how to meet the ichathysaur! (sp?)(without cheating!)


Nov 23, 2004
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remember in the beginning when the teleport malfunctions and you end up in the ocean and there is a horrible looking monster coming towards you? well, that thing isnt only in that teleporter sequence!
if you want to meet him, follow these directions:
1. open up highway 17
2. jump off cliff into water (or drive off)
3. you will die, but you will hear some really horrible sounds while you die (i always assumed it was an ichathysaur (sp?) eating me, if someone knows differently please share)
4. hope to god you had a save point :E

i thought i would share this--i thought it was another really interesting tidbit that makes HL2 the best game ever.
Leeches? Whenever theres an ichthyosaur you can see it
When you wander too far into the ocean in the coast level you get eaten alive by little white leech/fish things. It's probably those.
dangit--i thought it was a big monster! Gordan Freeman is too tought to be eaten by little leeches! It must be a gigantic sea-monster!
someone (Gabe or Doug, don't remember at the moment), when asked about leaving open water in the levels (as we can see in Highway 17) and a problem when gamer wants to swim as far as he can and possible but lame 'invisible wall' solution, said that there's allways an ichtyosaur.
so it might actually be one.

tbh I wish it is. I kinda miss some monsters from HL1

EDIT: gotta check this out and see those little leechy things...
that would proove there's no ichtyosaur in HL2 (besides the one at the beginning) ;(
when i went into the water i didnt see ANYTHING! just a lot of soudns that still give me nightmares. (j/k bout the nightmare part btw)
I just posted in a nother thread that I have been eaten by the little white worms that were in HL. except in HL2 they rape you extremely fast. remember when you have to bash in that crate that is on the generator to remove the water in that room (super descritive) before ?on a rail? it's those. I think they are also in the water right before you get the crossbow (the little white worms that is)
In the leak, there was an Ichty in the water when you went out too far. Scared the crap out of me, it was a fast ****er. It's just leeches now, though.
I spawned an Ichty, to see what animations it has...the best it does it lash for you when you get to close...but the model is great though :D
Samon said:
I spawned an Ichty, to see what animations it has...the best it does it lash for you when you get to close...but the model is great though :D

How do you spawn it?

And btw, if you use godmode and go for a swim, maybe the Ichty will appear when you're far enough out?