:bounce: I was jumping all day finding an unique idea. That dificult so i had to drop the idea and make another.
WHO IS ON TO MAKE A Starship Troopers Mod ? Well go through the movie a couppel of times and make the weapons and alot more... Then there is another Problem... Alien (Sorry toi say t but aliens sux... want aliens go play AVP) So what we need is 2 fighting eachother ... then there is the 1337 counter-strike problem it is gonna be some LAMAH shit with 2 teams storming eachother... Well help me out and lets make an unique mod... or something.
Monkeh ... :cheers:
WHO IS ON TO MAKE A Starship Troopers Mod ? Well go through the movie a couppel of times and make the weapons and alot more... Then there is another Problem... Alien (Sorry toi say t but aliens sux... want aliens go play AVP) So what we need is 2 fighting eachother ... then there is the 1337 counter-strike problem it is gonna be some LAMAH shit with 2 teams storming eachother... Well help me out and lets make an unique mod... or something.
Monkeh ... :cheers: