Horror movie recommendations?

Apr 25, 2004
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Since I just saw David Cronenberg's The Fly, I don't think I've ever seen anything more terrifying and disturbing. I saw the original before, but it didn't have much of an impact on me like the remake did. What an amazing movie.

It be cool to hear some recommendations on what horror movies you guys consider to be really terrifying and disturbing.
Here's my own personal list of favorites.

Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th Part 1 & 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Thing(right up there with The Fly with disturbing shit)
Hellraiser(if you thought The Fly was disturbing, then you'll love this shit)
The Shining
Eden Lake
Ju-On: The Grudge(not the shitty remake)
The Ring(liked it more than the Japanese version, really.)
The Exorcist
The Hills Have Eyes
Night of the Living Dead(I prefer the original one from the 60s but the 90s remake wasn't too bad either)
The Last House on the Left(remake was better, really)

All of those pretty much creeped me out and terrified me the first time I saw them.
edit: Holy shit, I think I got a little carried away.
The Fly is a great goddamn movie.

The only horror movie that I've really enjoyed is "The Host". It's a Korean film with amazing acting and it completely destroys every "rule" that American horror films seem to follow. It's wonderful.
Oh shit, I've been meaning to watch that I just forgot what it was called.
I don't like horror films in general (they tend to bore me) but I thought the Ring and 1408 were very good. Don't watch the Ring 2. It's utter garbage. It's very strange in that the ten minute short film that came with it on the DVD was a better film than it.

If you count zombie films as well then 28 Days Later is a great film and Night of the Living Dead is quite good too (both versions are good but different enough from each other to warrant watching both).
The Fly is a great goddamn movie.

The only horror movie that I've really enjoyed is "The Host". It's a Korean film with amazing acting and it completely destroys every "rule" that American horror films seem to follow. It's wonderful.

But, is it really a horror movie? In my opinion it's more a sci-fi thriller, not a horror movie.

Oh, and Lucid, about that list... with the exception of The Thing, I think all the others a garbage. I've recently rewatched the first Halloween, and Friday the 13th, and I find them hilariously bad.

And Riomhaire, yeah I liked 1408 too. Although I consider it a horror/comedy given scenes like the one with the fridge.
Well, time isn't usually kind to the slashers of old, I'd still consider them required viewing just for the fact that they're classics.

Though, I believe Nightmare on Elm Street has stood the test of time surprisingly well as it still gives me the creeps to this day.
The theme song helps too.


Also, people actually liked 1408? It just seemed more like a cluster**** of aneursym inducing scenes to me.
I don't consider the Fly a true horror movie, its a tragic love story with elements of horror & Sci-fi in it.

I highly recommend the thing, also.

Lucid, which Hill have eyes do you recommend? the original or the 2006 rape movie?

I recommend In The Mouth of Madness, good film


Screamers; starring Peter weller.


Leviathan 1989; also starring Peter weller.

Jacob's Ladder. Not horror, but ****ing creepy, and easily up there with The Fly and The Thing (but better!)
Leviathan cheesy dialogue said:
It absorbes it's victim's inteligence

Wait... is Leviathan some sort of underwater version of the thing?
Yes, pretty much.

Not as good as the thing, but good b-movie, more of a poor mans abyss
I actually haven't seen the original The Hills Have Eyes yet, I keep meaning to though.
I didn't think the remake was too bad though, you just have to stay away from the craptacular sequel.
Yep, same here.

My sister got a "twin pack" from a black market provider, i watched 5 mins of it before i had to turn it off, its pretty bad
Just to clear that up.

The remake doesn't actually have any rape in it, it very nearly happens though.
Also, I was responding to his post after watching the review.

But, if you wish to join us as we scour the alley ways of the world for unsuspecting women then by all means you're welcome to do so.

and my favorite quote here


Just to clear that up.

The remake doesn't actually have any rape in it, it very nearly happens though.
Also, I was responding to his post after watching the review.

But, if you wish to join us as we scour the alley ways of the world for unsuspecting women then by all means you're welcome to do so.

Make sure you wear condoms, all we need is our DNA in the cops hands... :p
Tale of Two Sisters. Very slow to build, more of a psychological horror, but christ it is creepy.
I prefer more thriller/horror types mainly. Rosemary's Baby, Don't Look Now style.
The only horror movie that I've really enjoyed is "The Host". It's a Korean film with amazing acting and it completely destroys every "rule" that American horror films seem to follow. It's wonderful.

Ha, I watched that movie on a whim one day. Just rented it because I was bored and the cover made it look interesting (at least, moreso than the other movies I was looking at) and it was awesome. Its certainly not a scary movie at all though, and thus I don't think it really classifies as a horror movie. In fact, at first I thought it was supposed to be a comedy.
It is a comedy, no?

Good movie and very funny regardless.
I'd recommend Session 9 if you enjoyed The Fly. I've seen alot of horror movies in my lifetime, and frankly, I think they've gotten worse throughout the years. But Session 9 stands out as one of the most disturbing films in my book. Just don't expect jump scares or gore at every corner, because there are none. This movie is solely based on atmosphere.

Jacob's Ladder is also a really disturbing movie that heavily relies on atmosphere rather than blood, gore, nudity or whatever youngters prefer these days.
REC. Is a great movie, well worth watching.
I'd recommend Session 9 if you enjoyed The Fly. I've seen alot of horror movies in my lifetime, and frankly, I think they've gotten worse throughout the years. But Session 9 stands out as one of the most disturbing films in my book. Just don't expect jump scares or gore at every corner, because there are none. This movie is solely based on atmosphere.

Jacob's Ladder is also a really disturbing movie that heavily relies on atmosphere rather than blood, gore, nudity or whatever youngters prefer these days.

Ah, yeah.
Totally forgot about Session 9.

Would've recommended it too, it unnerved the hell out of me to the point that I couldn't really move from the couch for a couple of minutes by the time the credits rolled around.
I don't consider the Fly a true horror movie, its a tragic love story with elements of horror & Sci-fi in it.

Wait, you're actually trying to pin down a genre and keep it there? News for you: there is no "true horror movie".