Human Error


Pi Mu Rho's Worstest Enemy
Mar 9, 2006
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Some chose to resist, others chose to collaborate; to yield to the Combine and enforce their rule and will. One such body is the Civil Protection unit, an arm of the Overwatch that maintains order in the Cities. In Human Error, become part of a small Civil Protection team that is pitted against the remains of the Xenian forces, who are making a last ditch effort to escape Earth. Utilize a variety of new tools such as controllable manhacks, and use new vehicles such as the APC.

This Is Noah
Note that we have hired a new voice actor for Noah

2008 Teaser

Lookin' really good, Heppa.

Did you fix out the control scheme with the APC? It always felt a little rough.
Pretty sure I have, that was long time ago.
It was pretty damn cool though, even in that state.
We are slowly starting to send Human Error to playtesters, as the only things missing are the few lines by one our actors, and the music. I have started the Super Secret Beta Testing Blog to give updates about the progress of bug finding and fixing as well as the general development of the mod, as we are closing in to release. Right now we are hoping for a January 2010 release, even if it requires going into the crunch mode.

Human Error is ready, and we're releasing it on either Sunday or Monday, depending on whether or not we are satisfied with the pineapple model. It's taken us two years, but we've finally wrapped up our debut 'short story'. We sincerely hope you do not dislike it intensely and that you actually like it a great deal.

Give us a shout if you're interested in helping us host it on release - we'd appreciate it. In order to mark this occasion, we're unveiling This Is Larson. The video should hopefully give you a good idea of what to expect from Human Error. It’s available on youtube and moddb.

Thanks to Jonathan Lewis for making the music, and Phillip Marlowe, who voices Larson, for agreeing to do the vocals. We hope to have many more absurd things for him to do in the future. You can read more about Larson here.
Awesome! Congratulations for finally making it to the end of what I'm sure was a hideous, Samon-tainted development process.
Hooray! Too bad I'm not on my gaming PC.. I'll play it as soon as I can, though!
I've played quite a bit, and I like what I see!

I love the controlling manhacks feature - and I'm impressed by the overall quality, and I haven't come across a bug once!

Good job! :)
I played the first part of it and it was very good, until I got stuck in a very lame way: A helicopter crashed on a supply car where I happened to be inside of.(it blocked the exit)

Gonna finish the game soon.