Human Pachinko


May 14, 2003
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Anyone see the show MXC on TNN? It's a Japanese Gameshow done Mystery Science Theater Style, with American dubbing giving some really funny commentary. Well, on this show they had an event where a person was put into a ball and then thrown down a large hill shaped like a pachinko machine. If anyone saw this, was anyone else thinking of making this level in half-life 2? That would be so freakin' fun, lol.
Hahah yeah that show is pretty funny sometimes, havent seen the episode in question tho.
I think it would be awesome to make a pachinko machine on a giant wall. Have a very narrow ledge on the top, and put a bunch of scientists up there. You get a sniper rifle, zoom in, snipe the guy, and watch him fall. Then on the bottom, have a huge physics-based chain reaction that would eventually lead to the death of a Combine soldier.

And yeah, I've seen that show, it's hilarious sometimes.
I dont know if this is happening to anyone else, but my sig doesnt seem to be appearing. Anyone know why?
Edit: It seems when I quote someone, that is the only time it appears.
Originally posted by stigmata
I think it would be awesome to make a pachinko machine on a giant wall. Have a very narrow ledge on the top, and put a bunch of scientists up there. You get a sniper rifle, zoom in, snipe the guy, and watch him fall. Then on the bottom, have a huge physics-based chain reaction that would eventually lead to the death of a Combine soldier.

And yeah, I've seen that show, it's hilarious sometimes.
Yeah, after i beat singleplayer ima make alot of physics tests like that, so much new stuff you can doo. o man i cant wait.
OH! *lightbulb appears over head* I just got an idea! Someone should make a Half-Life 2: Race mod, and one of the maps is a sort of maze of pachinko rods, each player gets a scientist to shoot at the "Go!" sound, and whoever's scientist makes it down first wins. :E
haha. I can imagine so many corny mods, such as bowling. LOL, BOWLING WITH GUNS! Oh the hours of fun :)
How about "Half-Life 2: The Combine-Bowling League"? You use the Manipulator to fire off a Combine and knock down as many pins as you can! Winner gets to bowl the Combine down the alley into more Combine in place of the pins!!!
hahaha. Man, I can already picture how much fun maps with names like mp_rats will be. The interaction will make the map fun for so long.
Anyone please tell me!

What the hell is a pachinko machine???
I assume it's like the barrel drop-course in the HL2 tech demo, where he shoots a support and the barrels trickle down the metal slats.
A Pachinko machine is exactly what's on the demo (cause Gabe says it :S) If your still not sure, think of the Price is Right. I think it was called a Plinko machine there. Come on downnnnnn! But on the tv show MXC, it was at a slant and the people were in these plastic balls. It was so freakin' funny. I'll try to find a picture.

Edit: Ok, I couldn't find a picture of the human pachinko, but I did find pics of the show.
that will be owesome if someone makes a mod for hl2 with humans on a platform. then you can destroy it and watch them fall through it.
i thought you were on about takeshi's castle, its on challenge TV in the UK
It's the same thing, but with funny dubbing over here. That's what the show really is, Takeshi's Castle.
Ive only seen that show once, and there were these two hot chicks eating a sub sandwich then they kissed when they got to the middle! wow!
I've only seen the episode where the chick got hit in the head with a soccer ball. Funny. :laugh: :laugh: