouldnt like to go back to Black Mesa myself, its just a hole in the ground to me.
The Dark Elf said:
Agreed about the ruins of BM, I wouldn't like it to be all claustrophobic again though, I really like the outdoor maps in HL2, indoor ends up a bit boring these days.
I really like the outdoor maps in HL2, indoor ends up a bit boring these days.

Also agreed, i dont think there many games however that opt for indoors nowadays..well ID did..and look where that got them (in my opinon of course)
I like the ruines idea.. I really do, but going back to original black mesa would just be repetative.. Thats why they have HL source i bet...
The Dark Elf said:
Agreed about the ruins of BM, I wouldn't like it to be all claustrophobic again though, I really like the outdoor maps in HL2, indoor ends up a bit boring these days.
I mean as only a small nostalgia trip, not the entire game, of course. And remember, Black Mesa had outdoor sections too. Surface Tension 2.0, anyone?
HL2 had the right mix of indoor and outdoor really.

There's nothing in Black Mesa anyway. I'd like to briefly see what happened to City 17, though.
Kangy said:
HL2 had the right mix of indoor and outdoor really.

There's nothing in Black Mesa anyway. I'd like to briefly see what happened to City 17, though.
Can you imagine it? Watching the citadel fall to one side from a long distance after the resistance set explosives around its base? That whole tower slowly building up speed on it's way down...
No. There were plenty of good indoor areas of HL2, but the outdoor areas were the most exciting by far. The same can be said for HL1 - the whole game was great, but the Surface Tension maps were some of it's best moments. Xen wasn't exactly indoor either, in many places.

If they're going to do an alien world, I want to see a big, expansive alien city. Xen was neat, but the Citadel was just beyond cool.
I would love to see some of the chaos that went on during the 7 hour war, but that might be hard to work into the plot. Maybe as an expansion or mod though.
I hope HL3 takes place, at least in part, on an alien Combine world. Or maybe even back on Xen again. Give us some cool, creepy levels like those. Take whatever worked in the Xen levels in HL1, and apply them to HL3. (The weird alien lifeforms, the creepy sound atmosphere, the endless void surrounding you, etc.)
hmm maybe the teleporter stands there... maybe gordon wants to reach xen from BM and from xen through teleporters to other planets... wooooot!!
I'd also like to briefly return to Black Mesa's ruins, but I wouldn't want to the whole game taking place there. I'd also prefer to see more large outdoor environments like the ones in HL2. The claustrophobic indoor setting of Half-life, while great at the time, is not something I'd like to revert to.

Among other things, I'd also like to see the aftermath of City 17 and would like to visit another alien planet, albeit done much better than Xen.
Xen would be worth resurecting as long as the frustrating jumping sections got toned down a little. Another combine enslaved world would be cool for a visit too.
It'd be nice to go back to Black Mesa briefly...if it hadn't been nuked to the ground. ;)
I really don't want to go to an alien world, I wanna stay back home on earth. If they could somehow incorporate a brief, very brief visit to BMRF it could be cool, but the radiation wouldn't allow you to get very far inside.
I really don't want to go to an alien world

Really? I do, i think it would be great. For me, theres nothing left on earth now...no population practically...no resources..over run by xen wildlife...the battle seems to have progressed further now away from our home planet...

I really think taking the fight to the cobmien universe would be a great idea...half life 2 gave you a glimpse of this...at the end when the teleporter was openeing...
Samon said:
Really? I do, i think it would be great. For me, theres nothing left on earth now...no population practically...no resources..over run by xen wildlife...the battle seems to have progressed further now away from our home planet...

I really think taking the fight to the cobmien universe would be a great idea...half life 2 gave you a glimpse of this...at the end when the teleporter was openeing...
Well... maybe if you weren't alone on an alien world it would be fun, but to be all alone on say Xen would be rather boring.
AJ Rimmer said:
Can you imagine it? Watching the citadel fall to one side from a long distance after the resistance set explosives around its base? That whole tower slowly building up speed on it's way down...
Cool in theory, but I doubt it would go down all that well - 9/11


Alien world might be good, if done well. Or if Earth, then we've had desert, we've had wasteland like empty coasts, cities.. Maybe something overgrown would be nice next time.

Maybe its even further in the future and nature has gradually taken over some city in another country that has something going on, maybe a way to reach the combine homeworld is there. Could be a creepy darker in feeling type game.
The Dark Elf said:
Cool in theory, but I doubt it would go down all that well - 9/11
Oh jeez, you see, the terrorists won, they took away our entertainment!
i got a feeling that HL3 will take place on Earth, Xen, and where ever the Combine advisor is at. I do think Xen will only be visited momentarily. It will also be a very diffrent experience. The Vortigaunts wont be trying to kill you, only the Headcrabs would be a threat, maybe other Xen wildlife.
The Dark Elf said:
Cool in theory, but I doubt it would go down all that well - 9/11

Bullshit. What happened is a tragedy, but that doesn't mean we have to sit back and censor ourselves from here to oblivion. They're still playing Fight Club and Swordfish on network television.

Next, you'll be telling me HL2 is incensitive to jews because of the similarities to Nazi opression in WW2.
Don't attack Elf Boy about it - what he said is true. The game would get a lot of negative publicity due to that.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Don't attack Elf Boy about it - what he said is true. The game would get a lot of negative publicity due to that.
Which is kinda over sensitive. What about LOTR: THE TALE OF TWO FREAKIN' TOWERS!!!??? That didn't bother them did it?
AJ Rimmer said:
Which is kinda over sensitive. What about LOTR: THE TALE OF TWO FREAKIN' TOWERS!!!??? That didn't bother them did it?

Yes it did. A lot of people wanted the name changed.
Feath said:
Yes it did. A lot of people wanted the name changed.

A lot of people are too damned soft....

Anyway, when Hedy Lamarr was teleported with you, it ended up in some kind of desert, with crows and what I saw in the distance was a destroyed building possibly a bridge. Is it possible this is the future or perhaps the place that you end up at.