How to make a bong?

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Nov 1, 2004
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I want to learn how to make my own bong, ive been searching around a bit on the net and found some tutorials but they all suck and doesnt describe it in detail! So now im asking my fellow hl2.netters to help me construct my first bong. Can you explain step by step and how the bong itself works? Doesnt depend what kind of bong it is, as long as it works!

1. Google 'How to make bong'
2. Learn how to make one
3. Stop posting how to make one on
Can you explain step by step and how the bong itself works? the bong works?
Well, begin by inhaling. I hope you can surmise the rest of the procedure from there.
Here's how to make one out of a glass flask:

1. Grasp the long part firmly in your hand, upside down.
2. Smash it against a table.
3. Stab yourself with it.
I'll assume you're going to be using it to smoke legal tobacco ;)

Basically, it works similarly to a very large cigarette. The burnable substance is put in a bowl, which is connected via a narrow tube to the bottom of the main bong chamber. This tube is put in at an angle, and the bottom of the main chamber is filled with water, so that the smoke is pulled through the small tube and then through the water (I believe this is supposed to "catch" the smoke particles while leaving the uh "nicotine" unaffected). The smoke bubbles up into the main bong chamber. Then you breathe it in :D

Making your own bong isn't incredibly difficult, unless you want to make a good one.
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... but check your PMs.
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