How to set Hammer up? (help me plees)



I wanna make maps for css (before i made maps for cs 1.5 in worldcraft) but need help to set up hammer to work

sorry for my bad english but im a danish dude :LOL:
Bernie said:
I wanna make maps for css (before i made maps for cs 1.5 in worldcraft) but need help to set up hammer to work

sorry for my bad english but im a danish dude :LOL:
If its been installed correctly it should set itself up automatically.. if not then check out the VERC documentation on how to setup things properly
just copy the map to the cs source folder after you have made it, I made a nice little batch to do this for me, you could also change the default directory to place maps in for each hammer setup.

check the output of the console when you compile the map, you may have an error which is stopping rad from running.

To run hl2 in a window, go to the display options ingame.