How big is Aperture Science?


Jul 9, 2013
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Not sure how accurate it is, but I found this poster showing how tall the original sphere test complex was. I wonder how big the newer testing complex is.


Pretty cool, although this still isn't all that accurate. Aperture clear extends well below the bottom enrichment sphere, and the modern Enrichment center is located extremely high above the top sphere. Then you have to consider that areas located high in the complex (the central AI chamber, etc) are still a few hundred feet below the surface.

I didn't know Apeture Science was that big...

And according to Omnomnick, Apeture is even bigger than shown on the poster.
I didn't know Apeture Science was that big...

It was built into an old salt mine, which explains why it expands miles down into the Earth's crust. "Modern" Aperture is merely "the top layer" as Wheatley puts it.
It's of a moderate size and scale.
Aperture Science isn't a ship.

It had a ship in it, though.
Aperture Science isn't a ship.

It had a ship in it, though.

>Off Topic> can you imagine if the whole portal and teleportation technology failed.....They would just have a large heavy ship at the bottom of a massive mineshaft.....They'd be like
"....Well f***..."
Actually now that I think about it....Did they build the ship after the portal technology or before?
Not sure how accurate it is, but I found this poster showing how tall the original sphere test complex was. I wonder how big the newer testing complex is.



Also another thing to take into consideration that even if this poster is completely accurate, It's depth is not that super crazy impressive. Lets remember here that deepest hole in the world that men have actually dug is about 13,000 ft. (or for nick and the rest about 4000 meters) Now once you consider it's width and stuff, yeah that's pretty big
>Off Topic> can you imagine if the whole portal and teleportation technology failed.....They would just have a large heavy ship at the bottom of a massive mineshaft.....They'd be like
"....Well f***..."
Actually now that I think about it....Did they build the ship after the portal technology or before?

On the timeline of Half Life and Portal universe it says the project got approved in 1981(the Portal project), and you can find the Borealis dry dock in the 1970's section of the Portal 2 game, so I assume they already knew what they were aiming to do with the ship, but I think they built it before the Portals.
On the timeline of Half Life and Portal universe it says the project got approved in 1981(the Portal project).

I don't think so... Didn't they invent portals to get in and out of your shower in the 50's or 60's?
that info may or may not be canon anymore

....Wait....what?.....How does something that happens in a videogame in a videogame-canon-based universe may or may-not be canon?
In the 50's and 60's testing spheres:
- There's a picture of of a stickman holding a portaling device the size of a hovercraft on its back
- Testing chambers that require a portaling device to complete
- And I think Cave johnson even mentions it or something