I found something(Second Test Solved?)

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The thing that blows my mind is the level of detail, almost to a photorealistic level, that goes into the HL2 concept art, I don't think I have seen any other game concept art that is as good or better.
check the pc gamer magazine, or maybe look for the background picture that has the gman pic on top of it in the preload files.
mirageacg said:
The thing that blows my mind is the level of detail, almost to a photorealistic level, that goes into the HL2 concept art, I don't think I have seen any other game concept art that is as good or better.

Well, they did hire Dhabih Eng, one of the most talented digital artists in the entire world. You might as well use him for something.
anybody else curious about gatts?
he joined today, and his 1st post was the UN/PW.
looks like Valve is priming the pump - prodding us into action with a give-away.
this is only the start of the tests...
is the picture of the gman from the first video (where all the matrix styled code appears?)

and wasnt there supposed to be a puzzle/riddle hidden in that also?

http://www.half-life2.com/secret/secondtest/entry.php that makes you think theres more

What is Alex's last name and spelling. there might be hints overlooked involving Alex and the bird/robin ascii art.

or maybe the question is whats the gmans name and not what the picture is.
umm well im just some shmoe who lives in canada mate, nothing special about me or to think of me.
i was reading all this stuff about the tests, i dint have an account here, but i was then looking at pics in the media site and stumbled onto that pic, and thought it was something good i should post here. so i created the account just before posting it.

theres nothing else to it.
gatts666 said:
umm well im just some shmoe who lives in canada mate, nothing special about me or to think of me.
i was reading all this stuff about the tests, i dint have an account here, but i was then looking at pics in the media site and stumbled onto that pic, and thought it was something good i should post here. so i created the account just before posting it.

theres nothing else to it.

Good job. I can't believe we didn't find that before.
With Fox fire I hear a noise and after 3 key strokes it says "Find stopped" at the bottom. Maybe nothing I dont know.
Intamin said:
Quite clever. However easy this second test might have been doesn't really matter. This is the coolest thing a game developer has done for the community--ever.
ilovebees.com pwns the **** out of this.
gatts666 said:
umm well im just some shmoe who lives in canada mate, nothing special about me or to think of me.
i was reading all this stuff about the tests, i dint have an account here, but i was then looking at pics in the media site and stumbled onto that pic, and thought it was something good i should post here. so i created the account just before posting it.

theres nothing else to it.
a smoe who can pull a password out of thin air

Tell the truth gatts. You're the G-man aren't you?!
sorry kurly im not the G-Man lol, those passwords i posted i found posted from other people, altho i did find the media section. so i tried the passwords that people had but dint know were to input. then i posted my find here and well people figured the rest out.
seinfeldrules said:
Whats the story behind ilovebees.com ?
Similar to these test things, only more planned out, and for Halo 2.
The picture makes a sweet effect if you take the original picture and center it on your desktop (1024x768). It makes it huge, so it cuts off his head and his legs but the logo on his chest just puts itself right on the picture. It looks pretty awesome actually...

EDIT: and it also looks cool in Tiled view. Except the HALF-LIFE 2 logo is cut off half way...
wow people are still talking about that old picture? It must be like a month old
First of all, nice find! We've been trying to hack that gman.jpg for days, and even didn't think of going to that media section.

I saw that barnacle stuff, using that link on the frontpage.
Yet, it seems they disabled that gman appearance in the Media section.
Or maybe I can't find it...

Anyone noticed that too?
BTW, that concept art, was published first in PC Gamer's June 2004 issue...
Well, maybe there is something else you type in for the 2nd test...

There can still be possibilities
Well, it's no ilovebees.com/halo2 type test, but it's cool none the less...

A new screen shot would have been nicer!
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