how to get blue manipulator before our benefactor ??

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I want to replay the whole game with that weapon, what code do i type in console ??
ARgh, do a search for "blue gravity gun' or "blue manipulator" or "physcannon"... this question has been asked/answered a million times :p
Newbie's Journey said:
I want to replay the whole game with that weapon, what code do i type in console ??
search is ur friend n00b, now go forth, into the forums...
since when does postcount have anything to do with anything?
StainlessJ-FPGA said:
Which is funny since he has more posts than both of you combined.
quality > quantity

>SELECT * FROM StainlessJ-FPGA WHERE common_sense > 0
0 rows returned
time to learn how to search, and to learn when to search.