How long after Black Mesa was the seven hour war?



Does anyone know, and if so what is the source? Did it happen right after or did the portal storms continue for some time before it happened? Thanks...
Suspect is some time after the Portal Storms...I mean, Alyx is an infant in the photo from Black Mesa, and the story is the Combine have been in control for about 10 years, yet Alyx looks to be much older than a pre-teen.
Timeline is Black Mesa -> BMRF Nuked -> Portal Storms -> Combine, before long = Seven Hour War
By "some time" and "before long" are we talking like days, months or years?

If Alyx was an infant at black mesa, and the Combine were in control for about 10 years, then it would seem to be years, but my impression was that the Combine have been in control for more like 15 years.
The problem is the number of years change based on who you talk Raising Bar, the original story had Eli telling you it was 10 years...other people have said 15 or 20 years...
Timeline is Black Mesa -> BMRF Nuked -> Portal Storms -> Combine, before long = Seven Hour War

I need to get one thing straight. Is the nukage of BMRF truely part of the story?! I keep hearing mixed opinions. I have heard that Marc Laidlaw said specifically that OP4 and BS were canon because he didn't write it.
I think like any good writer he's not wanting to close off plot options unnecessarily. If there ever comes a time when the subject needs revisiting in game then we'll know.
Even Samon considers it canon, and he despises Op4...
I need to get one thing straight. Is the nukage of BMRF truely part of the story?! I keep hearing mixed opinions. I have heard that Marc Laidlaw said specifically that OP4 and BS were canon because he didn't write it.

I'm fairly sure that it's canon.
is there any official word from VALVe that BS and OP4 are cannon?
Opposing Force and Blue Shift have limited canon--that is, you may consider them canonical ONLY until they contradict with something Valve themselves write. This is why Barney from Blue Shift is simultaneously Barney Calhoun and NOT Barney Calhoun, because certain things are contradictory to the Half-Life main story Valve has set up in newer titles. So you can consider everything in those games to be fact, until something overlaps, at which point you take Valve's word on it over Gearbox's.

As for the nuke, Laidlaw wrote that himself, the reason being so that the player couldn't go back to Black Mesa. The story could never return there. That being said, I could swear I've heard something about a possible return to BMRF in the future, but maybe I'm imagining things.
I'd personally love to go back to BMRF, even if just briefly.
Who knows, the Black Mesa Crater can be a random destination for the next G-Man trip-out sequence. :D
I've always wondered whether the vaguery about the Portal Storms period is an indication that Valve may want to expand on the period it covers. With the world's populations forced into the cities and Humanity making its actual first contact, you could set some quite interesting stories there. I think of it as an extended period where humanity learns to adapt to a world that will never be the same again... only for a second kick in the balls a year or two down the line when the Combine make a house call.
Yeah, I've posted long treatises about that.

The thousands of refugees fleeing from unending hordes from the outer planes, the integration of vorts into society, the scientific research into the new Xenbeings, the military response to contain the cities, the adaptation of existing infrastructure against xenbeing assault (I'm thinking armoured trains, bay-bee, instead of armoured convoys)... it's all very nice.
I can't think of a point in the game when it would be appropriate to be handed a synopsis of the timeline between HL1 & 2.
Hey Dr Freeman, welcomg to Portal Storms 101.
It's probably left uncertain so that Valve can come back and make up specifics about it later on, if they feel so inclined, without having to worry as much about contradicting what they've already done.
Me too.

And Ridge, the official timespan between the BM incident and HL2 is about 20 years.
My guess would be around 15/18 years from black mesa to gordon arrives in city 17..

First i heard a decade, then alittle under two decades.
Fits for me then, so ill stick to that unless valve says something else=]

Sorry i mis-read your original question, how long after bm the 7 hours war was.
If i only knew.
The Combine invaded not more than a few weeks after Nihilanth was killed.
Even less.
The trouble with stating such things as if they are fact is that you fail to point anywhere or cite anything that may lend weighted cubes to your assertion.
I whould say Alyx where about 7-12 years old at RC.
First that she seemed to had a crush on Gordon when he worked there, second that she seems to have some recognition about her mother.
I whould say Alyx where about 7-12 years old at RC.
First that she seemed to had a crush on Gordon when he worked there, second that she seems to have some recognition about her mother.

Alyx wasn't in HL1. Eli didn't even exist, he was added in later.
And how could a 7 year old have a crush. Thats way to young to develop sexual stuff.
Alyx wasn't in HL1. Eli didn't even exist, he was added in later.
And how could a 7 year old have a crush. Thats way to young to develop sexual stuff.
Well, eli kinda did exist. Just not exactly as we know him now.

Alyx was in bm, even though not in the game itself.

A 7 year old can get crush on somebody, it dosent have to be sexual at all. In that case he would have refered to it as, she got turned on by him.

Let's not even go there=/
Alyx wasn't in HL1. Eli didn't even exist, he was added in later.
And how could a 7 year old have a crush. Thats way to young to develop sexual stuff.

Uhm... right.

Well, eli kinda did exist. Just not exactly as we know him now.

Alyx was in bm, even though not in the game itself.

A 7 year old can get crush on somebody, it dosent have to be sexual at all. In that case he would have refered to it as, she got turned on by him.

Let's not even go there=/

Alyx definitely had a crush on Gordon back at Black Mesa.
"You worked with my father back in Black Mesa, I'm sure you don't remember me though...:eek: *fixes hair*"

And a crush does not have to be sexual.
4Eli didn't even exist, he was added in later.
What are you talking about, Eli was the black scientist in HL1 (or more specifially, the one right before Gordon gets his crowbar.

Even if the nuke is canon, it doesn't mean that the entire facility was been destroyed. Remember, the thing was massive. If the nuke was detonated on the surface, some of the lower sections could've survived.
I don't think the carrying her out comment is to be taken literately.
I agree, and even if he did carry her out from there, wouldt proove her age at all.

If i had a son/daughter between 7 and 12, and that thing happend to me. I would grab my child and carry him/her out without a doubt.

Let me just bring some *useless" facts.

You've seen the picture of eli, alyx and her mom right? Notice that he dosent really look younger, except that his hair has gotten abit more grey.
Also mossman, how old would you set her to be? in her 40's maybe? I might be wrong, but i do not expect eli to be older then late 50's early 60's.

And he has probably been somewere close to his middle 40's during the bm incident.

Feel free to disagree, but until i got clear facts that im wrong, or valve prooves me wrong. Ill stick with this.

Remember, almost 2 decades! That is somewere on the plus side of 15 years.
so it could be anything from that to 20 years. My guess is that it is happening 16 to 18 years after.
Well, eli vance and gordon aer 2 different persons im afraid..

Did i type gordon somewere, instead of eli?

Edit; nope, i didnt even mention gordon.
oh lol i didnt even read your full post sorry bout that :eek:
What are you talking about, Eli was the black scientist in HL1 (or more specifially, the one right before Gordon gets his crowbar.

I meant when HL1 was orignally made - they had no plans for eli, or the combine or anything. He was added later :cheese:
When it comes to talking about the timeline, it still absolutely baffles me that nobody mentions the fact that Gordon looks NO DIFFERENT almost 20 years later!

EDIT: I mean nobody in game mentions it >.>