How to make HL2 MP better.

iluyshin said:
true dougy, I have seen on many forums DM fans complaining.

It well be patched in time, but maybe they should have waited a while before releasing such a buggy mp.
Why wait? Its free and its playable now. By releasing it now they essentially have thousands of beta testers and it won't slow them down in the slightest when it comes to updating it.

I would rather be able to play it now than later. Plus if they waited too long then alot of those DM mods people were designing would be further along and it would piss off alot of people.
Ah very true Mullinator, good point.

I have to agree with you there.
I like it how it is, just needs a little tweaking with less physics objects in the maps.

Other than that, it's fine.

And those who say there's no skill involved, I challenge you to take on the already-forming elite :p
We ain't taking about the DM gametype, But adding other gametypes to it.
Yes, adding other gametypes is pointless, and a job for mods.

I'm saying this is 'HL2DM' not 'HL2mixedobjectivesandteamplay'.

HL2's multiplayer is CS:S in those terms. CS:S is made to cater to the people who want slower gameplay and teamplay.
ComradeBadger said:
Yes, adding other gametypes is pointless, and a job for mods.

I'm saying this is 'HL2DM' not 'HL2mixedobjectivesandteamplay'.

HL2's multiplayer is CS:S in those terms. CS:S is made to cater to the people who want slower gameplay and teamplay.

If they add a objective and CTF mode more people would like the mp, so why not add it? You can still do HL2DM.

Btw the game needs a filter to filter out dm and tdm servers.
the ultimate:

combine vs resistance

you have a few different classes....not as many as tfc...or you get to choose what kind of soldier you want a la Day of Defeat. maybe 3 different choices:

eg, Rocket Soldier,sniper and infantry

then you add vehicles such as the buggy for the resistance and armored car for combine....

then you get some kick ass maps together with some objectives - hold the fort, CTF, terriotorial control, assault etc etc

voila - best MP game ever.
I just want a viable TDM form where you can actually see which servers are running it. I havent been able to find a server on the East Coast running it yet :( . From what I hear, they need to fix the TDM spawning. CoD's TDM was excellent and I hope HL2 can follow in its footsteps on that aspect.
ComradeBadger said:
Yes, adding other gametypes is pointless, and a job for mods.

I'm saying this is 'HL2DM' not 'HL2mixedobjectivesandteamplay'.

HL2's multiplayer is CS:S in those terms. CS:S is made to cater to the people who want slower gameplay and teamplay.

Pointless?? ehh sure.....

HL2 MP is HL2 MP nothing else, I don't want to play CS i want to play a good version of HL2 mp.

I hope they do make a mod but i rather valve did it.
all i know is that i'd like to be able to call in a gunship to ruin the day of those pesky rebels
bassically we are taking about UT2K4 type ASSULT MODES.... I think this could also help add some more context to the story. I mean behind the scenes stuff and not to do with Freeman. Like maybe a situation where the citizens of city 17 attempt to take over a combine stronghold.

Is it just me or would you like to see some new vehicles. eg like tanks that have been made undercover by the resistance and some sort of levitation machine, maybe a jetpack. Can't wait for the mods to come rolling out, it all seems relishing AND I SO BADLY WANT A TASTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting Thread.

Personally i think HL2DM needs a few more weapons.

Get the satchel packs back.
Get the tripmines back.
Get the crowbar back.
Get the yellow gun thing (tachon?)

I think adding those four weapons will make hl2dm alot more fun.

There was nothing like waiting to detonate a satchel pack, or running away from an enemy and then blowing up via a tripmine lol.

Crowbar is there just for a laugh, doesn't neccesary have to be a default weapon, but addable via Hammer.

Regarding teamdeathmatch, yes it would be fun, however don't try and make it CS:S.

Then there's the argument of don't make hl2dm like hldm.

Add the weapons, not as default but placeable via Hammer. That way it depends on the map and isn't really forcing anyone to use it.

Just my 2 cents.
How about a.. CROWBAR! serious, I have been in so many situations, walking against an enemy who was to slow to switch to a better weapon and you where crying for a melee weapon that would anable you to smash his brains to pieces in a couple of wel placed hits

melee weapons are vital to MP games.
because when you don't have any ammo, and only the grav gun, you have the chance to find yourself hugging an enemy with no junk to toss around, so your death is certain.
N@jMuL said:
bassically we are taking about UT2K4 type ASSULT MODES.... I think this could also help add some more context to the story. I mean behind the scenes stuff and not to do with Freeman. Like maybe a situation where the citizens of city 17 attempt to take over a combine stronghold.

Is it just me or would you like to see some new vehicles. eg like tanks that have been made undercover by the resistance and some sort of levitation machine, maybe a jetpack. Can't wait for the mods to come rolling out, it all seems relishing AND I SO BADLY WANT A TASTE!!!!!!!!!!!
You want that, go play UT2004. Please. Just. God.. just add the crowbar and that's it!
You guys essentially want a new game. It's not going to happen for two easy reasons:

1. Valve doesn't want to hurt the mod community.
Everything you've mentioned so far has, in the HL world, traditionally been a job for mods. You can't just add a couple of team spawns and expect a great game, it takes more than that. It's clear that Valve doesn't have the time to do it. Hell, they didn't even want to create HL2DM, only after intense whining from the community did they release it, and rushed it was.

2. Valve doesn't want to hurt TF2

That's the reason why I'm 100% sure it's not going to happen. Everything you've mentioned is really what TF2 will be all about. TF2 will cost money. Releasing a team based gamemode for HL2 will take away from TF2 sales. And we all know, if Valve knows one thing it's marketing and how to maximize profits.
it seems too much like Counter-Strike and Team Fortress combined...
Keep mission objectives for cs, in dm the only objective is to be at the top of the scoreboard. End of.

Q3 style gameplay is what I'd like to see more of. Allways run on and none of this ghey autoswitch bs.
base it like CoD, thats a great game.
used to love it in 2003 before i realised Cs. lol
just never gone back into cod since then, because of all the new updates, i used to be goodat non-scope rifle in cod. :D

but mainly id like bigger levels with buggys, helicopters, drivable strider :p, and a class system. like the person with the highest rank on the server goes the white combine with the red eye .. or something .(obviously if they are on the combine team :dozey: )
The Mullinator said:
If you think the ideas posted here are too much like Counter-Strike then I don't think there are any FPS DM games that have ever been created that won't sound too much like Counter-Strike to you.

No, everything -you've- ever played is similar to counter-strike because you don't play anything that doesn't resemble it in one form or another.

These ideas are generally not meant for DM. If you really don't like it, don't play it. I don't mean to put down your ideas, but they don't really belong. You'll be getting too many complaints from people who actually do like DM.

Just remember, while you may not stand alone in your ideas, the game was made with two purposes. To play it and to modify it. Choose one and don't complain.
I agree that more objectives needed to be made, but at the moment they are possible with the curent game chech out the map ctf_export_final2.

And by no means make you wait after you die. That ruins CS for me, it makes it more about stealth, then killing.

Also an Armored car vs a buggy, the car would own because its armored and the driver could not be shot, which means when someone got in it, they would stay in it for the rest of the game.
Objective gameplay, yes.

Slow down gameply, DEFINITELY NOT. That's why I love HL2DM, it plays fast. The reason i HATE counter-strike is because it's so sloooowww. It drains it out of you. HL2DM is great for quick action. Adding objective team-oriented play would enhance this. I don't believe slowing it down is the right move.
I don't understand why people think it is slow, I mean, you walk slow enough as it is. and it is not like bunny hoping is involved in this game or anything.

seems pretty well paced to me. In fact I think that it could use some speeding up :)
Thadius Dean said:
I don't understand why people think it is slow, I mean, you walk slow enough as it is. and it is not like bunny hoping is involved in this game or anything.

seems pretty well paced to me. In fact I think that it could use some speeding up :)

I think you contradict yourself. You say its not slow, yet you think it needs to be sped up. Maybe I misunderstood you but this seems like opposites.
take the speed lim off. i wanna see people running around like banshees and learning trick jumps.
iluyshin said:
Ok some people like DM, lots of running about at stupid speeds blasting everything in sight, fair enough.

But i am not one of them and here are my ideas to improve hl2 mp a lot.

These ideas are for TDM and i hope an objective type game play mode.

New game play modes:

Add an objective based game play, like the rebels have to blow something up or rescue a hostage. (You could have it like on the level nova prospect you must break out a scientist from a part of the prison. On another level you must blow up a generator to shut off a force field or something along those lines. I feel when you have an objective to achieve it makes team games so much more fun and far more intense.
You could have multiple objectives like:

1.) Blow up or shutdown the force field blocking area XXXX
2.) After gaining access to area XXXX blow this up or rescue this person etc.

In game changes:

First of all slow the game down and remove sprint, It is way to fast at the moment and makes the game just look silly and plays awful, Slow it down to the same pace as hl2 SP or say CS and it would make team play part of the game so much better, TDM is about team work but you can do almost none at moment as its so fast and random spawning.

Remove Gravity GUN from objective if it ever happens. I am all for picking stuff and a throwing it at people but on the whole it slows down the game greatly. And wouldn’t work well in objective mode.

In TDM make it so the combine all spawn at one area and rebels at another, It would make the game feel so much better to be fighting side by side with another rebel or combine and moving together and having them awesome fire fights.

I am sure many people will agree it would make the game so much more fun to move with a unit of your side than on your own.

Limit models for maps, ok some people will disagree a lot but i would prefer if you had a map like Nova prospect and that all combine players have the same uniform, I feel it would just add a extra layer of coolness to the game and add another level of team feeling to it. It will make people feel they are battling in Nova prospect not just a load of random combine’s troops with many uniforms.

Class selections.

I am personally not sure about this but it could be a good idea. Have a class selection screen or weapon combinations screen where you can select say 1 main gun a 2nd gun or say a manhack or rollermine or sentry gun depending on what side you are on, Just an idea.

The maps are fine for DM just big circles but for TDM and Objective mode they need more shape to them, Take a look at call of duty maps like dawnville, great design for a map there.

Maybe for TDM once you die that’s it you must wait for the round to end but i think that is best suited for an objective type game play.

These are my ideas, I know some people will flame. Go ahead.

What do you think?


your ideas suck. hl2dm isnt that great, but it would suck even more if it was slower. yeah removing the grav gun would be good.. help dissapate some of the nonsense.

best bet for everyone, is to wait for adrenalinegamer2. its being coded by the actual players, so it wont be a pos. and they good @ what they do :)
yeah, remove the grav gun. While we're at it, remove the rest of the HL2 weapons, and put the ones from HL in instead. Then make it faster.

Or, you could just go and play HLDM.

This is HL2DM. Irrespective of whether you think it sucks or not, this is how it is. It's not a sequel to HLDM, it's the multiplayer mode of HL2. Major difference.
Pi Mu Rho said:
yeah, remove the grav gun. While we're at it, remove the rest of the HL2 weapons, and put the ones from HL in instead. Then make it faster.

Or, you could just go and play HLDM.

This is HL2DM. Irrespective of whether you think it sucks or not, this is how it is. It's not a sequel to HLDM, it's the multiplayer mode of HL2. Major difference.

Agreed, however like i said in the earlier post, to improve hl2dm, it needs more weapons. Which valve have already taken on board, which is great.
Lotsof people are complaining about the gravgun.

It's one of those weapons that seems more powerfull than it actualy is, you can not run when holding somthing, your vision is pbstructed, the projectiles arent too hard to dodge (discluding some larger ones att closer ranges) and you have your own to catch and throw back the object.

anyways, what do i think the game needs? it can be summed up in 3 letters.

Gdawg!!-! said:
take the speed lim off. i wanna see people running around like banshees and learning trick jumps.
each individual server can do that, why dont you make one like that, I think it would be awesome
no grav gun! no chance. Nothing more satisfying than smacking someone in the face with a radiator. Or with a crate for a laugh.

Unlimited aux would be good. So would ctf.. I mean they've got that brass football level, surprised it hasnt been done..
If there was unlimited aux, it would have to be slowed down a bit. Otherwise things would get just a bit too crazy.
no my friend, crazy is good, speed is good, which in the end seperates the boys from the men
Nah, unlimeted aux would kill strategy and balance, suddenly the grav gun would be useless becasues everyone would be running around like rabbits on steroids except for those with the grav.
you will learn to get good with using the grav gun at extreme speeds,
No, my point is you cant sprint with the grav so others could just run away.

Other than that, crossbow bolts would need to be sped up to fix balance, hitscan weapons might need to do less damage, etc.

Speeding up the game is one thing, speeding up only the players movement is a total other.
i think we should speed up only the players, the weapons are powerfull in this gay, and i really dont think there going to turn them down. so if u add a little player speed we could add a little balance to the game.
and remember not everyone can run around with skills if theres more speed, theres a skill to moving with speed all on its own.